Submission to the Universal Periodic Review of the United Nations Human Rights Council: the Netherlands

The past five years since the Netherlands’ previous Universal Periodic Review (UPR) have seen developments in certain areas. There have been concrete actions to protect and fulfil the human right of everyone to education. Concurrently, however, evidence has been gathered of multiple violations of the right within the same timeframe. It is imperative for the Netherlands, as a human rights duty-bearer, to address the different forms of discrimination and marginalisation experienced by vulnerable groups, which hinder their access to education, as well as the multiple other challenges these groups face, whether the challenges are based on socio-economic grounds or otherwise.

Under national and international human rights law, the government of the Netherlands is under an obligation to respect, protect and fulfil the right of every person to education, provide redress for the occurrence of such violations, and prevent them from happening.

By Farai Chikwanha

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