Governmental Policies For Education In Bolivia 

Written by Pedro Fonseca


One of the particularities when analysing the Plurinational State of Bolivia is the state configuration that reflects the cultural, ethnic, and linguistic diversity of the country. This recognition and coexistence of multiple indigenous nations within Bolivian territory creates a series of specific challenges in the formulation of public policies. 

The fundamental principle guiding these particularities is the decolonisation and plurinationality of the Bolivian State. While decolonisation seeks to break away from colonial structures, which are the institutions, laws, and practices imposed during the colonial period and which continued to marginalise indigenous populations even after the country’s independence. Plurinationality refers to the recognition by the state of the equality and sovereignty of all indigenous nations and peoples within the country, rejecting the idea that the state should be homogeneous. (Estado Plurinacional de Bolivia, 2009, Article 9). 

The Bolivian constitution, based on the principles of decolonisation and plurinationality, acknowledges the ethnic and cultural diversity of 36 indigenous nations and peoples1, as well as other ethnic groups, thereby ensuring that the cultures of these nations are protected by the State (Estado Plurinacional de Bolivia, 2009, Articles 5, 30). Furthermore, the Bolivian constitution guarantees the self-management of indigenous peoples in their territories and the practice of their norms and customs (Estado Plurinacional de Bolivia, 2009, Articles 2). 

These rights are reflected in an educational plan that seeks to respect and promote the country’s cultural and linguistic diversity. Consequently, Bolivian education is guided by interculturality and bilingualism, promoting instruction in both Spanish and indigenous languages. 

However, it is important to emphasise that this context is relatively recent. The current Bolivian constitution was approved in 2009 amidst significant changes in Bolivian society, including the election of Evo Morales as president, the first indigenous person to be elected to the executive office in the country’s history. Indeed, when examining Bolivia’s political precedents, one observes a country marked by significant political instability and profound social inequalities. It is worth noting that Bolivia has experienced more than 190 attempted coups d’état since its independence in 1825. 

This article aims to present educational policies put in place throughout Bolivian history and compile data that showcase the results of these measures. 

Evolution of Bolivian Educational Policies 

  • Education Code of 1955 

Bolivian education in the mid-20th century was characterised by its centralisation, with low coverage in rural areas and high dropout rates. During this period, the main government policy was the 1955 Education Code, also known as Code 55.  

Through this decree, the government expanded education to rural areas, which until then had been restricted to small sectors of society (IIPP, 2023, p.56). Additionally, the Education Code and the Teacher Classification Law were enacted, creating a better structure and organisation for school administration. Among these structures was the creation of the Ministry of Education (IIPP, 2023, p.56). 

Code 55 aimed to create a uniform structure for the Bolivian educational system, with the goal of enabling better planning and implementation of public education policies (Suarez, 1986). To this end, approximately 23% of the country’s general budget was allocated to education (IIPP, 2023, p.59). 

Despite the efforts, the results achieved by the 1955 Education Code were far from those projected (IIPP, 2023, p.61). The formulation of Code 55 was carried out by a non-indigenous and urban elite. In other words, the project lacked historical adherence, as most of the population was composed of indigenous peoples living in rural areas. 

  • Educational Reform Program (1994) 

The 1994 Education Reform sought to deepen the specifically educational character of the 1955 Education Code (IIPP, 2023, p.74). Two points stand out in the 1994 Education Reform. First, Educación Intercultural Bilingüe (EIB), a demand of indigenous peoples since the 1980s and considered an “instrument of liberation” (Arispe, 2020). The EIB was implemented in 1988 with the financial and technical support of UNICEF through an agreement with the Ministry of Education (IIPP, 2023, p.80). The second point was the expansion of teacher training centers in the country, amplifying professional development for educators.  

 As a result of the reforms, data from the Instituto de Investigaciones Pedagógicas Plurinacional show that in 2004, the school enrolment rate increased by 60% at the initial level, 34.5% at the primary level, and 94.8% at the secondary level. In addition, the number of school units increased from 12,000 in 1997 to more than 13,000 in 2004. The same happened with the number of educational units, which reached nearly 15,000 (IIPP, 2023, p.79). 

Despite its importance, Educación Intercultural Bilingüe (EIB) has been criticised for the way it was conducted. The main argument is that it consists of disseminating teaching and “official knowledge” through native indigenous languages (IIPP, 2023, p.82). 

  • Education Law No. 70 “Avelino Siñani-Elizardo Pérez” (2010) 

During a period of political and economic instability at the beginning of the century, Bolivia saw the emergence of Evo Morales, a union and indigenous leader, as the main figure in the 2005 presidential race. Elected with more than half of the total votes, Evo Morales implemented a series of structural reforms in Bolivia, nationalising gas, one of the country’s main commodities, and enacting a constitutional reform that established the Plurinational State of Bolivia. 

In education, the main policy was the implementation of Law No. 70 “Avelino Siñani-Elizardo Pérez”, which aimed to promote intercultural and bilingual education, decolonise the curriculum—replacing the traditional curriculum, which often marginalised indigenous knowledge, with one that incorporates local cultural knowledge and practices—and reinforce community participation, aiming to increase the involvement of communities and local authorities in school management and educational decision-making (Estado Plurinacional de Bolivia, 2010). 

It is worth noting that, in addition to the Avelino Siñani-Elizardo Pérez Law, a series of other educational policies were formulated. According to the IIPP, Bolivian educational policy consists of a set of goods, services, and transfers that states mobilise to guarantee the right to education (UNESCO-IIPP, 2024). The table below highlights some of the current policies in place.  

Table 1. Policies according to focus of intervention. 

Current policies  Responsible agency 
Bono Juancito Pinto  Ministerio de Educación, Deportes y Culturas 
Programa Nacional de Alimentación Complementaria

Escolar (PNACE 2015-2020) 

Ministerio de Educación, Deportes y Culturas 
Programa de Formación Complementaria para Maestras y

Maestros en Ejercicio (PROFOCOM) 

Ministerio de Educación, Deportes y Culturas 
Programa Nacional de Alfabetización Yo Sí puedo  Ministerio de Educación, Deportes y Culturas 
Programa Nacional de Post Alfabetización  Ministerio de Educación, Deportes y Culturas 
Programa Centros de Apoyo Integral Pedagógico (CAIP)  Ministerio de Educación, Deportes y Culturas 
Centros de Apoyo Integral Pedagógico – Aula Hospitalaria  Ministerio de Educación, Deportes y Culturas 

Source: UNESCO (2024) 


The results of the implemented policies have led to increased access to education and higher attendance rates among students. Data from the 2021 National Voluntary Report (UDAPE) show that, between 2015-2019, the attendance rate of the school-age population (4-17 years old) rose from 86% to 90.8%. The most significant increase in attendance rates was observed at the initial level, which rose from 36.5% to 61.3%, followed by the primary level, which increased from 96.9% to 98.7% (UDAPE, 2021, p.31). 

Another important piece of data is the number of enrolments. According to data from the General Directorate of Planning, in 2023, enrolment reached 2,951,164 students, of which 891,386 (30.20%) were from rural areas and 2,059,778 (69.80%) from urban areas. Regarding gender distribution, 1,445,375 (48.98%) were female and 1,505,789 (51.02%) were male (Ministerio de Educación, 2024). 

The Plurinational State of Bolivia has made substantial progress in providing education to its population. However, it still faces several challenges, including regional and geographic inequalities and income disparities. In addition to these issues, the country still grapples with a history of political instability that continues to affect the Bolivian people. 


Featured Photo by Alexander Grey on Unsplash



Arispe, V. (2020). Educación intercultural: La perspectiva de los pueblos indígenas de Bolivia. Revista Caracol, (20), 167-186. Faculdade de Filosofia, Letras e Ciências Humanas da Universidade de São Paulo. 

Estado Plurinacional de Bolivia (2009). Constitución Política del Estado Plurinacional de Bolivia.  Retrieved from 

Estado Plurinacional de Bolivia (2010). Ley de la Educación Avelino Siñani-Elizardo Pérez. Retrieved from  

Instituto de Investigaciones Pedagógicas Plurinacional (IIPP). (2023). Hitos de la educación en Bolivia – Serie Histórica N° I. Retrieved from  

UDAPE (2021). Informe Nacional Voluntario Retrieved from 

Ministerio de Educación (2023). Equipe de Estatística Retrieved from  

UNESCO (2024). Bolívia. 

Suárez Arnez, C. (1986). Historia de la educación boliviana. Don Bosco. 

Beyond the Shadows of the Dark Web Playground: Online Child Trafficking

Written by Leticia Cox
Human trafficking, particularly targeting young kids via online platforms, is an increasingly disturbing issue worldwide. With the growth of the internet and social media, traffickers have found new ways to exploit, recruit, and manipulate children into various forms of exploitation, including labour and sexual exploitation. This trend requires a multi-faceted approach involving updated legislation, international collaboration on legal frameworks, law enforcement strategies, education programs, enhanced online safety measures, and broad public awareness.


Traffickers often use social media platforms, online gaming environments, and chat applications to connect with potential young victims. They use a variety of tactics, including grooming, pretending to offer romantic relationships, promising lucrative job opportunities, or even using the victims’ social media friends to gain trust.
In today’s digital age, children are exposed to technology at a younger age than before. Parents must be aware of the potential cybersecurity threats that can put their children at risk. They need to stay informed and take measures to protect children when they connect with the digital world.
According to a recent UN report, 80% of young people interact with AI multiple times per day. The increasing development of AI has led to numerous little-known applications that appear harmless, like uploading a photo to receive a modified version. However, when children upload their pictures, they have no control over which databases their photos will be stored in or how they might be used.

By raising awareness, implementing prevention programs, enforcing strict laws, and utilising technology responsibly, we can make a difference in the fight against online child trafficking and child privacy violations.

Worldwide Spread Victims
In North America, particularly the United States and Canada, online child trafficking is a sophisticated operation where traffickers employ advanced technologies, including the “Dark Web” and encrypted communication platforms. The primary challenges faced are the extensive digital landscape and the cross-jurisdictional nature of the internet.
In Mexico, a country that serves both as a source and a transit point for trafficked children, the increasing internet penetration has spurred the growth of online trafficking networks. Efforts in Mexico are concentrated on enhancing inter-agency coordination and strengthening law enforcement’s capabilities in digital forensics to effectively tackle trafficking cases.
Central American nations are hindered by limited resources and pervasive corruption, which impede effective countermeasures against online child trafficking. Traffickers in the region often use social media platforms to recruit and manipulate victims. However, international collaborations are increasingly supporting local efforts to improve response capabilities.
In South America, countries such as Brazil, Colombia, and Argentina are challenged by economic disparities and regional conflicts that heighten vulnerabilities among children. Traffickers exploit online platforms to target these at-risk populations.
Europe has also been significantly impacted by the menace of online child trafficking. The advent of technology and the internet has opened new avenues for traffickers to exploit vulnerable children. These perpetrators often use social media and the dark web to facilitate their illicit trade. The legal frameworks and protective measures vary significantly across European countries, influencing the effectiveness of the response to trafficking.
In Asia, the socio-economic conditions, including poverty, lack of education, and entrenched socio-cultural norms, contribute to the susceptibility of children to trafficking. The demand for cheap labour, sexual exploitation, and illegal adoption drives this nefarious trade across the continent.
Africa is a continent that has been deeply affected by the scourge of online child trafficking. With the rise of technology and the internet, traffickers have found new ways to exploit vulnerable children for profit. From the bustling markets of Nigeria to the remote villages of South Africa, children are being bought and sold online with alarming frequency.
The Oceania region is experiencing its own unique set of challenges and opportunities in the fight against online child trafficking. The vast and diverse geographical and cultural landscape of the region has a significant impact on the incidence and techniques of online exploitation. Although islands with limited resources and connectivity face unique challenges, the widespread internet access across the region also provides avenues for both legal and illegal activities.

How Online Platforms Facilitate Child Trafficking.
Child trafficking is a devastating crime that affects millions of children worldwide. While traditional methods of trafficking involve physical transportation and exploitation, the rise of online platforms has created new opportunities for traffickers to prey on vulnerable children.
Online platforms provide traffickers with a convenient and anonymous way to recruit, groom, and exploit children. Social media, messaging apps, and online forums are commonly used to lure victims by offering false promises of love, friendship, or opportunities for a better life. Once a child is in contact with a trafficker, they may be coerced into providing personal information, compromising photos or videos, or engaging in sexual activities.

I. Common Tactics Used by Traffickers in Key Industries.
In online child trafficking, traffickers deploy various manipulation tactics to exploit their victims. They often begin with grooming and building trust through flattery, gifts, and promises of a better life to lure children into risky situations.
Additionally, traffickers use coercion, employing threats and intimidation to control their victims, which may include threats of harm or exposure of sensitive information. Manipulation tactics like gaslighting and isolation are also common, as they undermine the victim’s reality and sever their connections to others, maintaining the trafficker’s control and ongoing exploitation.
Hospitality and Tourism Sector: With the rise of online booking platforms and social media, traffickers have found new avenues to exploit vulnerable individuals. They may use these platforms to advertise fake job opportunities or groom potential victims, making it easier to lure them into trafficking schemes.
In addition, the transient nature of the hospitality and tourism sector also makes it easier for traffickers to transport victims across borders or between tourist destinations, often under the guise of legitimate travel.
Entertainment and Adult Industries: Online child trafficking in the entertainment and adult industries is a grave and complex issue that exploits vulnerable minors through various digital channels. Traffickers employ sophisticated tactics to recruit, groom, and exploit children, often under the guise of legitimate opportunities in modelling, acting, or other entertainment sectors.
Traffickers often advertise fake job opportunities in modelling, acting, or dance that target teenagers eager for a break in the entertainment industry. These advertisements might appear on legitimate job sites, social media platforms, or through direct messaging. Once contact is established, traffickers use deceptive promises of fame and fortune to lure their victims into exploitative situations.
Traffickers utilise social media to find and groom potential victims. By creating fake profiles or using the profiles of previously trafficked victims, they build relationships with young people. They often study the interests, vulnerabilities, and social networks of their targets to tailor their approaches. Direct messaging features of social platforms are commonly used to establish contact and gain trust over time.

Through ongoing communication, traffickers establish a sense of trust and emotional connection with their targets. They may offer gifts, compliments, and promises of a better life and career opportunities. This grooming process may involve manipulating the child’s desire for affection, recognition, or escape from their current circumstances.
Initially, traffickers may request or coerce explicit photos or videos as part of the supposed audition or portfolio process. Over time, this can escalate to more explicit content, with traffickers using the initial images or videos as leverage (sextortion) to compel further participation under the threat of exposure.
Traffickers often attempt to isolate their victims from friends and family by sowing distrust or using the allure of an exciting, secretive career that others “wouldn’t understand.” This isolation makes it more difficult for victims to seek help or verify the legitimacy of the opportunities being presented.
As control over the victim solidifies, traffickers may move them into more overtly exploitative roles, including forced performances in adult entertainment or coercive participation in pornographic productions. These transitions are often facilitated by threats, manipulation, and escalating psychological control.
Online Gaming: Online gaming is a booming industry that, unfortunately, also provides a platform for illicit activities, including child trafficking. Traffickers can exploit online games and their associated social features as tools for manipulation, grooming, and eventually exploiting young players.
Traffickers often use the anonymous and interactive nature of online games to establish contact with potential victims. They may pose as fellow gamers, creating personas that appeal to younger players. Over time, they build trust through regular engagement, gifts (like in-game items or currencies), and seemingly genuine friendship. This grooming process may gradually escalate to more personal and potentially exploitative interactions.
Online games that feature chat rooms, private messaging, voice communication, and community forums provide multiple channels for traffickers to interact with minors. These features, while intended to enhance the gaming experience, can also be misused to foster secretive, exploitative relationships away from the oversight of parents or guardians.
The ability to create and manipulate avatars and profiles allows traffickers to conceal their true identities and intentions. They can present themselves as peers to their targets, reducing suspicion and barriers to conversation. This anonymity makes it difficult to trace and verify the identity of potential predators.
Traffickers may manipulate victims by promising or granting them in-game rewards or status. This can include exclusive access to certain game features, in-game currency, or help in advancing through game levels. Such rewards are often used as leverage to coax personal information or inappropriate images from the child.
By fostering an intense and isolated gaming relationship, traffickers aim to create a dependency that isolates the victim from real-world friends and family. This isolation can make the victim

more susceptible to manipulation and less likely to seek help or share their experiences with others.
Once a relationship and trust are established in the gaming environment, traffickers often attempt to move communication to other, less moderated platforms such as social media, instant messaging apps, or even face-to-face meetings. This step is aimed at further isolating the victim and escalating the control over them.
Traffickers may encourage victims to engage in risky behaviours, both in-game and in real life. This might include sharing sensitive personal information, sending images, or engaging in behaviours that break game rules, which can then be used to blackmail the victim.
To avoid detection, traffickers frequently use encrypted messaging apps, VPNs, and other tools that anonymise their online activities. These technologies make it harder for law enforcement to track their actions and protect potential victims.
In addition to these tactics, traffickers often use technology to their advantage. They may use encrypted messaging apps to communicate with their victims or dark web forums to advertise their services. By leveraging technology, traffickers are able to operate discreetly and evade detection by law enforcement.

II. Cryptocurrency and Payment Platforms
Cryptocurrency and payment platforms have become a significant concern when it comes to online child trafficking. The anonymity and ease of use that cryptocurrencies provide have made them a popular choice for those involved in illegal activities, including the buying and selling of children online. Payment platforms also play a crucial role in facilitating these transactions, allowing traffickers to easily transfer funds without detection.
One of the main challenges with cryptocurrencies is the difficulty in tracing transactions, making it harder for law enforcement agencies to track down and prosecute those involved in online child trafficking. Additionally, payment platforms that do not have robust security measures in place can be vulnerable to exploitation by traffickers, further complicating efforts to combat this crime.
Despite these challenges, there have been efforts to address the use of cryptocurrencies and payment platforms in online child trafficking. Some organisations have developed tools and technologies to help track and monitor suspicious transactions, while others have advocated for stricter regulations and oversight of these platforms to prevent their misuse by traffickers.
International cooperation is also crucial in combating the use of cryptocurrencies and payment platforms in online child trafficking. By sharing information and working together across borders, law enforcement agencies can better identify and dismantle networks involved in this heinous crime.

III. Dark Web Marketplaces and Forums
Dark Web marketplaces and forums play a significant role in the online child trafficking industry. These hidden corners of the internet provide a platform for traffickers to buy and sell children for exploitation. The anonymity and encryption of the Dark Web make it difficult for law enforcement to track down these criminals and rescue their victims.
One of the most disturbing aspects of Dark Web marketplaces is the ease with which traffickers can connect with buyers and sellers. These forums often have sections dedicated specifically to the buying and selling of children, with prices varying depending on the age, gender, and nationality of the victim. The lack of regulation and oversight on these platforms allows traffickers to operate with impunity.

Current Laws Addressing Online Child Trafficking
In recent years, there has been a growing recognition of the need for stronger laws to address the issue of online child trafficking. Several countries have enacted legislation specifically targeting this heinous crime, with the goal of holding perpetrators accountable and protecting vulnerable children. These laws often include provisions for increased penalties for those found guilty of online child trafficking, as well as measures to improve prevention and education efforts.
One key aspect of current laws addressing online child trafficking is the focus on technology and online platforms. Many laws now require internet service providers and social media companies to take proactive steps to prevent their platforms from being used to facilitate child trafficking. Additionally, law enforcement agencies are increasingly utilising technology to track down and prosecute those involved in online child trafficking.
Advocacy and support services for victims of online child trafficking are also an important component of current laws. Victims of online child trafficking often suffer from severe psychological trauma, and it is crucial that they have access to the support they need to heal and recover. Many countries have established specialised support services for these victims, including counselling, medical care, and legal assistance.

While there is still much work to be done, current laws addressing online child trafficking represent an important step forward in the fight against this horrific crime, including the Child Online Protection Act (COPA) and The Trafficking Victims Protection Act (TVPA) in the USA, the RCMP’s National Child Exploitation Crime Centre (NCECC) in Canada, European Union Directive on Combating the Sexual Abuse and Sexual Exploitation of Children and Child Pornography and the Child Exploitation and Online Protection (CEOP) Command in the UK among others.

International Collaboration on Legal Frameworks On Online Child Trafficking. International collaboration on legal frameworks is crucial in the fight against online child trafficking. With the borderless nature of the internet, traffickers can easily exploit legal loopholes by operating across multiple jurisdictions.
By working together, countries can harmonise their laws and close these gaps to make it harder for traffickers to evade justice. This collaboration also allows for the sharing of information and best practices, leading to more effective enforcement efforts.
International efforts to combat online child trafficking have also been strengthened in recent years. Countries around the world are working together to share information, coordinate investigations, and prosecute offenders who operate across borders. This collaboration has led to the successful dismantling of numerous online child trafficking networks and the rescue of many victims.

One key aspect of international collaboration is the development of treaties and agreements that set common standards for combating online child trafficking. These agreements ensure that countries have a common legal framework for prosecuting offenders and protecting victims. For example, the United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime and its Protocol to Prevent, Suppress and Punish Trafficking in Persons, Especially Women and Children, provide a comprehensive framework for addressing trafficking offences and promoting international cooperation.
In addition to treaties, countries also engage in multilateral initiatives and partnerships to strengthen their responses to online child trafficking. For example, the Interpol Global Task Force on Human Trafficking coordinates international law enforcement efforts and provides support to countries in their investigations. These partnerships help build trust and cooperation among countries, making it easier to track down and prosecute traffickers operating across borders.
Another important aspect of international collaboration is the sharing of resources and expertise. Countries with more advanced legal systems and technology infrastructure can assist those with limited capacity. For example, developed countries can help train law enforcement agencies in developing countries to investigate online child trafficking cases and use digital forensics tools effectively.
Overall, international collaboration on legal frameworks is essential for effectively combating online child trafficking. By working together, countries can create a more cohesive and coordinated response to this crime, making it harder for traffickers to operate with impunity. Through treaties, partnerships, and resource sharing, countries can strengthen their legal frameworks and enforcement efforts, ultimately leading to better protection for children at risk of exploitation.


Digital Forensics and Cyber Investigations

Digital forensics and cyber investigations play a crucial role in combating online child trafficking. In the digital age, traffickers use various online platforms and technologies to exploit vulnerable children, making it difficult for law enforcement to track and apprehend them. Digital forensics involves the collection, preservation, and analysis of electronic evidence to uncover the truth behind these heinous crimes. Cyber investigations, on the other hand, focus on tracking down perpetrators and disrupting their operations in the digital realm.


Challenges in Prosecuting Traffickers
Prosecuting traffickers involved in online child trafficking presents a multitude of challenges that hinder the justice system’s ability to bring these criminals to justice. One of the main obstacles is the anonymity provided by the dark web and encrypted messaging apps, which make it difficult for law enforcement to track and identify perpetrators. Traffickers often use sophisticated technology to cover their tracks, making it challenging for investigators to gather evidence against them.
Another challenge in prosecuting traffickers is the international nature of online child trafficking. Perpetrators can operate from anywhere in the world, making it difficult for law enforcement agencies to coordinate efforts across borders. Different legal systems and jurisdictions further complicate the process of bringing traffickers to justice, as extradition and cooperation agreements may be lacking or ineffective.
Furthermore, the psychological effects of online child trafficking on victims can make it difficult for them to come forward and testify against their abusers. Many victims suffer from trauma, shame, and fear, which can prevent them from cooperating with law enforcement or participating in court proceedings. This not only hinders the prosecution of traffickers but also perpetuates the cycle of abuse and exploitation.
In addition to these challenges, the lack of resources and funding dedicated to combating online child trafficking poses a significant obstacle to prosecuting traffickers. Law enforcement agencies often lack the training, technology, and manpower needed to investigate and prosecute these crimes effectively. Without proper resources, cases can languish unresolved, allowing perpetrators to continue their criminal activities unchecked.
Despite these challenges, there is hope for progress in prosecuting traffickers involved in online child trafficking. By increasing awareness, funding, and international cooperation, law enforcement agencies can improve their ability to combat these heinous crimes. Additionally, advocating for policy changes and implementing stricter laws and penalties for traffickers can help deter future criminal activity and bring justice to victims of online child trafficking.

Prevention and Education Programs.
Combating child online trafficking is an urgent issue that requires coordinated efforts from various sectors, including law enforcement, educational systems, technology companies, and community organizations.

Educating children, parents and caregivers on online risks is crucial in today’s digital age, where online child trafficking is a growing concern. It is essential for parents to be aware of the potential dangers that their children may face while browsing the internet and engaging in online activities. By educating children on how to safely navigate the online world and recognise warning signs of potential predators, we can help prevent them from becoming victims of online child trafficking.
Education and prevention programs are crucial in raising awareness, equipping children, parents, and educators with the necessary tools to recognize and respond to threats, and ultimately safeguarding children from exploitation. Combating child online trafficking requires coordinated efforts from various sectors, including law enforcement, educational systems, technology companies, and community organizations.

Here are some strategies for effective prevention aimed at combating child online trafficking:
1. Digital Literacy and Safety Education
Educational programs aimed at children and teenagers should prioritise improving digital literacy by teaching them how to navigate online spaces safely. This includes understanding what personal information is and the risks that come with sharing it online, recognising suspicious behaviour and grooming tactics used by traffickers, utilising privacy settings and reporting mechanisms on social media platforms, and maintaining digital privacy and security to ensure online safety.
2. Curriculum Integration
Integrating internet safety and anti-trafficking content into the school curriculum can ensure that all students receive critical information. The curriculum should cover topics such as the nature of online trafficking, how it operates, the legal consequences of participating in or falling victim to online trafficking, and ways to safely intervene or seek help if they suspect trafficking activities.
3. Parent and Guardian Education
Programs that focus on online safety should target children as well as their parents and guardians. These programs should equip parents with the necessary knowledge and tools to monitor their children’s internet activities and discuss the risks associated with them. This includes conducting workshops on modern internet usage and potential hazards, providing guidance on how to have conversations on sensitive topics like sexual exploitation, and offering information on how to use monitoring tools and parental controls.
4. Professional Training for Educators and Social Workers
Professional training is crucial for teachers, school counsellors, and social workers to recognise signs of trafficking and to intervene appropriately. This training should include identifying indicators of children at risk or involved in online trafficking, protocols for reporting suspected trafficking and providing resources for supporting victims. It is important to equip educators and social workers with the necessary knowledge and skills to combat trafficking and protect vulnerable children.

5. Community Outreach Programs
Community outreach programs are an effective way to expand the scope of educational campaigns. These initiatives involve local businesses, community leaders, and youth organisations in raising awareness. Some ways in which these programs can be implemented include distributing informational materials, hosting community forums and discussions, and engaging local media to increase awareness.

6. Partnerships with Tech Companies
Collaborating with technology companies is crucial to creating safer online environments and developing platforms that discourage trafficking. This involves implementing stronger age verification systems, designing more effective algorithms to identify and report suspicious activities, and providing education and awareness resources directly within online services.

7. Online Campaigns and Apps
Utilising technology, such as online campaigns and apps, can be an effective way to combat trafficking by educating young people in engaging ways. The development of apps that offer quick and anonymous reporting tools, educational games and scenarios to practice safe online behaviours and connect children with help and resources without stigma can all play a role in fighting against trafficking.

8. Evaluation and Adaptation
The effectiveness of these educational and prevention programs must be continually evaluated and adapted based on emerging/new trends in online behaviour and trafficking techniques. Regular updates ensure they remain relevant and effective.
Through comprehensive and inclusive educational strategies, communities can better protect children from the dangers of online trafficking. Such efforts not only prevent trafficking but also empower young individuals with the knowledge and skills to navigate digital worlds safely.
Technology plays a dual role in online child trafficking, as both a tool for traffickers to exploit children and a resource for law enforcement to track down and rescue victims. By staying informed about the latest developments in technology and online platforms used for child trafficking, we can better equip ourselves to combat this heinous crime and protect children from harm.

Success Stories In Combating Online Child Trafficking Globally
Success stories in combating online child trafficking globally have shown that with concerted efforts and collaboration, significant progress can be made in protecting vulnerable children.
One such success story is Operation Cross Country, an annual operation led by the FBI in collaboration with international law enforcement agencies. This operation has resulted in the rescue of hundreds of children and the arrest of numerous perpetrators involved in online child trafficking networks.
Another success story is the implementation of the Child Rescue Alert system in the UK, which has proven to be an effective tool in quickly locating and rescuing abducted children. This system sends out alerts to the public, asking for their help in locating missing children, and has led to successful recoveries in several cases of online child trafficking.

Furthermore, the Global Alliance Against Child Sexual Abuse Online, a coalition of international organisations, law enforcement agencies, and technology companies, has been instrumental in combatting online child trafficking. Through their collaborative efforts, they have been able to identify and shut down numerous online platforms used by traffickers to exploit children, as well as rescue victims and bring perpetrators to justice.
In addition, the adoption of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) by many countries has provided a legal framework for protecting children from all forms of exploitation, including online child trafficking. This international treaty sets out the rights of children to be protected from violence, abuse, and exploitation and provides guidelines for governments to implement policies and laws to prevent and combat online child trafficking.
Overall, these success stories demonstrate that by working together at both national and international levels, significant strides can be made in combating online child trafficking and protecting vulnerable children. It is crucial for governments, law enforcement agencies, NGOs, and the private sector to continue to collaborate and innovate in order to effectively address this growing threat to children’s safety and well-being.
Legal implications and policies surrounding online child trafficking are complex and constantly evolving. Law enforcement agencies around the world need to work to strengthen their capabilities to investigate and prosecute traffickers operating on the Dark Web.


Featured Image created by Leticia Cox

Sources: in-major-marketplace-seizure abuse xplttn-en.aspx asean/ asia/ Harm – Data-
Insight 4 – Legislation addressing OCSEA.pdf\

The Impact of the Humanitarian Crisis in Gaza on Educational Rights

Written by Alessia Bruni 

The humanitarian crisis in Gaza continues to disrupt the lives of many residents severely, specifically affecting the educational rights of Palestinian children. The right to education is a fundamental right that all children should enjoy, however, for many children and students living in the Gaza Strip, school has been inaccessible due to the damage to their infrastructure and the threat of violence. The crisis disrupts the children’s ability to gain quality education, creating long-term obstacles. 

The Crisis in Gaza  

Recent reports calculate that over 625,000 children in Gaza, including 300,00 enrolled in the United Nations Relief and Works Agency, schools have been directly impacted by the ongoing humanitarian crisis. (United Nations Relief Works Agency 2024) These families and their children live in a constant state of fear due to the ongoing threats of violence by military operations, and this causes a lack of access to essential services, with education being the most predominant. Many of the schools that allow access to education have been destroyed or damaged by airstrikes at an alarming rate of 90%, leaving families to be displaced. (Rose and Sayed 2024) Our normalcy of everyday life is easily sustainable, whereas, for Palestinian children, normalcy is impossible to sustain. Having to rebuild the educational system will leave the children losing either 2 years of education in case a ceasefire was to be drawn, and if not, an alarming 5 years of education could be lost. (Rose and Sayed 2024)  


Destruction of Infrastructure  

The humanitarian crisis in Gaza is not only reflected in the multitude of deaths of children but also extends to the fate of the children who do survive but are left with the aftereffects of the destruction, leaving their opportunities, specifically educational opportunities, in jeopardy. The Education Cluster deployed a satellite-derived damage assessment in the Gaza Strip to assess the damage to infrastructure and educational facilities. The results of the satellite images revealed that hundreds of the buildings were destroyed. To further highlight these atrocities, under International Humanitarian Law, any direct attack against a school is constituted as a violation, specifically regarding children in conflict. (Inger Ashing, Sherif, and Egeland 2024) This highlights the severity of the lives and educational opportunities of Palestinian children.  


The extent of the destruction underscores the lasting and devastating impact on educational access for current and future generations. The significant damage to these schools places educational opportunities in a state of crisis; once hostilities cease, children may find themselves without any schools to attend. Furthermore, rebuilding the infrastructure could take years or may even prove impossible. (United Nations 2024) The destruction of school facilities not only postpones formal education but deprives children of a safe learning environment. Schools are vital for fostering social skills and supporting emotional and educational development. (UN Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights 2024) The absence of adequate infrastructure has forced students into temporary shelters, where they face numerous challenges, including overcrowding, interruptions, and limited support and resources. (Hinnawi 2024)  


The Psychological Damage on the Children and Educators  

It is important to draw attention to the significant psychological impact of the humanitarian crisis on Gaza’s children. It is calculated that over 1.2 million children live in a constant state where their safety is compromised due to threats or violence, this creates effects that are lasting to their well-being. (Hinnawi 2024) The impact of the crisis has left nearly all children in the Gaza Strip to require mental health support due to the atrocities and the lasting trauma due to the multitude of loss of their friends, homes, schools, and family. (Rose and Sayed 2024)  

“Education has been under relentless attack in Gaza and the West Bank, with hundreds of thousands of children deprived of their right to education, tens of thousands of teachers having lost their jobs, and hundreds of schools in the Gaza Strip totally or partially destroyed” (Education International 2024) The ongoing conflict continues to disrupt the lives of the children with ongoing trauma, contributing to the ability of the children to engage in educational opportunities meaningfully. Furthermore, many of the educators face the same trauma that the children of Gaza experience while having to work under strenuous conditions to provide education. This creates a disruptive cycle of learning as both the educators and students are subjected to severe psychological trauma due to the ongoing trauma and instability. (Graham-Harrison and Mousa 2023)  


The Generational Impact  

The long-term implications of the current crisis in Gaza on education are profound, leaving many students without access to schooling now and potentially in the future if conditions do not improve. The loss of education raises the alarming prospect of a “lost generation,” as prolonged school absences deprive children of the essential skills and knowledge needed for meaningful economic and social contributions. (Rose and Sayed 2024) Education offers a vital pathway for children to improve their circumstances and provides individuals from impoverished backgrounds a chance to break free from their limitations and establish stability. The erosion of educational opportunities not only jeprodises the future of these children but also threatens the overall future of Palestinian society. (Ali 2024) 


The degradation of educational opportunities in Gaza has far-reaching implications that extend beyond academic knowledge, encompassing the essential values and aspirations that a school environment fosters. Interviews conducted by aid workers have revealed that many children in Gaza are grappling with fundamental questions regarding the concepts of equality and human rights. (United Nations Relief Works Agency 2024) These inquiries arise from the stark contradiction between these ideals and the pervasive violence and trauma they endure. If ongoing loss of hope, intervention, and values persists, it may rise to significant social challenges in the future. (UN Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights 2024)   


The Role of International Aid  

International organisations and governments must prioritise the right to education in their response to the ongoing crisis, particularly through the provision of humanitarian aid. The United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) has taken significant steps to address this issue by calling for an immediate ceasefire and urging international organisations to increase funding for their “Education in Emergencies” program. This initiative provides non-formal education, mental health support, and temporary learning spaces. (United Nations Relief Works Agency 2024) A commitment to educational recovery is essential to safeguard the future of children in Gaza. This commitment should encompass measures that ensure safe learning environments during emergencies and humanitarian crises. This will help foster hope and stability for Palestinian youth. (Hinnawi 2024) 



The humanitarian crisis in Gaza underscores the profound disruptions to both educational opportunities and humanitarian rights, leading to enduring and detrimental effects on physical infrastructure and mental health. Immediate intervention and assistance are essential, as the cycle of trauma and interrupted education is likely to escalate, resulting in long-term repercussions for the Palestinian children and the wider community. Education is a fundamental human right, and by prioritising aid initiatives, the international community has a critical opportunity to alleviate the impacts of the current crisis. Restoring educational access can provide the children of Gaza with a sense of normalcy, hope, and stability, which is crucial for both their present circumstances and future prospects. 



Ali, Eman Alhaj. 2024. “In Gaza, education is resistance.” Al Jazeera, August 12, 2024. 

Education International. 2024. “War and trauma: Addressing mental health in Palestine.” Education International, July 8, 2024. 

Graham-Harrison, Emma, and Aseel Mousa. 2023. “War’s toll on education in Gaza casts shadow over children’s future.” the Guardian, December 18, 2023. 

Hinnawi, Mohammed. 2024. “UNRWA Education activities in Gaza.” UNRWA EDUCATION RESPONSE IN GAZA, June 2024. 

Inger Ashing, Inger, Yasmine Sherif, and Jan Egeland. 2024. “Education Under Attack in Gaza, With Nearly 90% of School Buildings Damaged or Destroyed.” Save The Children, April 16, 2024. 

Rose, Pauline, and Yusuf Sayed. 2024. “Palestinian Education ‘under Attack’, Leaving a Generation Close to Losing Hope, Study Warns.” University of Cambridge. September 25, 2024. 

United Nations. 2024. “UN experts deeply concerned over ‘scholasticide’ in Gaza.” UN experts deeply concerned over ‘scholasticide’ in Gaza OHCHR, April 18, 2024. 

United Nations Relief Works Agency. 2024. “Education Under Attack.” Education Under Attack UNWRA, September 9, 2024. 

UN Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights. 2024. “UN Human Rights Office – OPT: The UN Human Rights Office condemns Israeli Defense Force’s Strike on Al Tabae’en School in Gaza City – occupied Palestinian territory.” ReliefWeb, August 10, 2024.*1gb7d68*_ga*MTczOTcwNTI5NC4xNzE3NTA5ODY5*_ga_E60ZNX2F68*MTcyMzU1MDMzNi4yMi4xLjE3MjM1NTAzMzguNTguMC4w. 

Cover Image by Honsy Salah, Gaza, Palestine, 2011, photograph, Pixabay, 


Housing challenges for international students in the Netherlands (in comparison to Dutch students)

The Netherlands has major challenges in the housing market, mainly because of scarcity. Finding affordable and decent accommodation can be a struggle, especially when not native to the language or common from a different country. International students are particularly vulnerable because of the discrimination and exploitation they face in the current housing market.   

The Problem: 

The main issue is the severe shortage of suitable housing options, especially for (international) students. Exploitation and deception are commonly faced when international students try to find a suitable housing situation.  

Various sources explain why internationals are more vulnerable than Dutch students: 

  • Lack of awareness and cultural differences: 
  • International students often struggle to navigate the local student culture, making it harder for them to recognize warning signs and easier to become victims of exploitation. 
  • Language barriers: 
  • Constantly speaking English at home is often the reason why Dutch students are less likely to select international housemates, contributing to social clustering. 
  • Preference for familiarity: 
  • Dutch students may prioritize living with friends from high school or their student association, making them less likely to welcome new international students. 
  • Shorter stay duration: 
  • International students typically stay for shorter periods. Landlords (and housemates) might prefer tenants with longer commitments. 
  • Practical considerations: 
  • Landlords and housemates may exclude international students from their selection process to manage overwhelming responses to housing advertisements. 

Unveiling Scammer Tactics: 

Scammers take advantage of the housing crisis, employing various (although often similar) tactics to deceive potential renters: 

  • Urgent payment requests: 
  • Scammers pressure individuals to pay immediately by claiming that delaying payment could result in losing the opportunity. 
  • False identification: 
  • To appear trustworthy they often offer false identification, and scammers use stolen or forged identity documents. 
  • Posing as current tenants: 
  • Pretending to be current occupants, scammers assure prospective tenants of the landlord’s reliability, enhancing their credibility. 
  • Emotional manipulation: 
  • Making up sympathetic stories, scammers exploit emotions to facilitate deception. 
  • Flexibility with preferences: 
  • Scammers are often very flexible and easily adapt to tenants’ preferences (regarding lease start dates or furnishing options) to gain trust. 
  • Advance payment requests without viewing: 
  • Scammers demand upfront payments before viewing the property and often request the money to be transferred to foreign accounts or through specific payment links. 

Awareness of these tactics empowers renters to take precautionary measures against scams and safeguard themselves effectively. 


Annotated bibliography: 

Everyone in the housing market may be affected by enormous scarcity, but international students are even more vulnerable due to increased desperation in their housing search. 

University of Groningen 

Reasons for not wanting internationals: 

Language barrier: Dutch students may struggle with the idea of constantly speaking English at home. After a long day of studying or working, they want to relax, which can be made difficult by the need to communicate in another language. 

Cultural differences: It is suggested that international students may not be familiar with the local student culture, such as attending housing interviews and joining student associations. This can lead to a sense of alienation between international and Dutch students. 

Preference for acquaintances: Dutch students sometimes prefer to live with friends from high school, making them less inclined to welcome new people, such as international students. 

Short stays: International students often stay for a shorter period, which some houses prefer to avoid. Landlords often prefer housemates who will stay for a longer period. 

Practical considerations

Due to the large number of responses to advertisements for available rooms, landlords may choose to exclude international students to limit the selection and keep the process manageable. 

Unfamiliarity and prejudice

Dutch students may have a distorted view of international students and may not be aware of the challenges they face in finding housing. Prejudices may exist that hinder the acceptance of international students. 

The main idea of the article is that international students in the Netherlands often face abuse by landlords and difficulties in finding affordable and decent housing. This is supported by reports to the National Student Union (LSVb) and the Amsterdam Student Union ASVA, which point to discrimination, fraud, and neglect of housing. The shortage of student housing is emphasized, especially in Amsterdam, and calls are made for targeted government investments to address this problem. 

The main idea of the article is that students in the Netherlands, especially international students, are particularly vulnerable to fraud due to severe housing shortages. Due to the scarcity of student housing and the increase in the number of students, they easily fall victim to scammers who place fake advertisements for housing. These scammers use various tactics to pressure students and gain their trust, such as providing false identification and telling sad stories. Despite efforts by administrators of Facebook groups and warning groups on the platform, fraud remains a major problem. 

Fang Cheung saw so much fraud happening that she started a Facebook group to warn house hunters. 

International students are victims of abuse and fraud due to the severe shortage of student housing. Many international students search for a room from abroad, so they may not always have the opportunity to physically view the room and struggle to find reliable landlords. Landlords take advantage of the vulnerable position of international students by refusing repairs, asking for excessively high rent, and threatening eviction. International students often have no alternative and must accept poor conditions or risk becoming homeless. Targeted investments in student housing are needed to address the shortage of rooms, but there is still a lack of real action from the national government. 

The municipality of Nijmegen collaborates with Radboud University and HAN University of Applied Sciences to address housing discrimination against international students. At Vizier, people can report discrimination and receive advice on how to deal with it. Vizier provides support in finding a solution, helps with complaints, and can assist with filing a report with the police if necessary. By reporting discrimination, you not only help yourself but also contribute to making the problem visible to the authorities so that targeted action can be taken. Examples of housing discrimination include charging higher rent, deposit, or mediation fees to international students because of their nationality, which is against the law. 


According to experts, these are tactics that scammers often use: 

  • Scammers put pressure on people. They say: if you wait to pay, then the room will be taken by someone else, so pay quickly. 
  • They often offer to provide identification, making it seem reliable. But they use (hacked) identity cards of others for this purpose. 
  • They often initially pose as the current resident, who then emphasizes that the landlord is really trustworthy. 
  • They say they are abroad, so you cannot view the property. And often accompany this with a sad story, such as their wife being treated there for illness or helping at the border with Ukraine. 
  • The scammers are usually very accommodating to your wishes. Later or earlier in the property? No problem. Preferably unfurnished? That’s also possible. 
  • They ask (in most cases) if the money can be transferred before the property can be viewed. The money must be sent to a foreign account or via a specific payment link. 


Featured Photo by Breno Assis on Unsplash



The Right to Education Act in India: Success and Challenges in Implementation

By Mahnoor Ali

The Right to Education (RTE) Act, officially known as the Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act is a landmark piece of legislation in India that requires free and compulsory education for children aged 6 to 14. It was enacted by the Parliament of India on August 4, 2009, and came into effect on April 1, 2010. The Act is a significant step towards achieving universal primary education and ensuring that every child has access to a quality education.[1] However, in addition to its successes, the RTE Act has faced numerous challenges during its implementation. This article covers the RTE Act’s historical background, key provisions, success, and challenges in India, offering a broad picture of the legislation’s influence on the nation’s educational system.

Historical Context of the Right to Education in India

In the 86th Amendment Act of 2002, free and compulsory education for children was intended to become a basic right. In October 2003, a draft of the Free and Compulsory Education for Children Bill was created and underwent revision in 2004. In June 2005, the ‘Right to Education’ Bill was written by the Central Advisory Board of Education (CABE) committee and submitted to the Prime Minister, the National Accountability Committee (NAC), and the Ministry of HRD. But, in July 2006, the bill was rejected by the planning commission and finance committee because of a lack of funding. States were given a sample bill to make the required arrangements. The Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Bill, 2008, was ratified by the President in August 2009 after passing both Houses of Parliament in 2009. On April 1, 2010, the RTE Act and Article 21-A went into force.[2]

Key Provisions of the Right to Education Act (2009)

Some of the key provisions of the Right to Education Act include:

  • Free and Compulsory Education: The Act emphasises that no child should be denied education because of financial limitations by requiring children between the ages of 6 and 14 to receive free education.[3]
  • Infrastructure Standards: Classrooms, restrooms, and drinking water facilities must all adhere to a set of requirements for schools.
  • Reservation in Private Schools: The Act mandates that private schools set aside 25% of their seats for students from economically disadvantaged groups and economically weaker sections (EWS) in order to foster inclusion.[4]
  • Comprehensive and Continuous Evaluation: The RTE Act promotes child-friendly, comprehensive assessment techniques that support lifelong learning while discouraging the use of traditional pass/fail tests.
  • Special Provisions for Marginalised Groups: The Act aims to provide protection and additional support for children from marginalised backgrounds, such as scheduled castes, scheduled tribes, and children with disabilities, acknowledging the special problems they confront.

Successes of the Right to Education Act

The RTE Act has produced a number of beneficial results since it was put into effect, most notably a rise in enrollment rates nationwide. The reservation in private schools has brought economically disadvantaged kids into mainstream education, resulting in a notable increase in the integration of underprivileged communities.

  • Enrollment and Inclusivity: The data indicates that enrollment rates have significantly improved, particularly for girls and kids from disadvantaged families. As more girls enrol in basic and secondary education, the gender gap has substantially closed.[5]
  • Infrastructure and Teacher Quality: While the effects vary from state to state, some areas have witnessed increases in student-teacher ratios and greater infrastructure, guaranteeing that students have access to learning environments that are better suited to high-quality education.[6]
  • Public-Private Synergy: By requiring private schools to allow underprivileged pupils, the Act has contributed to a decrease in socioeconomic segregation in urban schools. Not only has this integration given disadvantaged children options, but it has also sparked some accountability and improved the standard of instruction.

Challenges in Implementing the Right to Education Act

Despite the success that the RTE Act had, its wider goals have been hampered by the difficulties in implementing it. Some of the major challenges faced in the implementation of this Act are discussed below:

  • Infrastructure Gaps: Inadequate infrastructure continues to plague many public schools, particularly those in remote areas. Some schools have struggled to satisfy RTE criteria due to a shortage of functional restrooms (particularly for ladies), poorly kept premises, and inadequate instructional resources. While urban areas have experienced advancements, rural schools frequently fall behind.
  • Teacher Shortages and Quality: Lack of qualified instructors, especially in rural regions, is a major problem. Several schools continue to fall short of the required teacher-to-student ratio. In addition, there is a clear disparity in the quality of instruction, with underqualified or poorly trained teachers having a negative impact on student achievement. Lack of accountability and absenteeism exacerbate this problem.
  • Private Schools’ Non-Compliance: Despite the RTE’s demand that private schools reserve 25% of their enrollment for students from underprivileged families, many establishments choose not to comply. Many private schools refuse to accept the necessary number of EWS pupils, either on purpose or due to ignorance. They cite a variety of operational issues, such as financial hardship.[7]
  • Shortcomings in Monitoring and Evaluation: The absence of strong systems to keep an eye on and assess how the Act is being implemented is another serious problem. Ineffective implementation and monitoring are caused by inconsistent data and a lack of collaboration between state and federal entities.
  • Socioeconomic Barriers: Children’s access to education is nevertheless hampered by socioeconomic issues like poverty, child labour, and cultural views despite of ‘free’ education. Dalit[8] children continue to face social exclusion due to caste discrimination, which is still a significant barrier for underprivileged people, particularly in rural areas.
  • COVID-19’s effects and the digital divide: The COVID-19 pandemic made already-existing disparities in educational access worse. Children from low-income households experienced a digital divide as a result of the change to online learning due to lack of access to computers, smartphones, or reliable internet connections. This brought to light the shortcomings of the RTE Act, which does not adequately address the growing significance of digital infrastructure and literacy in contemporary schooling.

Policy Recommendations

A coordinated effort from several stakeholders, including the public and private sectors, governments, and educational institutions, is necessary to overcome these obstacles. Important suggestions consist of:

  • Infrastructure Investment: The government needs to put the allocation of funding for improvement of school infrastructure as their top priority especially in rural areas. Sanitation, energy, and digital infrastructure also need to be given special consideration.
  • Teacher Training and Accountability: To raise the calibre and attendance of teachers, rigorous accountability procedures and ongoing professional development are required.
  • Improved Monitoring and Evaluation: To guarantee adherence to RTE regulations, it is imperative to fortify the monitoring structures at the federal and state levels. A more transparent process and data-driven decision-making ought to direct changes to policies.
  • Digital Inclusion: The digital divide needs to be addressed especially after the COVID-19. In order to make education egalitarian in the digital age, it is imperative that low-income students have access to gadgets, inexpensive internet, and online resources.


Ensuring that every kid in India has access to high-quality education has been made possible largely by the Right to Education Act. Even though there have been some noticeable achievements, such as enrollment and gender parity, the process is far from over. Achieving the entire objective of the RTE Act will require tackling implementation issues, guaranteeing compliance, and planning for the future of education. Moreover, in order to establish an education system that does not leave any child behind, stakeholders must collaborate and acknowledge that education is not only a fundamental human right but also the cornerstone of a fair and just society.


Featured Image source:


[1] Gorav Sharma. (2021, May 15). What is Right to Education Act (RTE Act)? Times of India Blog. Retrieved August 20, 2024, from

[2] Balram. (2020, August 17). Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act, 2009 (Right to Education Act). Vikaspedia. Retrieved August 22, 2024, from

[3] Warrier, V. S. (2023, July 4). Right to Education in India: Challenges and Opportunities – The Lex-Warrier: Online Law Journal. The Lex-Warrier: Online Law Journal.

[4]Rai, D. (2021, August 27). All you need to know about the Right to Education in India. iPleaders.

[5] Banerjee, S. (2019). Ten years of RTE Act: Revisiting achievements and examining gaps. Observe Research Foundation, 304.

[6] Child Rights and You. (2024, July 30). Right to Education Act (RTE) – Know importance & responsibilities. CRY – Give Children a Happy, Healthy and Creative Childhood | CRY – India’s Leading Non-profit.

[7] Goodpal, V. a. P. B. (2024, February 23). RTE Act 2009 — Issues and challenges. Issues and Challenges in India.

[8] ‘Dalit’ is a term for untouchables and outcasts, who represented the lowest stratum of the castes in the Indian subcontinent.

Education Monitor: Around The Globe between December 1st and December 15th, 2024 Edition

Broken Chalk proudly presents a new edition of “Education Monitor: Around the Globe” between December 1st and December 15th, 2024. Broken Chalk aims with this letter to increase public awareness of  Educational problems, challenges, and violations in the scope of the world. This newsletter is unique. This is a weekly newsletter in which we attempt to monitor and convey educational news from around the world in a concise manner. This monitor will be published biweekly with the effort of our young and enthusiastic team.

You can contribute to our work if you like. If you witness any violations in the scope of education, you can write the comment part of this post. Broken Chalk will try to address the issue in its next monitor edition.


To download this edition as a PDF, click here

Broken Chalk Platform, in March 2019, was founded by a group of educators abroad who experienced and have been experiencing severe human rights violations in Turkey and had to ask for asylum currently in several countries.

These education volunteers also suffered greatly and started their new lives in their new countries without human rights violations. They gained respect just because they were considered human beings in those countries. However, they left one part of their minds and hearts in their homeland. They assigned themselves a new duty, and the human rights violations they left behind had to be announced to the World. A group of education volunteers who came together for this purpose started their activities under the Broken Chalk platform’s umbrella. However, the Broken Chalk platform was not enough to serve their aims. Therefore, they completed their official establishment as a Human Rights Foundation in October 2020.

Broken Chalk is now much more than a platform, and we have reviewed and enlarged our vision and mission within this framework. Violations of rights would be the first in our agenda in the field of Education all over the World. At the point we reached today, Broken Chalk opened its door to all individuals from all across the globe, from all professions, and to all individuals who say or can say ‘I also want to stand against violations of human rights in Education for our future and whole humanity, where our generations grow up together.’

Education is essential because it can help us eliminate the evils from society, introduce, and increase the good. We want to draw the public’s and stakeholders’ attention to the fact that Education is in danger in several different parts of the World. The attacks are wide-reaching, from the bombing of schools to the murder of students and teachers. Raping and sexual violence, arbitrary arrests, and forced recruitment also occurred, instigated by armed groups. Attacks on Education harm the students and teachers but also affect the communities in the short and long term.

We invite all individuals who want to stop human rights violations in Education to become Volunteers at Broken Chalk.

Ethiopia’s Education Problem: 96% of students fail final school exam 

Written by Zoë Alford

Hundreds of thousands of students are left without the opportunity for higher education due to a massive educational crisis currently facing Ethiopia. Out of the 3,106 schools administering 12th grade in 2023, 43% reported that no students had passed the Ethiopian General Secondary Education Certificate Examination (EGSECE) (Hood, 2023). This final exam is a prerequisite for university entrance and saw 96% of students failing for the second year in a row (Hood, 2023). The overwhelming majority of Ethiopia’s youth are now left with limited education opportunities and few choices for their future. While exam results are not the only measure of a country’s education system, such significant failure rates can only be symptomatic of one that is fractured and struggling.

Structural Issues:

The education system in Ethiopia is struggling to keep up with the burgeoning numbers of primary and secondary school students. Since 1990, students in primary education increased from 3 million to 20 million in 2018/19 (Tiruneh et al., 2021). With more students finishing primary school than ever before, Ethiopian pupils are continuing on into high school with limited resources and infrastructure in place to support them. Secondary enrollment has doubled in the last 10 years, going from 23% in 2011/12 to 46% in 2021/22 (Ministry of Education, 2022) This remarkable achievement has given greater access to education for children from disadvantaged backgrounds and drastically increased the number of girls in school. However, the rapid expansion of the education system has left it struggling to ensure all students are given a sound education and the resources they require (Tiruneh et al., 2021).

Poor school infrastructure, inadequate distribution of resources and outdated materials have also fueled this crisis. Combined with a system stretched thin to meet the demands of ever-increasing pupils, hundreds of thousands of children have consequentially finished primary education without fundamental skills in literacy and numeracy (Hood, 2023). These abilities are not only essential for further education but also necessary to live a life of opportunity in a modern, globalised world.

The lack of robust education combined with a burgeoning student population has also left Ethiopia without appropriately trained teachers. In the country’s teacher trainee program, many candidates have not completed the final 2 years of secondary education. Trainees often also score low when tested for their science and mathematics abilities (Assefa et al. 2021; Gebremeskel et al. 2017). This leaves a major gap in the education system for educated and well-trained teachers, creating a cycle where limited education creates poorly educated teachers, creating further inadequate education for younger students in fundamental subjects. There is also a high student-to-teacher ratio, stretching what teachers that Ethiopia does have already, thinner (Assefa et al. 2021). Ethiopia has recognized that their educational system must consider the gap between their societal goals for education and the general student learning experience (Hood, 2023).


It is also important to note that the Covid-19 pandemic widened the education gap. Lockdowns in 2020 prevented more than 26 million students from learning over a period of 8 months (Araya et al., 2022). With limited online learning materials and resources, students were required to catch up on 8 months’ worth of lessons lost in just 45 days. Primary school students in 2021 had lower foundational numeracy skills and made slower progress in numeracy as the year progressed, compared to students from 2018 (Araya et al., 2022). The pandemic lockdowns also heavily affected students from rural and lower-income families, with pupils from these backgrounds having the lowest numeracy levels in their cohort (Araya et al., 2022). The pandemic therefore exacerbated the systemic problems already prevalent in Ethiopia’s education system.

Internal Conflict:

The Tigray War in northern Ethiopia also likely added to the declining exam results. Lasting from November 2020 until November 2022, the conflict caused a humanitarian crisis, human rights abuses and destruction of infrastructure, including educational institutions. The conflict affected around 1.4 million children in the region, with many parents too concerned about their children’s safety to send them to school (Belay et al., 2023). This conflict severely limited access to education, for reasons such as trauma, loss of infrastructure and population movement (Belay et al., 2023). The armed conflict in Tigray has not only impacted on educational achievement in the region but also limited education opportunities. This has been cited as another reason for the extremely low pass rate in Ethiopia in recent years (Belay et al., 2023).

Looking forward:

An overall greater financial investment in education would offer a fast-tracked solution to many of Ethiopia’s’ education systemic problems. Funding for additional, more uniform and up to date learning resources as well as improving school infrastructure would greatly increase educational quality for all students. Higher salaries, a stronger teacher training program and leadership training would encourage and upskill both current and potential teachers in Ethiopia (Tena & Motuma, 2024). Leadership training and a better trainee program can also be achieved via greater investment in university education, which has the potential to play a critical role in overcoming widespread structural issues. Investing in universities encourages innovation and improvement in curriculum, teacher training programs and capacity building within the education system (Tena & Motuma, 2024).

Greater focus on students from disadvantaged backgrounds would also ensure that Ethiopia’s most vulnerable pupils would not miss out on an education. Targeted support for low-performing students, those from low socio-economic backgrounds and students from rural areas would prevent further widening learning inequalities (Araya et al., 2022). When possible, employing technological forms of teaching would keep pupils in school who otherwise would not be able to attend, whether caused by conflict, illness or events like Covid-19. When online learning is not possible, continuing to encourage the importance of education across local communities and providing learning resources would greatly encourage students from disadvantaged backgrounds to continue their education (Araya et al., 2022). Ensuring pupils can still access education, despite conflict, pandemics or remoteness is essential to ensure such high rates of failure do not continue in the future.

Overall, Ethiopia must continue to invest and improve in their education system. This will ensure the robust functioning of not only its economy, but the right to self-determination for all Ethiopians regardless of economic background. Education has the power to reduce inequality, poverty, and it is therefore necessary to ensure that future Ethiopian generations are not left behind.

Photo by Roman Mager on Unsplash


Araya, M., Rose, P., Sabates, R., Tiruneh, D.T., Woldeanna, T. (2022). Learning Losses during the COVID-19 Pandemic in Ethiopia: Comparing student achievement in early primary grades before school closures, and after they reopened. Rise Insight Series. Retrieved from

Assefa, S., Asfaw, A., Fufa, D., Zewdie, G., Wodajo, H., Kekeba, H. & Tola, T. (2021). Status of teacher education programs in Ethiopia: Policy, curricula and resources. The Ethiopian Journal of Education, 41(1), 247-296.

Belay, F., Berhane, D., Teshale, H., Mulubrhan, G., Hagos, T., Gebremariam, H., Brhane, T., Islam, Z. (2023). The effect of war on educational institutions of Eastern Tigray zone, Tigray state, Ethiopia. International Journal of Educational Development, 102:102864. Retrieved from,relevant%20to%20the%20war%20experiences.

Gebremeskel, H.H., Ahmed, A.Y., Getahun, D.A., Debele, M.L., Tibebu, D., Wondem, D.T. (2017). Revisiting teacher educators’ training in Ethiopia: Implications for a new approach to curriculum development. Bahir Dar Journal of Education, 17(2), 89-105.

Hood, L. (2023, November 23). Ethiopia’s education system is in crisis – now’s the time to fix it. The Conversation. Retrieved from

Ministry of Education (2022). Education statistics annual abstract (ESAA). Federal Republic of Ethiopia. Retrieved from

Tena, B. & Motuma, F. (2024). Policy reforms and unresolved educational challenges in Ethiopia: Implications for the University of Education. Bahir Dar Journal of Education, 24(1), 147-167.

Tiruneh, D., Hoddinott, J., Rolleston, C., Sabates, R., Woldehanna, T. (2021). Understanding achievement in numeracy among primary school children in Ethiopia: Evidence from Rise Ethiopia study . RISE Working Paper Series. Retrieved from

Russian Education System: Lessons in Indoctrination

Written by Uilson Jones

The power of education is often repeated time and time again, turning it into a rather dry bit of cliché. However, the phraseology of just how crucial the educational system is, must not be looked at with boredom nor disdain. Rivera Sun, author and advocate for social justice, states that: “Whoever educates children controls the future”, and that “if we want a democratic future, we must plant the seeds in our little dandelions nationwide and ensure that our education is governed of, by, and for the people” (Sun, 2013). This often-repeated notion appears prescient not only in the centuries before our time, but also the point of time we found ourselves in currently – perhaps even more so. The current article aims to produce an overview and analysis of the Russian educational system, particularly after Russia’s full-scale incursion into Ukraine in 2022. This would therefore include the changes made to the educational system and its devastating implications for Russia’s youth, and by extension its future. The following is an attempt to break down the fundamental restructuring of schooling and as such the content of lessons, mandatory activities and extracurriculars involving school-age children.

Patriotic Education

Beginning on the 5th of September 2022, the Russian government imposed a series of major alterations for the ways in which Russian children are taught. The Russian government came out with a website known as ‘Conversations about the Important’ (Разговоры о Важном, n.d.). This website is being used as a portal for schoolteachers that outlines a strict curriculum to be followed when instructing a weekly class for pupils of all ages, ranging from that of first grade to the very end of secondary school. Far from a candid recommendation provided by the Russian government, this website acts as a comprehensive tool for teachers, with prepared presentations, instructions on what to say to children in the class, behaviour and conduct, amongst others. Schoolteachers are expected to abide by this curriculum and have no real agency to act otherwise. Every Monday, the first class each grade has is this carefully constructed propaganda lesson – Conversations about the Important. Rather than being purely optional, its is mandatory and covers a wide variety of topics from Russian history and current events which paint the picture in the way that Putin’s dictatorship craves. As an example, let us take an excerpt from a file dedicated to the class on the 7th of November 2022 in the name of the Day of National Unity. Filtering for grades 5-7, one can stumble upon this piece of text:

The excerpt is translated as follows:


Teacher: Children! Quite recently we talked with you about the important role of a father in the family and raising children, about traditional Russian values, which are crucial to safeguard and pass onto the next generations. We came to the conclusion, that family – is the most important thing in the life of every person, it is support and support [опора и поддержка are synonyms for support in the Russian language], it is love and understanding. The citizens of a government are also one big UNITED family. And we – citizens of Russia – are a big family, in which we need to support and take care of one another. We have a governmental holiday, symbolizing our community cohesion – The Day of National Unity. It is as important now as ever, given that in the last years according to will of the people of the Russian Federation, five new territories entered: Crimea, Donetsk and Luhansk People’s Republics, Kherson and Zaporizhzhia Oblasts.

For this reason, the theme of our lesson is: “We – are one country!” [Author’s emphasis]

[Translated by Author]

In case this is seen as a one-off let us observe a few stanzas of a poem to be taught to Russian schoolchildren for grades three and above. This lesson was titled: Our Country – Russia.


Teacher: We know that the wisdom of the people is reflected in its proverbs and sayings. Let us remember the proverbs about the motherland and the love towards it.

A person without the motherland, is but a nightingale without a song.

Don’t spare your strength nor life, for the motherland.

There are many different countries, but there is one motherland.

There is nothing in the world that is better, than our motherland.

You cannot change your motherland for anything.

Everyone loves their motherland.

The happiness of the motherland is worth more than life.

We will stand like a mountain for our native land.

For the motherland, it is not scary to die.

Love the motherland – Serve the motherland. [Author’s emphasis]

[Translated by Author]


These two excerpts reveal the severe propagandization evident in the Russian educational system. Not only are Russian children being force-fed Kremlin’s dogma about its current war in Ukraine, but there also appears to be a sharp increase of ultranationalist messaging and militarism within schools, where arms are observed to be side by side with textbooks (Institute of Mass Information, 2023). Having taken these excerpts as a starting point, one must look at other exercises that Russian students have no choice but to take part in. After which, it is necessary to analyse the causes and effects of such a policy on Russia, as well as its future generation.

Propagandizing School Life

In addition to these official changes made to the educational curriculum, there have been other unofficial ongoing developments to Russian schools. The sharp rise of Putin’s cult of personality has been observed to radically alter the lives of students, and school staff. To name but one example of how this changed the landscape, we can look at what a school day was like on the day of Putin’s birthday. Across various regions of Russia, students (oftentimes of very young age) were forced to send their leader birthday wishes (The Moscow Times, 2024). In a school in the Rostov region, children were told to kneel in the form of Putin’s name, stating that “we’re proud that the best president in the world rules over our country” (The Moscow Times, 2024).

Amnesty International (2023) has designated Russia’s new history textbooks as propaganda aimed at indoctrinating the next generations, not only in Russia, but also the temporarily occupied territories in Ukraine. These textbooks preach a dangerous form of alternate history. The editors and authors have peddled Kremlinite propaganda, and thus align the story to fit the dominant narrative in Russia. A reality in which Russia invaded a sovereign neighbour, butchering and terrorizing its population and occupying its territories suddenly evaporates. Replacing it is a faux reality, regurgitating that Russia is simply defending itself and going so far as to claim that the decision to live under occupied territories was the ‘will of the people’. The erasure of history is proceeding with a reinvigorated pace. Understanding these developments is of crucial importance, yet even more so is fighting back against the tide of reactionary ideas.


Reference List

Amnesty International. (2023). Ukraine/Russia: New history textbook is a blatant attempt to unlawfylly indoctrinate schoolchildren in Russia and Russian-occupied Ukrainian territories.

Institute of Mass Information. (2023). Guns and textbooks side by side: The Russian policy of militarizing children as violation of human rights.

Pазговоры о Bажном [Conversations about the Important]. (n.d.).

Sun, R. (2013). The Dandelion Insurrection: Love and Revolution. Rising Sun Press Works.

The Moscow Times. (2024). Russian schoolchildren forced to send Putin birthday wishes on-camera.

Cover Image from Meduza

    Education Monitor: Around The Globe between November 16th and November 30th, 2024 Edition

    Broken Chalk proudly presents a new edition of “Education Monitor: Around the Globe” between November 16th and November 30th, 2024. Broken Chalk aims with this letter to increase public awareness of  Educational problems, challenges, and violations in the scope of the world. This newsletter is unique. This is a weekly newsletter in which we attempt to monitor and convey educational news from around the world in a concise manner. This monitor will be published biweekly with the effort of our young and enthusiastic team.

    You can contribute to our work if you like. If you witness any violations in the scope of education, you can write the comment part of this post. Broken Chalk will try to address the issue in its next monitor edition.


    To download this edition as a PDF, click here

    Broken Chalk Platform, in March 2019, was founded by a group of educators abroad who experienced and have been experiencing severe human rights violations in Turkey and had to ask for asylum currently in several countries.

    These education volunteers also suffered greatly and started their new lives in their new countries without human rights violations. They gained respect just because they were considered human beings in those countries. However, they left one part of their minds and hearts in their homeland. They assigned themselves a new duty, and the human rights violations they left behind had to be announced to the World. A group of education volunteers who came together for this purpose started their activities under the Broken Chalk platform’s umbrella. However, the Broken Chalk platform was not enough to serve their aims. Therefore, they completed their official establishment as a Human Rights Foundation in October 2020.

    Broken Chalk is now much more than a platform, and we have reviewed and enlarged our vision and mission within this framework. Violations of rights would be the first in our agenda in the field of Education all over the World. At the point we reached today, Broken Chalk opened its door to all individuals from all across the globe, from all professions, and to all individuals who say or can say ‘I also want to stand against violations of human rights in Education for our future and whole humanity, where our generations grow up together.’

    Education is essential because it can help us eliminate the evils from society, introduce, and increase the good. We want to draw the public’s and stakeholders’ attention to the fact that Education is in danger in several different parts of the World. The attacks are wide-reaching, from the bombing of schools to the murder of students and teachers. Raping and sexual violence, arbitrary arrests, and forced recruitment also occurred, instigated by armed groups. Attacks on Education harm the students and teachers but also affect the communities in the short and long term.

    We invite all individuals who want to stop human rights violations in Education to become Volunteers at Broken Chalk.

    Education Monitor: Around The Globe between November 1st and November 15th, 2024 Edition

    Broken Chalk proudly presents a new edition of “Education Monitor: Around the Globe” between November 1st and November 15th, 2024. Broken Chalk aims with this letter to increase public awareness of  Educational problems, challenges, and violations in the scope of the world. This newsletter is unique. This is a weekly newsletter in which we attempt to monitor and convey educational news from around the world in a concise manner. This monitor will be published biweekly with the effort of our young and enthusiastic team.

    You can contribute to our work if you like. If you witness any violations in the scope of education, you can write the comment part of this post. Broken Chalk will try to address the issue in its next monitor edition.


    To download this edition as a PDF, click here

    Broken Chalk Platform, in March 2019, was founded by a group of educators abroad who experienced and have been experiencing severe human rights violations in Turkey and had to ask for asylum currently in several countries.

    These education volunteers also suffered greatly and started their new lives in their new countries without human rights violations. They gained respect just because they were considered human beings in those countries. However, they left one part of their minds and hearts in their homeland. They assigned themselves a new duty, and the human rights violations they left behind had to be announced to the World. A group of education volunteers who came together for this purpose started their activities under the Broken Chalk platform’s umbrella. However, the Broken Chalk platform was not enough to serve their aims. Therefore, they completed their official establishment as a Human Rights Foundation in October 2020.

    Broken Chalk is now much more than a platform, and we have reviewed and enlarged our vision and mission within this framework. Violations of rights would be the first in our agenda in the field of Education all over the World. At the point we reached today, Broken Chalk opened its door to all individuals from all across the globe, from all professions, and to all individuals who say or can say ‘I also want to stand against violations of human rights in Education for our future and whole humanity, where our generations grow up together.’

    Education is essential because it can help us eliminate the evils from society, introduce, and increase the good. We want to draw the public’s and stakeholders’ attention to the fact that Education is in danger in several different parts of the World. The attacks are wide-reaching, from the bombing of schools to the murder of students and teachers. Raping and sexual violence, arbitrary arrests, and forced recruitment also occurred, instigated by armed groups. Attacks on Education harm the students and teachers but also affect the communities in the short and long term.

    We invite all individuals who want to stop human rights violations in Education to become Volunteers at Broken Chalk.