Submission to the Universal Periodic Review of the United Nations Human Rights Council: Indonesia

Article 28E(1) of the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia (“the Constitution”), ensures the right to freedom of thought, conscience, and religion: “each person is free to worship and to practice the religion of his choice, to choose education and schooling, his occupation, his nationality, his residency in the territory of the country that he shall be able to leave and to which he shall have the right to return.”(1) The Indonesian educational sector is, however, facing severe challenges, some related to human rights violations. Amongst these is the fact that many children of compulsory school age are currently out of school, particularly in Java.

By Olga Ruiz Pilato

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[1] Asian Human Rights Commission, The Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia 1945 <accessed in February 2022>.

Cover image by Fikih Firmansyah on Pixabay.

Submission to the Universal Periodic Review of the United Nations Human Rights Council: Tunisia

Broken Chalk is a non-profit organisation that focuses on developing each country’s educational system to improve the level of human rights on the global level. Therefore, this report will focus on education. By drafting this report, Broken Chalk intends to assist with Tunisia’s fourth Universal Periodic Review (UPR). First, the report will analyse the most important issues that Tunisia faces regarding the Right to Education. Then, it will shed light on some issues that should be solved through the Tunisian Ministry of Education. And finally, Broken Chalk will provide a few recommendations to Tunisia to further ameliorate in the field of education.

By Faical Al Azib

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Cover image by Wallpaper Flare.

Submission to the Universal Periodic Review of the United Nations Human Rights Council: Algeria

This report has been drafted by Broken Chalk to contribute to the fourth Universal Periodic Review (UPR) of Algeria. Since Broken Chalk is an organization aimed at fighting inequalities and improving the quality of Education worldwide, this report will focus on Education. First, the report brings attention to the main and most outstanding issues that Algeria faces regarding the Right to Education. Secondly, the report individuates some issues that should be tackled through Education. Lastly, in the view of the points raised, Broken Chalk would like to offer a few recommendations to Algeria to further improve in the field of Education.

By Francisca Orrego Galarce

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Cover image by Wallpaper Flare.