Educational Challenges in Cape Verde: Navigating the Problems of a Developing Educational System

Written by Joan Vilalta Flo

Cape Verde is a country located 500 kilometers away from the coast of Senegal, Africa. It is an archipelago of ten islands, most of which are inhabited, with most of the population concentrating in the capital Praia. The official language is Portuguese, given that it is a former Portuguese colony that obtained its independence in 1975, many speak Cape-Verdean Creole as their main language. It is a country placed in a challenging geographical setting: its fragmented territory makes the provision of services complicated, it is an area prone to draught and there are few natural resources to benefit from. However, Cape Verde has been praised worldwide for its salient political stability and poverty reduction strategies, which has also enabled improvements in service provision, including that of education.

Children line up in a school in Cape Verde. Photo by Duncan CV in Wikimedia Commons.

The most recent improvements in Cape Verdean education have been made thanks to the 2017-2021 Strategic Education Plan, aiming at accomplishing the 4th SDG of Quality Education, and focused on the following pillars: (i) universal access to pre-primary education for all children aged 4 to 5 years, including those with special needs; (ii) better articulation of pre-primary education with basic education so that all students receive two years of pre-primary education; and (iii) equal access to free universal education up to Grade 8 through the implementation of social action plans for schools, targeting priority groups and providing special education for all.i

Hence, Cape Verde has progressively improved access to primary and secondary education. The schooling rate scored 92.4% in 2021, and the literacy rate reached a 88.5% in 2019, with most over 15-years-old knowing how to read and write.ii Government expenditure on education shifted from 23.3% of the total budget in 2020 to 24.09% in 2021.iii In terms of infrastructure, 97.6% of elementary and secondary schools in Cape Verde have access to water, and 89% are connected to the public electricity grid.The 2017-2021 Strategic Education Plan allowed for the implementation of education enhancement programs such as Education of Excellence, to which some 93.2 million US$ were allocated in 2020; while 6.4 million US$ were allocated to scholarships.iv

The Covid-19 pandemic caused much struggle to the tourism-centered economy of Cape Verde. However, the country was quite timely and effective in managing the crisis and providing vaccination to most of the population.v In the area of education, it also acted promptly. In 2020, Cape Verde received a grant of 750.000$ from the GPE (Global Partnership in Education) which substantially contributed to teacher training in distance teaching, provision of learning material, as well as TV access to remote areas, and sufficient sanitary After the closure of schools, the Ministry of education implemented the “Learning and Studying at Home” program, which enhanced lesson delivery through radio, television and the use of tablets, in view of the fact that 30% to 40% of the families did not have access to such technology. The program also allowed for the extension of the digital television coverage area and improved signal quality.vii Despite all of this, it should be noted that there is currently no evidence of the existence of a comprehensive strategy to adapt to the post-Covid19 context in Cape Verde.

It is worth mentioning that a significant development in Cape Verdean education is the recent ratification of the Convention Against Discrimination in Education by Cape Verde on the 5th of October 2022, which has entered into force on the 5th of January 2023. Although its effective application is yet to be seen, this action alone has fully implemented several recommendations made in the last United Nations Universal Periodic Review session.viii

Despite the previously mentioned developments in the Cape Verdean educational sector, several situations of inequality, discrimination, lack of educational infrastructure and quality education in education have been reported up to this point. These are the problems that the archipelago will need to face and solve in the years to come, and the following sections will outline the main areas that need to be targeted.

Inequalities in Education

Cape Verde currently faces a challenge regarding the hidden costs of education. Although Primary Education and Secondary Education (up to 8th grade) is free and mandatory,ix,there is a range of extra costs, including transportation, meals, or certain school material, that is significant for low-income families. This represents an inequality in access to quality education for poor families.x Moreover, secondary Education and Higher Education (university) remain subject to fees (although authorities have stated the intention to make education free from 9th to 12th grade),xi allowing for inequality based on the economic level of each family. This also intersects with the existing inequality between families who live in rural areas and families that live in urban spaces,xii where the former have less access due to general lower economic capacity, and lack of technology and internet connectivity due to its high cost (especially relevant during Covid-19).xiii

As regards Higher Education, although there have been great efforts to supply it widely, it must be noted that the schooling rate for the 2019-2020 period is of 23.5%, 37 points lower than that of secondary school, indicating an obstacle in its access.xiv One of the difficulties in this area is the geographical setting of Cape Verde; being an archipelago the mission of providing accessible higher education to all areas is deeply complex and has not been achieved. There are only Higher Education institutions in the islands of Santiago and São Vicente.xv This, together with the fact that Higher Education is not free, generates little incentive for students who live in remote areas and possess a low economic level to enter Higher Education.xvi

There is also inequality around language. While for most of the Cape Verdean population the first language is Cape Verdean Language (CVL), Portuguese is still the only official language as well as the schooling language. This continues to produce evident inequalities for students who have limited exposure to Portuguese, namely those who live in rural areas and remote locations, usually from low-income families too. Such students will have a learning disadvantage and increased difficulty when learning. Although some bilingual education programs have been reportedly launched, the implementation of such initiatives is insufficient, weak and lacks political and economic backup. This inequality is also representative of a disconnection between the formal education systems and society; policies directed at filling this gap will inevitably also contribute to identity building and social cohesion.xvii

Finally, despite the political will expressed in the Education Strategic Plan 2017–2021 to improve access and quality of education to disabled students (17,5% of the population have at least 1 handicap),xviii and increased staff capacitation aided by UNICEF,xix it has been reported that practical implementation of inclusive strategies for such students has been deficient. Many disabled people do not attend education and do not receive the necessary benefits in order to do so, and the infrastructures and educational technologies have not adapted to them for the most part.xx

Photo by Elizabeth Lizzie on Pexels.

Gender and Sexuality in Education

With respect to gender parity, good results have been achieved in preschool and primary education: the parity index scored 0.98 and 0.93 respectively, both cases showing a slightly higher male representation. However, the challenge remains in secondary and higher education levels where female representation is significantly and increasingly higher, the parity index scores 1.2 for secondary education and 1.5 for higher education. Incentives to attract males in those sectors is necessary to ensure equality.xxi And while there is a significantly higher female presence in secondary and higher education, the literacy rate for men in currently almost 10% higher than for women, which displays an access inequality for women too.xxii

Despite significant improvement through the introduction of a gender module in the secondary education curriculum, the curricula reportedly still contain discriminatory stereotypes towards women, which is also reflected in the fact that women are poorly represented in the fields of study typically dominated by men, such as in the technological field.xxiii Moreover, although gender matters are beginning to be present in the curricula, education on sexuality is deficient. It has been acknowledged as important for the development and safety of students by the government, and a Sexual Guidance in Schools guide has been developed with the aid of UNFPA (United Nations Population Fund), but due to limited political will and the sensitivity of the topic, very few students have benefited from such education. A comprehensive module on sexuality education is yet to be implemented effectively.xxiv

It should be noted that the figure regarding minorities based on sexual orientation or gender identification in Cape Verde could not be found; and similarly, no mechanisms of protection of such minorities or education on the matter could be found. Despite it being a potentially sensitive topic that is now invisible to the sector, advances on this area could be positive to ensure that all students are free and enjoy equal treatment by peers and staff.

Deficiencies in Education

Firstly, there need to be improvements not only in the provision of Higher Education but also in the quality of it. Higher Education in Cape Verde is a relatively new sector emerged in the span of the last 20 years. Considering that it is still at its infancy, the sector lacks quality: although the newly formed Higher Education Regulatory Agency (Agência Reguladora do Ensino Superior – ARES) is beginning to conduct evaluations and checks in order to improve performance,xxv the sector still needs to build a comprehensive system of teaching quality evaluation, mechanisms to better align tertiary education content to the national goals and needs, and ensure access to educational material and technologies, as well as connectivity.xxvi

Secondly, although around 76% of children currently have access to preschool education, there are regional differences with areas that display even lower percentages. Early Childhood education and Preschool was formally one of the foci of the 2017-2021 Education Strategic Plan, but in practice it has been largely neglected. There still is a lack of adequate legal mechanisms to ensure universal preschool mandatory and free access, the preschool budget is around 0.3% of the state budget, and there is a lack of professional qualification of preschool teachers (only 30% have the necessary qualification).xxvii Moreover, technological access and tools have been notably missing in preschools, together with a lack of teacher training in ICT.xxviii

Thirdly, one of the most significant problems in Cape Verde’s education sector is the quality of the education, reflected in low performance rates in primary school. In the area of language, 6 out of every 10 children demonstrated great difficulty or inability to interpret the basic rules of functioning of languagexxix, and in the area of mathematics an average of only 2.85% of children were able to successfully deal with the main areas of Furthermore, Cape Verde still does not have to this date a comprehensive national system to measure learning outcomes at any level of education.xxxi

Regarding technological access, it should be noted that although most schools are connected to the public electricity grid, and that the 2017-2021 Strategic Education Plan has allowed for the incorporation of more technological tools and a stronger curriculum on ICT skills, only the 17% of schools have access to internet.xxxii This is even though Cabo Verde has one of the highest rates of internet access in Africa. The cost of internet is the problem, as it is among the highest is the world; it is still too high for many to obtain, especially for those with lower income, generating a situation of inequality as well.xxxiii

Conclusion and Recommendations

By way of conclusion, some recommendations highlighting the main challenges of the educational system in Cape Verde will be offered on behalf of Broken Chalk.

As regards the hidden costs of education, the government should try to reduce them by providing free (or low-cost) access to transportation, material, and nutritional services with special attention to low-income families and students who live in remote rural areas which might increase the economic cost of education.

Regarding educational coverage and universal provision, the government should act in accordance with their own stated intentions, and continue to extend free, accessible, and mandatory education to the preschool years and to higher education, with special attention to poor families. More specifically regarding Higher Education, it could be positive to generate incentive campaigns to increase the schooling rate, particularly for males; together with expanding the presence of higher education institutions to all territories or better ensuring affordable access to university from remote places.

It would be desirable to implement comprehensive national programs to overcome the inequality around language. Cabo Verdean Language should be significantly more present in all stages of education; particular attention should be paid to students with lower exposure to Portuguese to ensure they do not fall behind, and bilingual education initiatives should be enhanced through multidisciplinary teams that include local community members that understand the specific language needs of the area.

To promote greater inclusion, the government and educational entities should consider making education infrastructure, curricula, and staff more sensitive and adaptable to disabled or special needs students. Proper access to buildings, inclusive educational material and a comprehensive disability-oriented training module for all educators should be provided to ensure the access and equality of such students.

Also as regards inclusivity and equality, educational programs and policies should continue to ensure girls and women’s access to education at all levels to achieve greater equality in literacy rates, to continue to work towards the elimination of gender stereotypes and to incentivize the presence of women in male dominated study fields. Additionally, it could be positive to implement a comprehensive educational program in secondary school regarding sexuality to guarantee the safety and health of students and to eliminate diversity-damaging stereotypes on the basis of sexual orientation.

An effective way to improve the quality of education could be to implement a comprehensive national system of evaluation and assessment of teaching quality to ensure an adequate provision of content at all educational stages and to identify deficiencies in teaching quality, particularly in the area of language and mathematics in primary school. Together with proper evaluation and analysis of student performance, this could overcome ineffective modes of teaching that result in low performance, allow for educational innovation, and better align curricula to the needs and goals of Cape Verde’s society, better preparing students to face the labor market. Similarly, the government and educational institutions should continue ensuring that all teachers are qualified to provide adequate education to the level they are assigned to. This should be particularly applied to the preschool levels, where most teachers do not have the proper qualification, which could hinder the development of students.

Lastly, in view of recent events and in view of the future global developments, it is essential to ensure greater access to technological tools for educational purposes both for schools and families, as well as facilitating internet access. Again, this seems especially important considering the introduction of technologies in the global labor market, and it is also important to provide flexible and adaptable modes of education, particularly in a country where geographical accessibility to education might be complicated.


i Global Partnership for Education. (n.d.). Cabo Verde. Retrieved April 5, 2023, from:

ii National Directorate of Planning. (June 2021). Cabo Verde Voluntary National Review on the Implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. Retrieved from:

iii Global Partnership for Education. (2022). Cabo Verde: Results framework (2022-2026). Retrieved from:

iv National Directorate of Planning. (June 2021). Cabo Verde Voluntary National Review on the Implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. Retrieved from:

v World Bank. (2022, March 15). Fighting the pandemic down to the last mile: Lessons from Cabo Verde. Retrieved April 5, 2023, from:

vi Global Partnership for Education. (n.d.). Cabo Verde. Retrieved April 5, 2023, from:

vii Lusophone covid Lusophone Network. (2021). Comparative study: The COVID-19 pandemic and the right to education in Portuguese-speaking countries. Retrieved April 5, 2023, from:

viii UNESCO. (2022, October 7). Cabo Verde ratifies 1960 Convention against Discrimination in Education. Retrieved April 5, 2023, from

ix National Directorate of Planning. (June 2021). Cabo Verde Voluntary National Review on the Implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. Retrieved from:

x Bail, J. (2020, September 8). Cape Verde. Humanium. Retrieved April 5, 2023, from:

xi National Directorate of Planning. (June 2021). Cabo Verde Voluntary National Review on the Implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. Retrieved from:

xii Bail, J. (2020, September 8). Cape Verde. Humanium. Retrieved April 5, 2023, from:

xiii Patrício, M. R., & Moreno, C. (2021). Digital technologies in preschool education: a study with Cape Verdean educators. In Proceedings of the 14th annual International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation (ICERI2021) (pp. 8403-8407). IATED. ; Cabo Verde National Commission for UNESCO. (2022). National Review of the Implementation of SDG 4. Retrieved from:

xiv National Directorate of Planning. (June 2021). Cabo Verde Voluntary National Review on the Implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. Retrieved from:

xv Ferreira, E. S., & Loureiro, S. M. C. (2021). Challenges of a small insular developing state: Cape Verde. Revista de Estudios e Investigación en Psicología y Educación, (1), 125-134.

xvi Resende-Santos, J. (2021). Education for development in Africa: Rethinking higher education in Cabo Verde. Journal of International and Comparative Education, 10(1), 22-38. doi: 10.14425/jice.2021.10.1.22

xvii Bermingham, N., DePalma, R., & Oca, L. (2022). The “Access Paradox” in Bilingual Education in Cabo Verde. Modern Languages Open, 1 ; Bail, J. (2020, September 8). Cape Verde. Humanium. Retrieved April 5, 2023, from:

xviii National Directorate of Planning. (June 2021). Cabo Verde Voluntary National Review on the Implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. Retrieved from:

xix UNICEF Cabo Verde. (2022). Country Office Annual Report 2022. Retrieved from:

xx Bail, J. (2020, September 8). Cape Verde. Humanium. Retrieved April 5, 2023, from:

xxi National Directorate of Planning. (June 2021). Cabo Verde Voluntary National Review on the Implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. Retrieved from:

xxii Ibid

xxiii Bail, J. (2020, September 8). Cape Verde. Humanium. Retrieved April 5, 2023, from:

xxiv UNICEF. (2021). Joint independent common country programme evaluation: The Republic of Cabo Verde. UNICEF Evaluation Office. Retrieved from:

xxv University World News. (2022, November 27). Cabo Verde introduces new higher education strategy. Retrieved from:

xxvi Resende-Santos, J. (2021). Education for development in Africa: Rethinking higher education in Cabo Verde. Journal of International and Comparative Education, 10(1), 22-38. doi: 10.14425/jice.2021.10.1.22

xxvii Global Partnership for Education. (2022). Cabo Verde: Results framework (2022-2026). Retrieved from: ; Cabo Verde National Commission for UNESCO. (2022). National Review of the Implementation of SDG 4. Retrieved from: ; UNICEF Cabo Verde. (2022). Country Office Annual Report 2022. Retrieved from:

xxviii Patrício, M. R., & Moreno, C. (2021). Digital technologies in preschool education: a study with Cape Verdean educators. In Proceedings of the 14th annual International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation (ICERI2021) (pp. 8403-8407). IATED.

xxix National Directorate of Planning. (June 2021). Cabo Verde Voluntary National Review on the Implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. Retrieved from:

xxx UNICEF. (2021). Joint independent common country programme evaluation: The Republic of Cabo Verde. UNICEF Evaluation Office. Retrieved from:

xxxi Resende-Santos, J. (2021). Education for development in Africa: Rethinking higher education in Cabo Verde. Journal of International and Comparative Education, 10(1), 22-38. doi: 10.14425/jice.2021.10.1.22 ; Global Partnership for Education. (n.d.). Cabo Verde. Retrieved April 5, 2023, from:

xxxii National Directorate of Planning. (June 2021). Cabo Verde Voluntary National Review on the Implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. Retrieved from: ; Cabo Verde National Commission for UNESCO. (2022). National Review of the Implementation of SDG 4. Retrieved from:

xxxiii Lusophone Network. (2021). Comparative study: The COVID-19 pandemic and the right to education in Portuguese-speaking countries. Retrieved April 5, 2023, from:

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