- Broken Chalk drafted this report to contribute to Cameroon’s fourth Universal Periodic Review (UPR). Since Broken Chalk is specifically concerned with human rights and inequalities in education, this report focuses on the right to education in Cameroon.
- This report first explores the main issues with the right to education in Cameroon. It also reflects on the recommendations Cameroon received in the 3rd cycle UN UPR review in 2018 and its progress since. Finally, Broken Chalk offers some suggestions to Cameroon on further improving and protecting the right to education.
- In the 2018 review, Cameroon received 196 recommendations and accepted 139 submissions at the adoption of its UPR outcome. Those were related to the legal and general framework of implementation, universal and cross-cutting issues, civil and political rights, economic, social, and cultural rights, women’s and children’s rights, and rights of other vulnerable groups and persons.[1]
- Regarding education, those recommendations focused on guaranteeing equal access to education (ensuring that primary education is free and accessible to all children), paying particular attention to children living in remote areas and minorities, enhancing literacy rates (especially among women); and promoting the education of indigenous children.
- Cameroon has stated that efforts to guarantee the most comprehensive coverage and highest possible quality of education at all levels have been intensified. The 2013-2020 Strategy Paper for the Education Sector was approved.[2] This programme is structured around three main areas: access and equity, quality and relevance and management and governance. Furthermore, as part of the effort to reduce disparities where they exist as a means of boosting school enrolment rates, emphasis is being placed on ensuring that education is entirely free at the primary level by doing away with school fees.[3] Additionally, Cameroon stated in its 2018 national report that it had made efforts to raise the school enrolment rate for girls (as was recommended) by including the organisation of awareness campaigns and the provision of incentives in the form of scholarships and instructional kits for girls. [4]
by Sara Ahmed
[1] United Nations Human Rights Council. (2018). Universal Periodic Review – Cameroon.
[2] United Nations Human Rights Council. (2018). Universal Periodic Review – Cameroon, National Report, Para 58.
[3] Ibid, para 59.
[4] Ibid, para 63.
Cover image by Pete unseth on Wikimedia Commons.
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