قصة نسليهان أوزكان شاهين: رغم كل صراعها، تبدأ معلمة اللاجئين في التعليم لمرة أخرى

نسليهان هي لاجئة من تركيا أتت إلى هولندا لبناء حياة جديدة مع زوجها واولادها في أغسطس 2018، تركت نسليهان حياتها في تركيا وهربت إلى اليونان. هناك أمضت ثلاثة أشهر قبل مجيئها إلى هولندا. عاشت مع عائلتها في سكن جماعي في أمستلفين لبضع سنوات. عاشت مع عائلتها لمدة 19 شهرًا في مراكز مختلفة لطالبي اللجوء في جميع أنحاء هولندا. تقول نسليهان: “أعرف هولندا أفضل من الشخص الهولندي العادي الذي يسكن هناك “.

في تركيا، عملت نسليهان لفترة طويلة كمعلمة للكيمياء والفيزياء والأحياء. كانت متحمسة لبدء التعليم مجدداً عندما أتت إلى هولندا. لحسن الحظ، لم يكن العثور على وظيفة أمرًا صعبًا. من خلال مشروع “Statushouders voor de Klas”، تعلمت كيف يعمل النظام المدرسي الهولندي، مما ساعدها على تأمين تدريب داخلي. بالإضافة إلى ذلك، عملت نسليهان كمتطوعة في مدرسة وكانت تعمل هناك كمساعدة تعليم تقنية في مدرسة أبولو الثانوية في أمستردام. في نفس المدرسة، كانت قادرة على النمو، وبعد فترة، سُمح لها أيضًا بالتعليم يومين في الأسبوع. في العام المقبل، ستعلم فقط ولن تعمل كمساعدة.



لماذا قررت أن تصبح معلمة في ذلك الوقت؟

“أنا أستمتع بالتعليم؛ لا أراها كوظيفة لأنها شغفي.” لقد كانت تعلم منذ ١٨ عامًا وما زالت تستمتع بها حقًا. بعد أن أكملت تعليمها، بدأت بالتعليم على الفور. اختارت أن تصبح معلمة كيمياء وفيزياء وأحياء لأنها حصلت على أعلى الدرجات في هذه المواد الثلاثة ووجدتها مواضيع ممتعة.

لماذا قررت المجيء إلى هولندا؟

“نقرأ على الإنترنت والأخبار عن هولندا وكثيرًا ما سمعنا أنه في هولندا، يتمتع الناس بالحريات ويمكنهم مشاركة آرائهم أو أفكارهم بحرية. لسوء الحظ، ليس هذا الحال في تركيا، حيث لا يمكنك قول ما تشاء. حتى الأطفال كثيرا ما يذهبون إلى السجن بسبب التعبير عن آرائهم “. لهذا السبب، جاء شقيق وأخت نسليهان إلى هولندا مع عائلاتهم. نسليهان تقابل عائلتها كل أسبوع.

ما هي التحديات التي واجهتها عندما أتيت إلى هولندا؟

نسليهان لاجئة سياسية واعتبرت إرهابية في بلدها بسبب آرائها. اضطرت إلى الفرار مع عائلتها من تركيا بالقارب. كانت الرحلة إلى هولندا صعبة. كان عليها أن تدفع الكثير من المال والتفاوض مع مهربي البشر، الذي كان خطيرًا. بالإضافة إلى ذلك، أرادت نسليهان تعلم اللغة الهولندية وكان هذا صعبًا جدًا في البداية. ولأنها لم تكن ملزمة بالاندماج في ذلك الوقت، لم تتمكن من أخذ دورة مجانية في اللغة الهولندية أثناء إقامتها في في مركز لطالبي اللجوء. ومع ذلك، قد تعلمت بعض اللغة الهولندية من الأصدقاء والمتطوعين في المركز. لهذا، فهي إنها شاكرة جدا. أرادت نسليهان الاندماج، لذلك كان فهمها للغة أمرًا أساسيًا. بعد صراع طويل، تمكنت أخيرًا من اقتراض المال الذي تمكنت من خلاله أن تلتحق دورة تدريبية.

من حين لآخر، لا تزال تواجه مشكلة في اللغة الهولندية، خاصة لفظ ال “er” بالإضافة إلى حروف الجر المختلفة التي تجدها صعبة. بالإضافة إلى ذلك، لم تفهم حتى الآن بعض التعابير الهولندية، لكنها تعتقد أن هذا سينجح في النهاية.

كيف تختلف أنظمة المدارس التركية وأنظمة المدارس الهولندية؟

“لا توجد اختلافات كثيرة، على ما أعتقد. بالطبع، بعض الأشياء متشابهة تمامًا. على سبيل المثال، المراهقون هم مجرد مراهقين ويتصرفون بنفس الطريقة، لكن الطلاب في هولندا لديهم دائمًا فرصة للتقدم بسبب وجود مستويات مدرسية مختلفة. لذلك، فإن النظام في هولندا أفضل لأن هذه الفرصة متاحة “. تشرح نسليهان أن في تركيا، يوجد مستوى واحد فقط وأن على كل طالب أن يتعلم نفس المواد ويمتحنه. لذا، إذا كان هذا المستوى علياً، فلن يكون لديك خيار آخر لتتابع الدراسة، وهذا هو سبب الذي جعل العديد من الشباب ترك المدرسة.

الفرق الأكبر هو أن هناك القليل من التسلسل الهرمي في هولندا. “مديري وقائد فريقي هم مجرد زملائي. يُنظر إلينا على نفس المستوى ونعامل بنفس المعاملة. يمكنني أن أدعوهم باسمهم. في تركيا، عليك مخاطبة الجميع “سيدي أو سيدتي”. لا أريد أي تصنيف هرمي في تركيا، أود أن أغير هذه العادات”.

هل تريدي أن تضفي شيئاً أخراً؟

“أود أن أقول إننا جميعًا أشخاص يمكننا العيش معًا؛ علينا فقط أن نحترم بعضنا البعض. يجب أن نعامل الجميع باحترام وأن نخلق جوًا آمنًا وسلميًا. لقد جئنا إلى هنا من أجل حرياتنا، وقد أعطت هولندا الكثير من حقوقنا. لذلك، في مقابل؛ عليك إن تستخدم مهاراتك للمساعدة في الاندماج. اتخاذ هذه الخطوة الأولى أمرٌ سهل بمجرد إلقاء التحية لجيرانك، على سبيل المثال، أو بمجرد التحدث مع أي شخص ما والتعامل بلطف. ”

أرادت نسليهان أيضًا تذكير الجميع بأن العديد من الأشخاص ما زالوا مهددين في تركيا أو مهملين في السجن. يمكنك دائمًا فعل شيء من أجلهم، من خلال المشاركة والتحدث عن الموضوع بالتغريد عبر توتير.

Translated by Nadia Annous from https://brokenchalk.org/story-of-neslihan-ozcan-sahin-after-all-her-struggle-a-refugee-teacher-begins-to-teach-again/

Historia de Neslihan Ozcan Sahin: Después de toda su lucha, una profesora refugiada comienza a enseñar de nuevo

Escrito por Georgette Schönberger

Neslihan es una refugiada de Turquía que llegó a los Países Bajos para construir una nueva vida con su esposo y dos hijos.

En agosto de 2018, Neslihan dejó su vida en Turquía y huyó a Grecia. Allí pasó tres meses antes de venir a los Países Bajos. Ha vivido con su familia en viviendas sociales en Amstelveen durante algunos años. Vivió con su familia durante 19 meses en diferentes AZCs en los Países Bajos. “Conozco los Países Bajos mejor que un holandés promedio”, afirma Neslihan.

En Turquía, Neslihan trabajó durante mucho tiempo como profesora de química, física y biología. Estaba ansiosa por empezar a enseñar de nuevo cuando llegó a los Países Bajos. Afortunadamente, encontrar trabajo no fue difícil. A través del proyecto “Statushouders voor de Klas”, aprendió cómo funciona el sistema escolar holandés, lo que finalmente la ayudó a conseguir una pasantía. Además, Neslihan ha trabajado como voluntaria en una escuela. Allí trabajó como asistente de enseñanza técnica en la escuela secundaria Apollo en Ámsterdam. En la misma escuela, pudo crecer y, después de un tiempo, también se le permitió enseñar dos días a la semana. El próximo año solo enseñará y ya no trabajará como asistente.

¿Por qué decidiste convertirte en profesora en su momento?

“Disfruto enseñando; no lo veo como un trabajo porque es una pasión mía”. Lleva 18 años enseñando y todavía le gusta mucho. Después de completar su educación, comenzó a enseñar de inmediato. Eligio ser profesora de química, física y biología porque tenía las calificaciones más altas en estas tres materias y le parecían temas divertidos.

¿Por qué decidiste venir a los Países Bajos?

“Leímos en Internet y las noticias y a menudo escuchamos que en los Países Bajos, las personas son libres y pueden compartir sus opiniones o ideas. Desafortunadamente, esto no es así en Turquía, donde no eres libre y no puedes decir lo que quieres. Incluso los niños a menudo van a la cárcel por revelar sus opiniones”. Por esta razón, el hermano y la hermana de Neslihan también vinieron a los Países Bajos con sus familias. Neslihan ve a su familia cada semana.

¿Qué desafíos enfrentaste cuando llegaste a los Países Bajos?

Neslihan es una refugiada política y era considerada una terrorista en su propio país debido a sus opiniones. Toda su familia tuvo que huir de Turquía en barco. El viaje para llegar a los Países Bajos fue intenso. Tuvo que pagar mucho dinero y negociar con traficantes de personas, lo cual puede ser bastante peligroso.

Además, Neslihan quería aprender holandés; esto fue bastante difícil al principio. Como no estaba obligada a integrarse entonces, no pudo tomar un curso de holandés gratuito durante su estancia en el AZC. Sin embargo, aprendió algo de holandés de amigos y voluntarios en el AZC. Por esto, está muy agradecida. Neslihan quería integrarse y asimilarse, por lo que la comprensión del idioma era fundamental. Después de una larga lucha, finalmente logró pedir prestado dinero con el cual pudo tomar un curso.

Ocasionalmente todavía tiene problemas con el idioma holandés, especialmente con ‘er’ más las diferentes preposiciones que encuentra difíciles. Además, todavía no entiende ciertas expresiones holandesas, pero cree que eventualmente lo logrará.

¿Cuáles son las diferencias entre los sistemas escolares turcos y holandeses?

“No hay muchas diferencias, creo. Por supuesto, algunas cosas son bastante similares. Por ejemplo, los adolescentes son simplemente adolescentes y se comportan de la misma manera en ciertos aspectos, pero los estudiantes en los Países Bajos siempre tienen la oportunidad de avanzar debido a los diferentes niveles escolares. Por lo tanto, el sistema en los Países Bajos es mejor porque esa oportunidad está disponible”. Neslihan explica que en Turquía solo hay un nivel y que cada estudiante tiene que aprender las mismas materias y hacer el mismo examen. Entonces, si este nivel es demasiado alto, no tienes otra opción para continuar estudiando, por lo que muchos jóvenes abandonan la escuela.

Otra gran diferencia es que hay poca jerarquía en los Países Bajos. “Mi director y mi líder de equipo son simplemente mis colegas. Somos vistos como iguales y tratados de la misma manera. Puedo llamarlos por su nombre. En Turquía, tienes que dirigirte a todos como señor o señora. No quiero más jerarquía en Turquía; me gustaría cambiar eso”.

¿Hay algo que te gustaría compartir?

“Me gustaría decir que todos somos personas que podemos vivir juntas; solo tienes que tener respeto por los demás. Debes tratar a todos con respeto y crear un ambiente seguro y agradable. Vinimos aquí por nuestra libertad, y Holanda nos ha dado muchos derechos. Por lo tanto, tienes que hacer algo por los Países Bajos; tienes que usar tus habilidades para ayudar aquí, para integrarte. Dar ese primer paso es fácil: saludar a tus vecinos, por ejemplo, o simplemente charlar con alguien y ser amable”.

Neslihan también quería recordar a todos que muchas personas todavía están amenazadas en Turquía o olvidadas en la cárcel. Siempre puedes hacer algo por ellas, por ejemplo, compartiendo algo en Twitter o hablando de ello.

Traducido por Daniel Ordoñez del original Story of Neslihan Ozcan Sahin: After all her struggle, a refugee teacher begins to teach again.

Η ιστορία της Neslihan Ozcan Sahin: Μια δασκάλα πρόσφυγας, η οποία αφού πέρασε πολλά, διδάσκει ξανά 

Από την Georgette Schonberger

Η Neslihan είναι πρόσφυγας από την Τουρκία που ήρθε στην Ολλανδία με τον άνδρα της και τα δύο παιδιά τους για μια καινούργια ζωή.

Τον Αύγουστο του 2018 άφησε πίσω την ζωή της στην Τουρκία και πήγε στην Ελλάδα. Εκεί έμεινε για 3 μήνες πριν φθάσει στην Ολλανδία. Έζησε με την οικογένειά της σ’ έναν ξενώνα στην περιοχή Amstelveen για αρκετά χρόνια. Έζησε με την οικογένεια της για 19 μήνες σε διάφορα κέντρα ασύλου της Ολλανδίας. Όπως λέει η ίδια: ”Ξέρω την Ολλανδία καλύτερα από τον μέσο Ολλανδό”.

Στην Τουρκία η Neslihan εργαζόταν ως δασκάλα χημείας, φυσικής και βιολογίας. Ήταν πρόθυμη να διδάξει ξανά, όταν ήρθε στην Ολλανδία. Ευτυχώς, το να βρει δουλειά δεν ήταν δύσκολο. Μέσα από το πρόγραμμα ”Statushouders voor de Klas project” έμαθε πώς λειτουργεί το εκπαιδευτικό σύστημα της Ολλανδίας, κάτι που την βοήθησε να κάνει κάπου πρακτική. Επίσης, εργάστηκε ως εθελόντρια σ’ ένα σχολείο. Εκεί ήταν τεχνική βοηθός δασκάλου στο λύκειο Apollo στο Άμστερνταμ. Στο ίδιο σχολείο μπόρεσε να εξελιχθεί και μετά από λίγο της επετράπη να δουλεύει 2 ημέρες την βδομάδα. Τον επόμενο χρόνο μπορούσε να διδάξει και δεν ήταν πια βοηθός.

Γιατί αποφασίσατε να γίνετε δασκάλα εκείνη την περίοδο; 

«Διασκεδάζω διδάσκοντας, δεν το βλέπω σαν δουλειά, επειδή είναι ένα πάθος για μένα». Διδάσκει εδώ και 18 χρόνια και ακόμα και τώρα το διασκεδάζει. Μόλις τελείωσε τις σπουδές της, άρχισε να διδάσκει αμέσως. Επέλεξε να γίνει καθηγήτρια χημείας, φυσικής και βιολογίας, επειδή είχε τους υψηλότερους βαθμούς σ’ αυτά τα 3 μαθήματα και τα έβρισκε ενδιαφέροντα.

Γιατί αποφασίσατε να έρθετε στην Ολλανδία; 

«Διαβάζαμε στο Ίντερνετ και στα νέα και ακούγαμε συχνά ότι στην Ολλανδία οι άνθρωποι είναι ελεύθεροι να μοιράζονται την γνώμη τους ή τις ιδέες τους. Δυστυχώς, αυτό δεν ισχύει στην Τουρκία, όπου δεν είσαι ελεύθερος και δεν μπορείς να πεις αυτό που θέλεις. Ακόμα και τα παιδιά πηγαίνουν συχνά στη φυλακή, επειδή λένε την άποψή τους». Εξαιτίας αυτού, ο αδερφός και η αδερφή της Neslihan ήρθαν επίσης στην Ολλανδία με τις οικογένειές τους. Η Neslihan βλέπει πλέον την οικογένειά της κάθε βδομάδα.

Ποιες δυσκολίες αντιμετωπίσατε, όταν ήρθατε στην Ολλανδία; 

Η Neslihan είναι πολιτικός πρόσφυγας και θεωρείται τρομοκράτης στην χώρα της λόγω των απόψεων της. Με όλη την οικογένεια της έφυγε από την Τουρκία με βάρκα. Το ταξίδι προς την Ολλανδία δεν ήταν εύκολο. Έπρεπε να δώσει πολλά χρήματα και να διαπραγματευθεί με εμπόρους, κάτι που ήταν αρκετά επικίνδυνο.

Επίσης, η Neslihan ήθελε να μάθει Ολλανδικά, κάτι που ήταν ιδιαίτερα δύσκολο στην αρχή. Επειδή τότε δεν ήταν υποχρεωμένη να ενταχθεί, δεν μπορούσε να παρακολουθήσει δωρεάν μαθήματα της ολλανδικής, όσο βρισκόταν στο κέντρο ασύλου. Παρ’ όλα αυτά, έμαθε λίγα ολλανδικά από κάποιους φίλους και εθελοντές στο κέντρο ασύλου. Γι’ αυτό, είναι πολύ ευγνώμων. Η Neslihan ήθελε να ενσωματωθεί και να αφομοιωθεί, οπότε η κατανόηση της γλώσσας ήταν κάτι βασικό γι’ αυτή. Μετά από πολλή προσπάθεια, μπόρεσε να δανειστεί χρήματα και να παρακολουθήσει μαθήματα.

Κάποιες φορές ακόμα έχει πρόβλημα με την ολλανδική γλώσσα, ειδικά το er με τις διαφορετικές προθέσεις το βρίσκει δύσκολο. Επιπλέον, ακόμα δεν καταλαβαίνει κάποιες εκφράσεις στα ολλανδικά, αλλά πιστεύει ότι στο τέλος θα τα καταφέρει.

Ποιες είναι οι διαφορές ανάμεσα στο τουρκικό και στο ολλανδικό εκπαιδευτικό σύστημα; 

«Δεν υπάρχουν πολλές διαφορές, πιστεύω. Φυσικά, σε κάποια σημεία υπάρχουν ομοιότητες. Για παράδειγμα, οι έφηβοι είναι έφηβοι και συμπεριφέρονται με συγκεκριμένο τρόπο, αλλά οι μαθητές στην Ολλανδία πάντα έχουν την ευκαιρία να συνεχίσουν εξαιτίας των διαφορετικών επιπέδων στα σχολεία. Επομένως, το σύστημα στην Ολλανδία είναι καλύτερο, επειδή δίνει ευκαιρίες». Η Neslihan εξηγεί ότι στην Τουρκία υπάρχει μόνο ένα επίπεδο και όλοι οι μαθητές πρέπει να μάθουν τα ίδια και να δώσουν τις ίδιες εξετάσεις. Έτσι, αν το επίπεδο είναι πάρα πολύ υψηλό, δεν έχεις άλλη επιλογή να συνεχίσεις τις σπουδές σου, κάτι που εξηγεί γιατί πολλοί νέοι παρατάνε το σχολείο.

Μια άλλη μεγάλη διαφορά είναι ότι δεν υπάρχει ιεραρχία στην Ολλανδία. «Ο διευθυντής μου και ο επικεφαλής της ομάδας μου είναι απλώς συνάδελφοί μου. Είμαστε το ίδιο και αντιμετωπιζόμαστε το ίδιο. Μπορώ να τους μιλήσω με το όνομά τους. Στην Τουρκία πρέπει να αποκαλείς κάποιον ή κάποια κύριο ή κυρία. Δεν θέλω άλλη την ιεραρχία στην Τουρκία. Θα ήθελα να αλλάξει αυτό».

Θα θέλατε να μοιραστείτε κάτι; 

«Θα ήθελα να πω ότι όλοι είμαστε άνθρωποι που μπορούμε να συνυπάρξουμε, πρέπει να σέβεται ο ένας τον άλλο. Πρέπει να αντιμετωπίζεις τον άλλο με σεβασμό και να δημιουργείς μια ασφαλή και ωραία ατμόσφαιρα. Ήρθαμε εδώ για την ελευθερία μας και η Ολλανδία μας έδωσε πολλά δικαιώματα. Επομένως, πρέπει να κάνεις κάτι για την Ολλανδία, πρέπει να χρησιμοποιήσεις τις ικανότητες σου για να βοηθήσεις εδώ, να ενσωματωθείς. Το πρώτο βήμα είναι εύκολο: να χαιρετάς τους γείτονες σου ,να  μιλάς με κάποιον και να είσαι καλός».

Η Neslihan ήθελε να υπενθυμίσει σε όλους ότι πολλοί άνθρωποι απειλούνται ακόμα στην Τουρκία ή είναι ξεχασμένοι στη φυλακή. Πάντα μπορείς να κάνεις κάτι για αυτούς, για παράδειγμα να μοιραστείς κάτι στο Twitter ή να μιλήσεις γι’ αυτό.

Μετάφραση από την Αλεξία Καψαμπέλη (Translated by Alexia Kapsabeli) from the original https://brokenchalk.org/story-of-neslihan-ozcan-sahin-after-all-her-struggle-a-refugee-teacher-begins-to-teach-again/

L’histoire de Neslihan Ozcan Sahin : Après toutes ses difficultés, une enseignante réfugiée recommence à enseigner.

Écrit par Georgette Schönberger

Neslihan est une réfugiée de Turquie qui est venue aux Pays-Bas pour construire une nouvelle vie avec son mari et ses deux enfants.

En août 2018, Neslihan a laissé derrière elle sa vie en Turquie et s’est réfugiée en Grèce. Elle y a passé trois mois avant de venir aux Pays-Bas. Elle a vécu avec sa famille dans un logement social à Amstelveen pendant quelques années. Elle a vécu avec sa famille pendant 19 mois dans différents centres d’hébergement d’urgence (AZC) à travers les Pays-Bas. “Je connais les Pays-Bas mieux qu’un Néerlandais ordinaire”, affirme Neslihan.

En Turquie, Neslihan a longtemps travaillé comme professeur de chimie, de physique et de biologie. Elle était impatiente de recommencer à enseigner lorsqu’elle est arrivée aux Pays-Bas. Heureusement, il n’a pas été difficile de trouver un emploi. Grâce au projet “Statushouders voor de Klas”, elle a appris le fonctionnement du système scolaire néerlandais, ce qui lui a permis de décrocher un stage. En outre, Neslihan a travaillé comme bénévole dans une école. Elle a travaillé comme assistante technique au lycée Apollo d’Amsterdam. Dans cette même école, elle a pu évoluer et, après un certain temps, elle a été autorisée à enseigner deux jours par semaine. L’année suivante, elle ne travaillera plus qu’en tant qu’assistante, mais en tant qu’enseignante.

Pourquoi avez-vous décidé de devenir enseignante à l’époque ?

“J’aime enseigner ; je ne vois pas cela comme un travail, car c’est une passion pour moi.” Cela fait maintenant 18 ans qu’elle enseigne et elle aime toujours autant son métier. Après avoir terminé ses études, elle a tout de suite commencé à enseigner. Elle a choisi d’enseigner la chimie, la physique et la biologie parce qu’elle avait les meilleures notes dans ces trois matières et qu’elle les trouvait amusantes.

Pourquoi avez-vous décidé de venir aux Pays-Bas ?

“Nous avons lu sur Internet et dans les journaux et nous avons souvent entendu dire qu’aux Pays-Bas, les gens sont libres et peuvent partager leurs opinions ou leurs idées. Malheureusement, ce n’est pas le cas en Turquie, où l’on n’est pas libre et où l’on ne peut pas dire ce que l’on veut. Même les enfants vont souvent en prison pour avoir révélé leurs opinions”. Pour cette raison, le frère et la sœur de Neslihan sont également venus aux Pays-Bas avec leur famille. Neslihan voit sa famille chaque semaine.

Quelles difficultés avez-vous rencontrées en arrivant aux Pays-Bas ?

Neslihan est une réfugiée politique et elle était considérée comme une terroriste dans son propre pays en raison de ses opinions. Avec toute sa famille, elle a dû fuir la Turquie par bateau. Le voyage jusqu’aux Pays-Bas a été éprouvant. Elle a dû payer beaucoup d’argent et négocier avec des passeurs, ce qui peut être très dangereux.

En outre, Neslihan voulait apprendre le néerlandais, ce qui s’est avéré assez difficile au début. Comme elle n’était pas obligée de s’intégrer à l’époque, elle n’a pas pu suivre de cours de néerlandais gratuits pendant son séjour à l’AZC. Elle a toutefois appris quelques notions de néerlandais grâce à des amis et des bénévoles de l’AZC. Elle en est très reconnaissante. Neslihan voulait s’intégrer et s’assimiler, et sa compréhension de la langue était donc fondamentale. Après une longue lutte, elle a finalement réussi à emprunter de l’argent, ce qui lui a permis de participer à un cours.

De temps en temps, elle a encore des difficultés avec la langue néerlandaise, en particulier avec le “er” et les différentes prépositions qu’elle trouve difficiles. En outre, elle ne comprend pas encore certaines expressions néerlandaises, mais elle pense que cela finira par s’arranger.

Quelles sont les différences entre les systèmes scolaires turc et néerlandais ?

“À mon avis, il n’y a pas tant de différences. Bien sûr, certaines choses sont assez similaires. Par exemple, les adolescents ne sont que des adolescents et se comportent de la même manière à certains égards, mais aux Pays-Bas, les élèves ont toujours la possibilité de passer à un autre niveau grâce aux différents niveaux scolaires. Par conséquent, le système néerlandais est mieux, car cette opportunité leur est offerte”.

Neslihan explique qu’en Turquie, il n’y a qu’un seul niveau et que chaque élève doit apprendre les mêmes matières et passer le même examen. Si le niveau est trop élevé, il n’y a pas d’autre possibilité de continuer à étudier, ce qui explique pourquoi de nombreux jeunes abandonnent l’école.

Une autre grande différence est qu’il y a peu de hiérarchie aux Pays-Bas. “Mon directeur et mon chef d’équipe sont simplement mes collègues. Nous sommes considérés et traités de la même manière. Je peux les appeler par leur nom. En Turquie, il faut s’adresser à tout le monde par monsieur ou madame. Je ne veux plus de hiérarchie en Turquie ; j’aimerais que cela change”.

Y a-t-il quelque chose que vous aimeriez partager ?

“J’aimerais dire que nous sommes tous des personnes qui peuvent vivre ensemble ; il suffit de se respecter les uns les autres. Il faut traiter tout le monde avec respect et créer une atmosphère sûre et plaisante. Nous sommes venus ici pour notre liberté et la Hollande nous a donné de nombreux droits. Par conséquent, vous devez faire quelque chose pour les Pays-Bas ; vous devez utiliser vos compétences pour aider le pays et vous intégrer. Le premier pas est facile à faire : dire bonjour à ses voisins, par exemple, ou simplement discuter avec quelqu’un et être gentil.”

Neslihan tient également à rappeler que de nombreuses personnes sont encore menacées en Turquie ou oubliées en prison. Vous pouvez toujours faire quelque chose pour eux, par exemple en partageant quelque chose sur Twitter ou en en parlant.


Traduit par Laura Goubran

Translated form the original Story of Neslihan Ozcan Sahin: After all her struggle, a refugee teacher begins to teach again.

Educational Challenges in Congo

Written by Daniel Ordoñez

The education system in the Republic of Congo (Congo Brazzaville) is a kaleidoscope of realities, shortcomings and consequences of colonialism. At the same time, with an incredible potential to provide new generations with opportunities for development, sustainability and new socio-political and cultural challenges.

This article will present various aspects of the education system in the Republic of Congo, exploring its characteristics, historical contexts, current challenges,  international and internal initiatives to improve and develop education in the country. In addition, it will be imperative to analyse the academic paper presented by Dzanvoula Cheri Thibaut Gael, entitled “Promoting Teacher Retention in the Republic of the Congo: Case Study of Primary Schools” (2019).

Furthermore, it is essential to note the connection of the development of the educational system over the years with the different countries in Equatorial Africa, related by the strong influence of France on the region, also marking the national language with administrative systems linked to a colonial past, something that would damage the future of the Congo and its neighbouring countries.

This article will focus on presenting an objective and comprehensive view of the challenges and opportunities in the Congolese education system. An in-depth analysis will highlight the efforts and progress made by the country, as well as the areas where work and attention are still needed to achieve a more inclusive and effective education system.

Context of the country

The Republic of Congo presents different contexts which directly influence the development of the education system. These contexts are political, social, economic and, above all, its colonial past.

  • Historical context (with colonial past):

David E. Gardinier posits that Equatorial Africa’s French colonial rule substantially influenced Congo’s current educational structure. From the mid-19th to the 20th century, Protestant and Catholic missions were vital in initiating education along the Gabon Estuary. These centres aimed to prepare clergy, catechists, and teachers within a religious framework.

Students from Brazzaville. Photo by Fdsm.

The French colonial government promoted the French language and culture while curtailing the rise of the liberally educated intelligentsia, which could trigger anti-colonial movements. Instead, the administration prioritised grooming practically trained primary school graduates intended to serve as European auxiliaries and intermediaries.

Meanwhile, the Congo Basin experienced several exploitative policies for natural resource extraction, leading to grave environmental and societal repercussions. Following WWII decolonisation, Congo was left with a basic economy heavily reliant on farming. French remained the central language of instruction, and education was intensely focused on French culture, with further educational advancement considered unreachable.

In 1934, Congo dedicated less than 1% of its budget to education, leading to under-equipped schools. Independence was achieved by 1960, yet Congo continued to rely on France for higher education progress. Towards the 20th century latter half, Congo managed to establish a universal primary education system, but this was tightly tethered to the French system. Institutions for higher education were predominantly in France. Post-independence Congo grappled with inadequate educational infrastructure, overpopulated classrooms, and a significant attrition rate among students and teachers.

  • Sociopolitical Context:

Since 2021, Anatle Collinet has been democratically elected as the new prime minister, and his policies focus on institutional, economic, social and educational promotion and growth.  Congo has a human capital index of 0.42%. It has lagged for decades in progress in health and education, with statistics showing that only 30% of children attend primary school, and only 40% achieve high proficiency in mathematics and French. The country is also in a severe crisis regarding infant mortality, with more than 33 deaths per 1,000 births. Similarly, the infrastructure of public services, such as electricity, is only 66% in urban areas and only 15% in rural areas. On the other hand, access to clean and potable water is below 74% in urban areas and 46% in rural areas, placing it below its hydrological potential.

  • Economic context:

According to World Bank reports for the Republic of Congo, the country presents extreme poverty, with 52% of the population in 2021, with an economic contraction between 2020 and 2021. These indicators show an economic dependence on oil prices, which fell sharply during the Covid-19 pandemic. The country also has a stable inflation rate of 2% in 2021 and 3.2% in 2022. The GTP’s economic growth is estimated at 4.% in 2023 and 2024, directly linked to risks in international oil price variations. This could positively or negatively affect the development and implementation of education policies.

  • Education of the Republic of the Congo:

The education system in the country, structured after its independence as a French colony, has undergone several changes and approaches over the decades. Currently, the Republic of Congo has a free and compulsory education system for young people aged 6 to 16. It is classified into two levels: primary education starts at the age of 6 and lasts for six years. During this time, they are taught agricultural techniques, domestic science and manual skills. Then there is secondary-level education, which has two cycles, with four and three years of study; courses are offered in vocational training, academic and technical training, general education, and teacher training.

It is important to note that the country has consolidated higher education institutions over the decades. The university that stands out the most is Marien Ngouabi University, and it has also managed to structure colleges and centres for specialised and technical training.

Young students at the Mugosi Primary School, Kitschoro. Photo by M. Hofer, UNESCO.


During the last decades of the Republic of Congo’s socio-economic, political and cultural development, the country has presented challenges in its education system, which have remained constant until today.

Within the report presented by UNICEF for 2020 to 2022, one of the most pressing issues confronting the country is the underdevelopment of pre-primary education possibilities. This issue has far-reaching repercussions for the country’s educational environment and residents’ prospects. The quality of primary education is also inadequate, resulting in only 60% of children attending secondary education, and in the case of higher education, the percentage is even higher. On the other hand, the country has a very high repetition rate per class in primary schools. In the case of vocational education, more is needed to meet the needs of the market and the country’s economy. Another critical challenge is the long list of inequalities that still exist in the country’s regions, according to geography or ethnicity.

Teachers attrition

Despite these challenges, one situation threatens the future and the capacity for development in the education system. This is the retention of teachers in primary schools, which are one of the fundamental pillars of the education system and the academic preparation of children.

According to a study presented in 2019 with the title “Promoting Teacher Retention in the Republic of the Congo: Case Study of Primary Schools” by the Zhejiang Normal University of China, most teachers in the country become teachers by accident rather than as vocation, with a very high rate of teachers resigning from their jobs in primary schools. Within the study, the teachers who took part in the surveys had all failed their entry exams as secondary school teachers, showing several factors that encouraged career change and resignations. It is estimated that the country has approximately 23,000 teachers, and to achieve adequate coverage of the education sector, 48,000 teachers would be needed, with primary education being the most affected sector. In a 2015 UNICEF report, Congo has more than 529,000 pupils compared to 15,000 teachers, which means that the workload and quality of education are very low.

The study conducted by the Zhejiang Normal University of China found that the motivating elements influence teachers to enter and remain in the primary school teaching business. Most teachers entered the field due to a lack of alternative job possibilities after graduating from university and failing the admission test for secondary teacher training institutes. Although some instructors saw teaching as a passion, most teachers noted a lack of motivating elements for staying in the primary school sector for a lengthy period.

Poor working conditions, poor compensation, and a lack of resources all led to low job satisfaction, which resulted in significant teacher turnover. According to the findings, intrinsic variables such as personal worth, respect, and reputation are more important than extrinsic criteria such as money and promotions in determining teacher turnover and attrition. Finally, intrinsic and extrinsic variables influence teacher turnover and attrition in the primary school sector.

Ambitions, expectations and plans

According to UNICEF, in its report presented for 2020-2022, the Republic of Congo seeks to use education as a lever to develop the economy’s future, diversify it and integrate it into the global economy. Its main objective is to train and educate its population to become a highly skilled and competitive workforce. The report details the strategies the country will have between 2015 and 2025, developed with the full participation of three ministries in charge of the country’s education system. It sets three essential points, focusing on the actions of the education system.


The first point of this strategy is to provide and guarantee a 10-year education for all Congolese children. This strategy would focus on primary education, with essential competencies, and include a first level of secondary education, with all vocational and technical options. Also, as an alternative to general education, the creation of technical schools to provide more significant employment and economic opportunities for rural or underprivileged areas to attend formal education. Similarly, this strategy seeks to provide non-formal literacy programmes for children or young adults who have dropped out of school.

Science education to develop a mathematic and scientific culture. As a second strategy, it seeks to ensure a good match between education and the country’s economic needs by developing high school programmes that prepare students for more advanced academic and professional work demands. On the other hand, it aims for technical high schools to produce and generate competencies relevant to the economic needs of the Republic of Congo. Furthermore, education should have a social development focus.

As a third strategy, the Republic of Congo seeks to strengthen and enable the development of the education sector through two programmes, “Information & Steering” and “management”. These are aimed at enabling the government to have good tools to implement different strategies.

For the development and support of these strategies, the government has a budget of about US $10 million, which will also allow it to establish the main components of these strategies, which are structured in three sections.

As a first area of the programme, it seeks to increase equity in primary education through packages of activities to improve the conditions of schools in Cuvette-Ouest and Plateau. In these places, the percentage of repetition among students is high, and the attendance ratio by gender of students is lower for girls compared to other regions and departments of the country. According to the UNICEF report, the programme would support the construction of classrooms, teaching materials, drinking water and sanitation infrastructure, as well as support the development of school feeding programmes and the distribution of school kits.

As a second component, the programme aims to improve and enhance the quality of learning through in-service teacher training for volunteer teachers and the distribution of teaching materials, including books and exercises. The program activities will supplement efforts covered by other funding sources in the education sector plan, including IDA-financed programs, and will assist volunteer instructors nationally.

The third component seeks an increase in efficiency through measures that contribute to lower repeat rates. The initiative will fund an investigation into the reasons for repetition and modifying government policies that control how schools choose promotion and repetition. Technical assistance will be offered to facilitate the organisation and administration of curriculum updates, which encompasses the incorporation of pre-primary education, examination and pinpointing of educational methods that can be expanded, enhanced alignment between fundamental education and vocational or technical training, as well as the implementation of a 10-year foundational education period. The latter component also includes support in renewing the system for managing databases, which support the yearbooks.

World Bank Report

Furthermore, in a report presented in January 2022 by the World Bank, the government of the Republic of Congo developed a new National Development Plan for 2022 to 2026. It emphasises economic diversification to diminish vulnerabilities and steer the nation towards robust, resilient, and all-encompassing growth. It also established a partnership between the World Bank and the country until 2025, called the Country Partnership Framework (CPF). In line with the government’s goals, the CPF seeks to assist the country in improving economic governance, fostering a business climate that encourages economic diversification, fortifying its human resources, and improving the delivery of essential public services, particularly in the areas of health, education, and social welfare. As of September 2, 2022, the World Bank’s portfolio included 14 domestic projects and two regional projects totalling $788.96 million in commitments supported by IDA, IBRD, and Trust Funds.


Congo | UNESCO UIS. (n.d.). Retrieved March 27, 2023, from https://uis.unesco.org/en/country/cg

Congo (Brazzaville) – Education – Country Dashboard – All. (n.d.). Retrieved March 27, 2023, from https://idea.usaid.gov/cd/congo%20(brazzaville)/education

Congo Education ~ Education in the Congo ~ Congo Brazzaville Education. (n.d.). Retrieved March 29, 2023, from http://www.african-volunteer.net/republic_of_congo_education.html

Congo, Republic of the Education System. (n.d.). Retrieved March 27, 2023, from https://www.scholaro.com/db/Countries/Republic-of-the-Congo/Education-System

Education in Republic of Congo | Global Partnership for Education. (n.d.). Retrieved March 27, 2023, from https://www.globalpartnership.org/where-we-work/republic-congo

Gael, D. C. T. (2019). Promoting Teacher Retention in the Republic of the Congo: Case Study of Primary Schools. Journal of Educational System.

Gardinier, D. E. (1974). Schooling in the States of Equatorial Africa. Canadian Journal of African Studies/La Revue Canadienne Des Études Africaines, 8(3), 517–538. https://doi.org/10.1080/00083968.1974.10804447

Republic of the Congo – Education | Britannica. (n.d.). Retrieved March 27, 2023, from https://www.britannica.com/place/Republic-of-the-Congo/Education

Republic of the Congo Overview: Development news, research, data | World Bank. (n.d.). Retrieved March 27, 2023, from https://www.worldbank.org/en/country/congo/overview#2

The University of Peshawar Faces Indefinite Strikes as Staff Seek Fulfilment of Demands

Written by Ibrahim Zulfiqar

PESHAWAR: 10th April 2023. It has been more than a month since The University of Peshawar (UoP) closed its gates indefinitely in a conundrum of protests from multiple stakeholders. The decision to close the institute came as a result of all the faculty and professors going out on strike following the tragic killing of security supervisor, Saqlain Bangash, by a security guard. The students have also resorted to the streets demanding the reopening of the college.

The decision for a complete boycott was made during a meeting of the Joint Action Committee, in collaboration with the Peshawar University Teachers Association (PUTA) after the killing of the security supervisor. PUTA believes that the tragic incident is an eye-opener to the negligent security personnel employed by the institute, they demand a thorough investigation into the training and employment process of these personnel along with another 16 demands.

In response to the protest, University of Peshawar Vice-Chancellor, Dr. Mohammad Idrees, issued a detailed statement claiming that the administration had already accepted almost all the demands, and there was no justification for the protest. However, the protesting employees have dismissed his claims as baseless and are determined to continue the strike.

While speaking to a student union head, Muhammad Asfandyar, we learned that the ground realities were much different and nuanced in contrast to what was being reported. Asfandyar revealed an inquiry that had taken place which concluded the tragic incident as actually an accident. The continued strike by the staff is not for the peace and wellbeing of academicians but ‘to score leverage over the vice chancellor for sinister demands such as increased salaries’ he added. Perhaps the most alarming among these revelations was that PUTA was also given a green signal by the sitting governor of the interim government, Ghulam Ali, to continue striking which he would use as political pressure to remove the vice chancellor and appoint a new one of mutual choice, resulting in everyone’s demands being met. However, since the current government is an interim one, the governor soon realized that his powers were limited, and efforts made to remove the Vice Chancellor were in vain. Orphaned from their political backing, PUTA has no choice but to continue striking and hoping the Vice Chancellor could somehow be removed otherwise it would be their jobs and reputation in question if the university opens any time soon.

Amidst all this politicization of a tragic death for personal gains, the students are suffering. It is their fundamental right to education that is hindered as a consequence. Muhammad mentioned that in the last decade, the campus had closed 9 times before this. The student union is united under the opinion that, [considering the fragile conditions of the province], ‘the blatant denial of education is a form of educational, economic, and social terrorism, which in no form is acceptable’.

It is rather egregious to use a tragic death for vested interests, but it is considerably worse to continue living in the university’s houses allocated for the staff and getting full salaries at the expense of the most important stakeholders, the students, suffering. We hope that the institute can reopen soon, and the student’s education may resume.

The writer Ibrahim Zulfiqar was born and raised in Peshawar

Hadithi ya Neslihan Ozcan Sahin: Baada ya mapambano yote, mwalimu mkimbizi anaanza kufundisha tena.

Imeandikwa na Georgette Schönberger

Neslihan ni mkimbizi kutoka Uturuki ambaye alikuja Uholanzi ili kujenga maisha mapya na mumewe na watoto wao wawili.

Mwezi Agosti 2018, Neslihan aliacha maisha yake Uturuki nyuma na kukimbia Ugiriki. Alikuwa huko kwa miezi mitatu kabla ya kuja Uholanzi. Amekuwa akiishi na familia yake katika nyumba za kijamii huko Amstelveen kwa miaka kadhaa. Aliishi na familia yake kwa muda wa miezi 19 katika vituo tofauti vya mapokezi ya wakimbizi (AZCs) nchini Uholanzi. “Ninajua Uholanzi vizuri zaidi kuliko Mholanzi wa kawaida,” anasema Neslihan.

Uturuki, Neslihan alikuwa amefanya kazi kama mwalimu wa kemia, fizikia, na biolojia kwa muda mrefu. Alikuwa na hamu ya kuanza kufundisha tena alipokuja Uholanzi. Bahati nzuri, kupata kazi haikuwa ngumu. Kupitia mradi wa “Statushouders voor de Klas”, alifundishwa jinsi mfumo wa shule ya Kiholanzi unavyofanya kazi, ambayo hatimaye ilimsaidia kupata mafunzo kazini. Aidha, Neslihan amefanya kazi kama mtoa huduma wa kujitolea katika shule. Huko alikuwa akifanya kazi kama msaidizi wa ufundishaji wa kiufundi katika shule ya upili ya Apollo huko Amsterdam. Katika shule hiyo hiyo, alikuwa na fursa ya kukua na baada ya muda, aliruhusiwa pia kufundisha siku mbili kwa wiki. Mwaka ujao atafundisha tu na hatafanya kazi tena kama msaidizi.

Kwa nini uliamua kuwa mwalimu wakati huo?

“Ninapenda kufundisha; Sioni hiyo kama kazi kwa sababu ni shauku yangu.” Amesoma kwa miaka 18 sasa na bado anafurahia sana. Baada ya kumaliza elimu yake, alianza kufundisha mara moja. Aliamua kuwa mwalimu wa kemia, fizikia, na biolojia kwa sababu alikuwa na alama za juu katika somo hizo tatu na aliziona kuwa mada za kufurahisha.

Kwa nini uliamua kuja Uholanzi?

“Tulisoma kwenye mtandao na habari na mara nyingi tulisikia kwamba Uholanzi, watu ni huru na wanaweza kushiriki maoni au mawazo yao. Kwa bahati mbaya, hii sio kesi nchini Uturuki, ambapo huwa huru na huwezi kusema unachotaka. Hata watoto mara nyingi wanakwenda gerezani kwa kufichua maoni yao”. Kwa sababu hii, ndugu na dada wa Neslihan pia walikuja Uholanzi na familia zao. Neslihan anawaona familia yake kila wiki.

Ulikabiliana na changamoto gani ulipofika Uholanzi?

Neslihan ni mkimbizi wa kisiasa na alikuwa akichukuliwa kama mtu wa kigaidi katika nchi yake kutokana na maoni yake. Pamoja na familia yake nzima, alilazimika kukimbia Uturuki kwa boti. Safari ya kufika Uholanzi ilikuwa ngumu. Alikuwa na kulipa fedha nyingi na kujadiliana na wasafirishaji wa watu, ambayo inaweza kuwa hatari sana.

Mbali na hayo, Neslihan alitaka kujifunza Kiholanzi; hii ilikuwa ngumu sana mwanzoni. Kwa sababu hakulazimika kujiunga wakati huo, hakuweza kuhudhuria kozi ya bure ya lugha ya Kiholanzi wakati wa kuishi kwake katika vituo vya mapokezi ya wakimbizi. Hata hivyo, aliweza kujifunza Kiholanzi kidogo kutoka kwa marafiki na wafanyakazi wa kujitolea katika vituo hivyo. Kwa hilo, anashukuru sana. Neslihan alitaka kujiunga na kufyonza tamaduni, kwa hivyo ufahamu wake wa lugha ulikuwa muhimu. Baada ya mapambano marefu, hatimaye alifanikiwa kukopa pesa ambazo alitumia kwa kozi.

Marafiki na wafanyakazi wa kujitolea katika AZC. Kwa hili, anashukuru sana. Neslihan alitaka kujiunga na kufyonza tamaduni, kwa hivyo ufahamu wake wa lugha ulikuwa muhimu. Baada ya mapambano marefu, hatimaye alifanikiwa kukopa pesa ambazo alitumia kwa kozi.

Kwa mara chache bado ana shida na lugha ya Kiholanzi, hasa ‘er’ na viambishi mbalimbali ambavyo anavipata vigumu. Aidha, bado haelewi baadhi ya mafumbo ya Kiholanzi, lakini anaamini kwamba hatimaye itatengemaa.

Je, kuna tofauti kati ya mfumo wa shule wa Uturuki na Uholanzi?

“Hakuna tofauti nyingi, nadhani. Bila shaka, mambo fulani ni sawa kabisa. Kwa mfano, vijana ni vijana tu na wanajitahidi kwa njia zinazofanana, lakini wanafunzi nchini Uholanzi wana fursa ya kuendelea kutokana na viwango tofauti vya shule. Kwa hivyo, mfumo wa Uholanzi ni bora kwa sababu fursa hiyo ipo.” Neslihan anaelezea kwamba nchini Uturuki, kuna kiwango kimoja tu na kila mwanafunzi lazima ajifunze masomo sawa na kufanya mtihani sawa. Kwa hiyo, ikiwa kiwango hiki ni kigumu sana, huna chaguo lingine la kuendelea kusoma, ndiyo maana vijana wengi wanakatisha masomo.

Tofauti nyingine kubwa ni kwamba kuna mamlaka kidogo nchini Uholanzi. “Mkurugenzi wangu na kiongozi wangu wa timu ni wenzangu tu. Tunachukuliwa kama sawa na kutendewa kwa njia ile ile. Nawaweza kuwaita kwa majina yao. Uturuki, lazima umwite kila mtu bwana au bibi. Sipendi kuwa na mamlaka zaidi nchini Uturuki; ningependa kubadilisha hilo”.

Je, kuna kitu chochote unachotaka kushiriki?

“Ningependa kusema kwamba sote ni binadamu ambao tunaweza kuishi pamoja; unapaswa tu kuwa na heshima kwa wengine. Lazima umtendee kila mtu kwa heshima na kuunda mazingira salama na mazuri. Tulikuja hapa kwa uhuru wetu, na Uholanzi imetupa haki nyingi. Kwa hiyo, lazima ufanye kitu kwa ajili ya Uholanzi; lazima utumie ujuzi wako kusaidia hapa, kujumuika. Kuchukua hatua ya kwanza ni rahisi: kusema “jambo” kwa majirani zako, kwa mfano, au tu kuzungumza na mtu na kuwa mwenye heshima.”

Neslihan pia alitaka kukumbusha kila mtu kwamba wengi bado wanatishiwa nchini Uturuki au wameachwa gerezani. Unaweza daima kufanya kitu kwa ajili yao, kwa mfano, kwa kushiriki kitu kwenye Twitter au kuzungumza juu yake.

Imetafsiriwa na Joseph Kamanga kutoka kwa asili https://brokenchalk.org/story-of-neslihan-ozcan-sahin-after-all-her-struggle-a-refugee-teacher-begins-to-teach-again/

内斯利安-奥兹坎-萨欣(Neslihan Ozcan Sahin)的故事:在经历了所有的挣扎之后,一位难民教师又开始教书了。

Written by Georgette Schönberger



在土耳其,内斯利安曾长期担任化学、物理和生物教师。当她来到荷兰时,她渴望再次开始教学。幸运的是,找到一份工作并不困难。通过 “Statushouders voor de Klas项目”,她学到了荷兰学校系统的运作方式,这最终帮助她获得了一份实习工作。此外,内斯利安还在一所学校担任过志愿者。在那里,她在阿姆斯特丹的阿波罗高中担任技术教学助理。在同一所学校工作了一段时间后,她得到了提拔,被允许每周教两天书。明年,她将只教学,而不再担任助理工作。








偶尔她还会遇到荷兰语的问题,尤其是 “er “加上不同的介词,她觉得很困难。此外,她还不理解某些荷兰语表达方式,但她相信这最终会解决这些问题。







Translated by Niyang Bai from https://brokenchalk.org/story-of-neslihan-ozcan-sahin-after-all-her-struggle-a-refugee-teacher-begins-to-teach-again/

La storia di Neslihan Ozcan Sahin: Dopo tante battaglie, un’insegnante rifugiata ricomincia a insegnare

Scritto da Georgette Schönberger

Neslihan è una rifugiata turca giunta nei Paesi Bassi per costruirsi una nuova vita con il marito e i due figli.

Nell’agosto del 2018, Neslihan si è lasciata alle spalle la sua vita in Turchia ed è fuggita in Grecia. Lì ha trascorso tre mesi prima di arrivare in Olanda. Ha vissuto con la sua famiglia in una casa popolare ad Amstelveen per alcuni anni. Ha vissuto con la sua famiglia per 19 mesi in diversi centri di accoglienza dei Paesi Bassi. Neslihan afferma: “Conosco i Paesi Bassi meglio di un olandese medio”.

In Turchia, Neslihan ha lavorato a lungo come insegnante di chimica, fisica e biologia. Quando è arrivata nei Paesi Bassi, non vedeva l’ora di ricominciare a insegnare. Fortunatamente, trovare un lavoro non è stato difficile. Grazie al progetto “Statushouders voor de Klas”, le è stato spiegato il funzionamento del sistema scolastico olandese, permettendole di ottenere un tirocinio. Inoltre, Neslihan ha lavorato come volontaria in una scuola. Ha lavorato come assistente tecnico all’insegnamento presso il liceo Apollo di Amsterdam. Nella stessa scuola ha avuto modo di crescere e, dopo un po’, le è stato permesso di insegnare due giorni alla settimana. L’anno prossimo insegnerà soltanto e non lavorerà più come assistente.

Perché ha deciso di diventare insegnante?

“Mi piace insegnare, non lo vedo come un lavoro perché è una mia passione”. Insegna ormai da 18 anni e continua a divertirsi molto. Dopo aver completato la sua formazione, ha iniziato subito a insegnare. Ha scelto di diventare insegnante di chimica, fisica e biologia perché aveva i voti più alti in queste tre materie e le trovava interessanti.

Perché ha deciso di venire nei Paesi Bassi?

“Leggiamo su Internet e nei telegiornali e spesso sentiamo dire che nei Paesi Bassi le persone sono libere e possono condividere le loro opinioni o idee. Purtroppo, non è lo stesso in Turchia, dove non si è liberi e non si può dire ciò che si vuole. Persino i bambini finiscono spesso in prigione per aver rivelato le loro opinioni”. Per questo motivo, anche il fratello e la sorella di Neslihan sono venuti nei Paesi Bassi con le loro famiglie. Neslihan vede la sua famiglia ogni settimana.

Quali sfide ha dovuto affrontare quando è arrivato nei Paesi Bassi?

Neslihan è una rifugiata politica e nel suo Paese è stata considerata una terrorista a causa delle sue idee. Con tutta la sua famiglia, è dovuta fuggire dalla Turchia in barca. Il viaggio per arrivare nei Paesi Bassi è stato intenso. Ha dovuto pagare molti soldi e negoziare con i trafficanti di esseri umani, il che può essere molto pericoloso.

Inoltre, Neslihan voleva imparare l’olandese, cosa che all’inizio è stata piuttosto difficile. Non essendo obbligata a integrarsi, non ha potuto seguire un corso gratuito di olandese durante il suo soggiorno in AZC. Tuttavia, ha imparato un po’ di olandese da amici e volontari dell’AZC.E di ciò è molto grata. Neslihan voleva integrarsi e assimilarsi, quindi la comprensione della lingua era fondamentale. Dopo una lunga battaglia, è finalmente riuscita a ottenere un prestito con il quale ha potuto frequentare un corso.

A volte ha ancora problemi con la lingua olandese, in particolare con “er” e le diverse preposizioni che trova difficili. Inoltre, non capisce ancora alcune espressioni olandesi, ma è sicura che alla fine tutto si risolverà.

Quali sono le differenze tra il sistema scolastico turco e quello olandese?

“Non ci sono molte differenze, credo. Certo, alcune cose sono abbastanza simili. Per esempio, gli adolescenti sono solo adolescenti e si comportano sempre nello stesso modo, ma gli studenti nei Paesi Bassi hanno sempre la possibilità di andare avanti grazie ai diversi livelli scolastici. Pertanto, il sistema dei Paesi Bassi è migliore perché c’è questa possibilità”. Neslihan spiega che in Turchia c’è un solo livello e che ogni studente deve imparare le stesse materie e sostenere lo stesso esame. Quindi, se questo livello è troppo alto, non si ha un’altra possibilità di continuare a studiare, ed è per questo che molti giovani abbandonano la scuola.

Un’altra grande differenza è che nei Paesi Bassi c’è poca gerarchia. “Il mio direttore e il mio team leader sono solo miei colleghi. Siamo considerati uguali e trattati allo stesso modo. Posso chiamarli per nome. In Turchia, invece, bisogna rivolgersi a tutti con signore o signora. Non voglio più gerarchie in Turchia; vorrei cambiare questa situazione”.

C’è qualcosa che vorreste condividere?

“Vorrei dire che siamo tutte persone che possono vivere insieme, basta avere rispetto per gli altri. Bisogna trattare tutti con rispetto e creare un’atmosfera sicura e piacevole. Siamo venuti qui per la nostra libertà e l’Olanda ci ha dato molti diritti. Pertanto, dovete fare qualcosa per i Paesi Bassi; dovete usare le vostre capacità per aiutare qui, per integrarvi. Fare il primo passo è facile: salutare i vicini, ad esempio, o semplicemente chiacchierare con qualcuno ed essere gentili”.

Neslihan ha anche voluto ricordare a tutti che molte persone sono ancora minacciate in Turchia o dimenticate in prigione. Si può sempre fare qualcosa per loro, ad esempio condividendo qualcosa su Twitter o parlandone.

Translated by Matilde Ribetti from the original https://brokenchalk.org/story-of-neslihan-ozcan-sahin-after-all-her-struggle-a-refugee-teacher-begins-to-teach-again/

Neslihan Özcan Şahin’in Hikayesi: Verdiği bir çok mücadele sonunda mülteci öğretmenin yeniden öğretmenlik yapmaya başlaması

Written by Georgette Schönberger

Neslihan, kocası ve iki çocuğuyla yeni bir hayat kurmak için Hollanda’ya Türkiye’den gelen bir mülteci.

Neslihan, Ağustos 2018’de Türkiye’deki hayatını geride bırakarak Yunanistan’a göç etti. Hollanda’ya gelmeden önce orada üç ay geçirdi. Birkaç yıldır ailesiyle birlikte Amstelveen’de bir sosyal konutta yaşıyor. Ailesiyle birlikte 19 ay boyunca Hollanda genelinde farklı sığınmacı merkezlerinde yaşadı. Neslihan, “Hollanda’yı ortalama bir Hollandalı’dan daha iyi tanıyorum” diyor.

Neslihan Türkiye’de uzun süre kimya, fizik ve biyoloji öğretmeni olarak çalıştı. Hollanda’ya geldiğinde tekrar öğretmenlik yapmaya başlamak için çok hevesliydi. Neyse ki iş bulmak zor olmadı. “Statushouders voor de Klas projesi” yardımıyla Hollanda’daki okul sisteminin nasıl çalıştığı öğrendi ve bu da onun daha sonra stajyerlik yapmasına yardımcı oldu. Neslihan ayrıca Amsterdam’daki Apollo lisesinde teknik öğretim asistanı rolünde gönüllü olarak çalıştı. Aynı okulda kendini geliştirdi ve bir süre sonra haftada iki gün öğretmenlik yapmayı hak etti. Gelecek yıl sadece öğretmenlik yapacak ve artık asistan olarak çalışmayacak.

Neden o dönemde öğretmen olmaya karar verdiniz?

“Öğretmekten zevk alıyorum; bunu bir iş olarak görmüyorum çünkü bu benim bir tutkum.” Neslihan 18 yıldır öğretmenlik yapıyor ve hala bundan gerçekten memnun. Eğitimini tamamladıktan sonra hemen öğretmenliğe başladı. Bu üç konuda en yüksek notları aldığı ve eğlenceli bulduğu için kimya, fizik ve biyoloji öğretmeni olmayı seçti.

Neden Hollanda’ya gelmeye karar verdiniz?

“İnternette ve haberlerde okuduk ve Hollanda’da insanların özgür olduğunu ve fikirlerini paylaşabildiğini duyduk. Ne yazık ki, özgür olmadığınız ve istediğinizi söyleyemediğiniz Türkiye’de durum böyle değil. Çocuklar bile fikirlerini açıkladıkları için sık sık hapse girerler”. Bu nedenle Neslihan’ın abisi ve ablası da aileleriyle birlikte Hollanda’ya geldi. Neslihan ailesi ile her hafta görüşüyor.

Hollanda’ya geldiğinizde ne gibi zorluklarla karşılaştınız?

Neslihan siyasi bir mülteci ve görüşlerinden dolayı kendi ülkesinde terörist olarak görülüyordu. Tüm ailesiyle birlikte tekneyle Türkiye’den kaçmak zorunda kaldı. Hollanda’ya gelme yolculuğu yoğundu. Çok para ödemek ve insan kaçakçılarıyla pazarlık yapmak zorunda kaldı ki bu oldukça tehlikeli bir durumdu.

Ayrıca Hollandaca öğrenmek isteyen Neslihan için ilk başta bu oldukça zordu. O sırada uyum sağlamak zorunda olmadığı için, sığınmacı merkezinde kaldığı süre boyunca ücretsiz bir Hollandaca dil kursu alamamıştı. Ancak, sığınmacı merkezindeki arkadaşlarından ve gönüllülerden biraz Hollandaca öğrendi. Bunun için çok minnettar olduğunu ifade etti. Neslihan bütünleşmek ve asimile olmak istiyordu, bu yüzden dil anlayışı bunun gerçekleşmesi için bir temeldi. Uzun bir mücadeleden sonra nihayet bir kursa gidebileceği kadar borç para almayı başardı.

Arada sırada, özellikle ‘er’ ve zor bulduğu farklı edatlar olmak üzere, Hollandaca’da hala sorun yaşıyor. Ayrıca, bazı Hollandaca ifadeleri henüz anlamıyor, ancak zamanla daha iyi olacağına inanıyor.

Türk ve Hollanda okul sistemleri arasındaki farklar nelerdir?

“Bence çok fazla fark yok. Elbette bazı şeyler oldukça benzer. Örneğin, ergenlik çağındaki çocuklar genelde aynı şekilde davranırlar, ancak Hollanda’daki öğrenciler, farklı okul seviyeleri nedeniyle her zaman farklı yönlere devam etme şansına sahipler. Bu nedenle, Hollanda’daki sistem daha iyi çünkü bu şans mevcut.” Neslihan, Türkiye’de tek seviye olduğunu, her öğrencinin aynı konuları öğrenmesi ve aynı sınava girmesi gerektiğini anlatıyor. Dolayısıyla, bu da seviyeyi yükseltiyor, okumaya devam etmekten başka bir seçenek bırakmıyor, bu yüzden birçok genç okulu bırakıyor.

Bir başka büyük fark da Hollanda’da çok az hiyerarşi olmasıdır. “Müdürüm ve ekip liderim sadece benim meslektaşlarım. Aynı görüldüğümüz için aynı muameleyi görüyoruz. Onlara isimleriyle hitap edebiliyorum. Türkiye’de herkese bay veya bayan diye hitap etmek zorundasınız. Türkiye’de daha fazla hiyerarşi istemiyorum; bunu değiştirmek isterdim.”

Paylaşmak istediğiniz bir şey var mı?

“Hepimizin bir arada yaşayabiliriz, yeter ki birbirinize saygı duyalım. Herkese saygılı davrarak güvenli ve güzel bir atmosfer yaratmalısınız. Biz buraya özgürlüğümüz için geldik, Hollanda da bunu sağladı. Bize birçok hak verildi. Bu nedenle, Hollanda için bir şeyler yapmak, buradakilere yardım etmek, entegre olmak için becerilerinizi kullamak gerekli. Komşularınıza merhaba demek ya da sadece sohbet açmak ve kibar olmak gibi ilk adımları atmak kolaydır.”

Neslihan ayrıca Türkiye’de birçok kişinin hala tehdit altında olduğunu veya hapiste olduğunu herkese hatırlatmak istedi. Twitter’da paylaşım yapmak veya bu konularda konuşmak gibi her zaman bu insanlar için bir şeyler yapabilirsiniz.

Translated by Müge Çınar from the original https://brokenchalk.org/story-of-neslihan-ozcan-sahin-after-all-her-struggle-a-refugee-teacher-begins-to-teach-again/