Universal Periodic Review of United Arab Emirates

  • This report is a contribution by Brokenchalk to the fourth Universal Periodic Review (UPR) of the United Arab Emirates (UAE). Broken Chalk is an Amsterdam-based NGO established in 2020 and focused on raising awareness and minimizing human rights violations in the educational field. Our goal is to work together with global partners to remove barriers to access to education and to take concrete steps to ensure universal access to education. Therefore, this report will focus on human rights violations in regards to education in the UAE. 
  • In the third session of the Universal Periodic Review (UPR), the UAE accepted 100 recommendations from the Council in full, partially accepted 7 recommendations and took note of 54 recommendations. In regards to education, recommendations referred to the explicit prohibition of child violence in schools (Estonia) and in all settings (Montenegro), non-discrimination and advancement of equal opportunities in schools  , mandatory and free primary education for all children on the territory (Peru) and the promotion of human rights through the curricula in schools (Egypt). There were 4 other recommendations, which referred to the issue of providing “better services to persons with disabilities, in particular in education” (Singapore).    
  • Since the last cycle, the UAE has undergone ambitious educational developments and reforms under the 2017-2021 education strategy, Vision 2021. The plan has prioritized six main objectives: a safe society, a fair judicial system, a sustainable environment, an integrated infrastructure, and a shift towards a knowledge-based economy, assisted by the creation of a first-rate education system. 
  • The Ministry of Education has prioritized the development of the highest global educational standards for students and teachers, based on innovation and competitiveness. In line with this, the UAE Vision 2021 states that the new National Agenda aims to “promote an inclusive environment that integrates all segments of society while preserving the UAE’s unique culture […]”.  
  • This report will signal the major issue areas regarding the protection of human rights in education and it will furthermore acknowledge the attempts to promote human rights regarding education. Lastly, it will provide the appropriate comments and recommendations. 

by Bianca Balea

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Cover image by Ghania0007.