Universal Periodic Review of Cape Verde

  • Broken Chalk is a non-profit NGO that investigates and reports human rights violations in education worldwide while advocating for and supporting human rights-focused educational development. By submitting this report, Broken Chalk aims to contribute to the 44th Session of the Universal Periodic Review (UPR) of Cape Verde with a focus on the education sector, encouraging the country to continue its improvement efforts and providing further insight into how to overcome current challenges and deficiencies regarding human rights in education.
  • On the third UPR Cycle, Cape Verde received 18 recommendations from 17 reviewing countries. Those included multiple encouragements to ratify the Convention Against Discrimination in Education, the recommendation to education to former detainees or inmates, to extend free education to secondary school levels, to ensure access to education and improve (adult) literacy rates in rural areas (especially for women), to reduce gender inequality in education, and to continue enhancing and resourcing the Education Strategic Plan 2017–2021 to provide quality education for all and securing education access to vulnerable collectives.[i]
  • Regarding Human Development, the 2019 Cape Verde’s Index is 0.665, above the average for countries in the medium human development group and above the Sub-Saharan Africa average.[ii] However, regarding ensuring the right to education, against an income-adjusted benchmark, Cape Verde scored 82%, with sub-scores indicating significantly lower performance in secondary education provision than in primary education provision, all of which suggests that there still is much room for improvement.[iii] The Covid-19 pandemic, climate change shocks and the Russo-Ukrainian war effects on the global economy have exacerbated the reported preexisting inequalities by increasing poverty and unemployment in the country.[iv] Moreover, Cape Verde is considered a Small Island Developing State (SIDS), which faces specific challenges due to its remoteness, small size and susceptibility to climate and economic shocks.[v]
by Joan Vilalta


[i] UPR Info Database (n.d.). Retrieved from: https://upr-info-database.uwazi.io/en/library?q=(allAggregations:!f,filters:(cycle:(values:!(%27567eec7b-d5ab-4c36-a712-57c38fae9124%27)),issues:(values:!(%27660e6cc6-8624-4858-9cfd-ae4051da1241%27)),state_under_review:(values:!(mqylicwt2a))),includeUnpublished:!f,order:desc,sort:creationDate,treatAs:number,types:!(%275d8ce04361cde0408222e9a8%27),unpublished:!f)

[ii] National Qualifications Framework (NQF) Cabo Verde. (2021). Cabo Verde NQF Update 2021. Retrieved from https://acqf.africa/resources/mapping-study/cape-verde-country-report-update/@@display-file/file/Cabo%20Verde_NQF%20UPDATE%202021.pdf

[iii] Human Rights Measurement Initiative (HRMI). (n.d.). Cape Verde – Equality and Non-Discrimination. Retrieved April 5, 2023, from: https://rightstracker.org/en/country/CPV?pb=adjusted&tab=report-esr&gactive=female&gactive=male&gactive=all

[iv] National Directorate of Planning. (June 2021). Cabo Verde Voluntary National Review on the Implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. Retrieved from: https://sustainabledevelopment.un.org/content/documents/282392021_VNR_Report_Cabo_Verde.pdf

[v] Ferreira, E. S., & Loureiro, S. M. C. (2021). Challenges of a small insular developing state: Cape Verde. Revista de Estudios e Investigación en Psicología y Educación, (1), 125-134.


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