Cover image by Aboodi Vesakaran on Unsplash.
Universal Periodic Review of Uzbekistan
- In Uzbekistan, almost 60% of the population is covered under the education system. In 1992, a policy decision was made, providing that education is mandatory for at least nine years for both men and women. After the required nine years, there is a compulsory two years of studying for 10th and 11th grades and attendance to the vocational institution. After attendance and graduation from secondary education, students are expected and allowed to join higher education institutes for their bachelor’s, master and even doctoral degrees.
- Public and private education
- Public schooling in Uzbekistan is inconvenient because of the language barrier; for instance, most of their population is taught in Uzbek; hence, most school curricula are in Russian, the second most spoken language. No public schools teach in English, therefore inconveniencing most families who primarily understand English.
- Private schools in Uzbekistan have been legalised recently. The government started issuing incentives before 2017. With this, there is a growth in private education in Uzbekistan. Through the active development of private schools, an improved record of highly performing students has been observed through their persistent curriculum. English as a language has advanced through private schools as these schools teach in their preferred language. International schools have been embraced in Uzbekistan, which is regarded as very expensive.
by Belise Hirwa
Cover image by Giorgio Minguzzi on Flickr.