UN Calls For Inputs


The UN Calls for Inputs initiative is a platform where the United Nations invites individuals, organizations, and stakeholders to contribute their views, information, and expertise on various global issues. These calls often focus on matters such as human rights, sustainable development, climate change, and international law, allowing participants to provide inputs that can influence UN policies, reports, and decision-making processes. It serves as a way for the UN to gather diverse perspectives and ensure inclusive, transparent engagement with the global community. As of Broken Chalk, below are our contributions to Un Calls For Inputs.

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New property rental laws in the Netherlands: Affordable rent act

Written by Loes Barendrecht   From the 1st of July 2024 new rental laws are implemented in the Dutch housing market: The Fixed Rental Contracts Act (Wet vaste huurcontracten). Both

Freedom of expression in Turkey: Lawyers and Arrests: Dilek Ekmekçi and others

By Panashe Marie Louise Mlambo Freedom of expression is a fundamental human right that protects the ability to express oneself without unjustified restrictions. It is normally undisputed when dealing with

Current Issues The conflict in Congo: impact on education

By Zoe Alford The Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) is undergoing a major humanitarian crisis, that is severely impacting education and human rights. Due to the ongoing conflict in the

Missing children of Dutch asylum shelters

By Mayeda Tayyab In May 2024, Lost in Europe released the findings of their investigation into the disappearance of unaccompanied children in Europe. This investigation revealed that 51,433 children disappeared

Poland’s Education System: Striving for Equity and Inclusion to Fulfill the Right to Education

By Iris Karoli The modern Polish  emerged in the aftermath of World War II, addressing the significant challenge of rebuilding the country’s social and economic frameworks. Since then, it has

Upcoming country visit of the Working Group on the use of mercenaries to Côte d’Ivoire.

Presented by Ariel Ozdemir and Caren Thomas The history of Côte d’Ivoire shows periods of political instability and coups. The 2002 Ivorian Civil War deepened the divisions within the country.

Country Visit to the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

Presented by Merve Tiregul Recent data spanning from March 2020 to June 2021 further highlights this disparity, indicating that black women were 14% less likely to be referred to Refuge

Follow-up to the Working Group on discrimination against women and girls’ country visits to Kyrgyzstan, Romania, Greece, Poland, Honduras, Chad, Samoa, Kuwait and Hungary

Presented by Ariel Ozdemir, Luna Plet and Olimpia Guidi The Lenca, indigenous to southwestern Honduras and northeastern El Salvador, reside in approximately 50 villages within a 100-km radius of La

2024 Thematic Report to the 79th Session of the UN General Assembly

Presented by Olimpia Guidi and Sarah Kuipers Human rights organisations and NGOs play a crucial role in monitoring the impact of sanctions on human rights and providing support to affected

Examining Contemporary Forms of Slavery: Implications for Currently and Formerly Incarcerated Populations

Presented by Samantha Orozco and Ariel Ozdemir In the complex landscape of United States prison labour, there exist six primary categories of prison labour, namely maintenance work within carceral facilities,
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Towards Global Justice: Advocating for a Moratorium on the Death Penalty

Presented by Sarah Kuipers, María Núnez Fontán and Ariel Ozdemir In 2020, 37 states voted against at the UNGA res 75/183 on the use of the death penalty, one of

Special Rapporteur on Right to Development – Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights

Presented by Merve Tiregul, Olimpia Guidi, Ruth Tesfay and Veronica Grazzi The right to development for children refers to ensuring that children have access to the necessary conditions for their

Digital Technologies in Justice Administration: Human Rights Report to the General Assembly

Presented by Daphne Rein and Maria Samantha Orozco In recent years, there has been an increase in the use of new technologies to administer justice in the Netherlands. To give

Call for Submissions: UN Report of the Rapporteur on Violence on Women and Girls in Sport

Presented by Sara Rossomonte and Olimpia Guidi Online violence, such as cyberbullying and harassment on social media, compounds these challenges, impacting mental health and well-being. viii Violence against women in

Addressing the situation of women’s rights in Cambodia

Presented by Ioana-Sorina Alexa and Olimpia Guidi Education emerges as a crucial factor in addressing this disparity. The Cambodian Women’s Leadership Institute, established in 2009, offers training programs to enhance
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Addressing poverty in a post-growth era and preparing for future Development Goals

Presented by Olimpia Guidi Brazil’s departure from sole reliance on GDP is a testament to its commitment to capturing a more comprehensive understanding of societal advancement. i Brazil’s departure from
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At Broken Chalk, we believe that education is not just a privilege, but a fundamental right for every person on this planet. That is why our team of dedicated individuals

Consequences of US economic sanctions in the Middle East

Presented by Caren Thomas and Maria Samantha Orozco This report was drafted by Broken Chalk to contribute to the call for inputs to analyze the consequences of US economic sanctions

Efforts to combat racism in the Asia Pacific region

Presented by Alexia Kapsampeli This report was drafted by Broken Chalk to contribute to the call for inputs to analyze the status of the rights situation of Africans and people

Current status on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples

Presented by Caren Thomas, Francisca Rosales and Samantha Orozco This report was drafted by Broken Chalk to contribute to the call for inputs to analyze the status of the rights

The impact of arms transfers on human rights

Written by Faith Galgalo and Maria Samantha Orozco This report is a Submission to the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights. For the comprehensive evaluation of the situation

Education Monitor Around The Globe