From Pollution to Education: How Environmental Degradation in Lebanon Impacts the Education System

Written by Iasmina-Măriuca Stoian


For the past two centuries to the present day, Lebanon has been subjected to the ever ongoing global environmental disasters and degradations, which have threatened the country’s infrastructure, national health and wellbeing as well as the overall economic climate. Most of them are also a result of the conflict period, more specifically from 2006. This article looks at the effects that environmental disasters have on education (such as destroyed school buildings and even threats to the health or the lives of students and teachers) . In country suffocating in the hazardous fog of pollution whilst suffering the effects of an extreme rise of commodity prices in their market economy, citizens live in a country that where health hazard is omnipresent and inevitable creates a population of sick and diseased people who have to then spend most of their income on healthcare, rendering them unable to afford any sort of education . It has become evident that there is an urgent need for the implementation of sustainable practices and policies in Lebanon, if the country hopes to improve its social welfare and economy. It is the responsibility of the Lebanese government to take the appropriate actions that will answer all needs of the Lebanese community. The pivotal question arises about whether our environment is being managed sustainably or if environmental concerns, along with the education sector, continue to be deprioritized. In order to have a sustainable future, both should be among the top priorities.

Current situation

Lebanon is facing severe environmental degradation due to systemic corruption, lack of effective regulation, unsustainable practices in agriculture and industry, but also from conflicts. From July 2006, the Post-Conflict Branch of the UN Environment Program started to monitor environmental issues associated with the conflict in Lebanon, by tracking potential environmental impacts on both sides of the border, in Lebanon and Israel. The assessment, conducted by the UN Environment and local partners, investigated issues related to solid and hazardous waste, industrial contamination, coastal and marine pollution, water resources, asbestos, and weapons used. The report found no evidence of depleted uranium or radioactive materials, but concerns remain about cluster bombs. In addition, the country heavily depends on generators for power consumption, and water and land have been polluted severely through human activities (deforestation). There is a large amount of disposal too. This has led to health problems, loss of biodiversity and increased exposure to natural disasters. Global cooperation and assistance, as well as the application of environmental legislation are indeed indispensable in helping Lebanon address its most pressing environmental challenges towards a healthier future.

Limited Access to Clean Water and Sanitation

According to the statistics made by USAID, Lebanon faces a significant water deficit, with only 48% of the population having access to safely managed water and 20% having access to safely managed sanitation. In schools, this lack of clean water and sanitation directly affects students who may not have access to safe drinking water or suitable sanitary facilities. These health risks, especially when specific ones recur time and again within a child’s life stream, can culminate in physical symptoms that keep sick children out of school. Schools also face challenges of providing their students and staff a safe environment as they lack access to water/sanitation with good quality infrastructure. USAID, among other organizations, along with local communities in Lebanon (plus other donors), are taking steps to provide populations access to safe drinking water and sanitation sources which would positively impact the students of tomorrow.

2020 Beirut explosion

On the 4th of August 2020, in the Port of Beirut, an explosion killed more than 200 people, injured more than 500 people, and affected approximately 280 educational institutions. What started as a simple warehouse fire of 2,750 tons of improperly stored ammonium nitrate, later caused significant environmental damage, including air and water pollution due to the release of hazardous chemicals. Beirut, previously a cultural hub with famous universities, was heavily affected by the blast, worsening its pre-existing financial struggles and threatening faculty with job loss. Thus, the Beirut explosion remains a symbol of Lebanon’s deep-seated political corruption, negligence, and the broader issues existing in the country, also recognized as one of the largest non-nuclear explosions in history.

Impact on health for students and teachers

The environmental disaster in Lebanon has significant health impacts on both students and teachers. The Beirut explosion released toxic chemicals into the air, leading to respiratory problems in nearby schools. Additionally, the country’s inadequate waste management has resulted in polluted water supplies, causing gastrointestinal illnesses among children. Schools located near landfills or industrial areas are particularly at risk, exposing students and teachers to harmful pollutants daily. These environmental challenges exacerbate existing health issues, leading to higher dropout rates and lower educational outcomes.

Existing initiatives and responses

In response to the current situation in Lebanon, several projects and initiatives have been launched and are still in the process of implementation, in order to address these challenges. Multiple international organisations, some of them being USAID or the United Nations. USAID’s project named Lebanon Water Project (LWP) finished in 2020 and aimed to improve access to safe drinking water, and to develop wastewater management. Other projects are also notable, for instance, the UNDP’s reforestation initiative aims to restore 10,000 hectares of forestland by planting 10 million trees, while UNICEF’s WASH programs have provided clean water and sanitation to over 200,000 people.


In summary, severe environmental degradation in the face of systemic corruption, conflict, and poor regulation has left deep impacts on both the infrastructure and health of the country, notably education. The explosion at Beirut and unrelenting problems with water scarcity and pollution raise awareness and underscore the acute need for effective environmental management and sustainable practices. Whereas most of the giant strides have been traversed by international organizations—the USAID, United Nations, or any other organization—through focused projects related to reforestation, water management, and sanitation, these must be scaled and folded into broader systemic reforms. Intervention in environmental crises in Lebanon is not only significant for natural and urban landscapes but also a healthy and fair educational environment. This shall ensure that in the securing of a sustainable future, the environmental and educational priorities of Lebanon align and are robustly attended to by comprehensive and long-term strategies and international cooperation.


    Cover Image by Tripoli, Lebanon on 1/31/2021 © Zwein Florient / Shutterstock


    Water Scarcity in Jordan 

    “When the well is dry, we know the worth of water.”  

    -Benjamin Franklin 

    Written by Iasmina-Măriuca Stoian 

    Water scarcity is a serious issue that affects over 700 million peoplei that live in over 43 different countries. From those, there is a list of 14 countriesii that face severe water stress: Qatar, Israel, Lebanon, Iran, Jordan, Libya, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Eritrea, United Arab Emirates, San Marino, Bahrain, India, Pakistan, Turkmenistan, Oman and Botswana. Because most of them are located either in the Middle East or in the Northern Africa region (MENA region), they are mostly affected by the desert climate and by the increasing level of demand. 

    By definition, water scarcity, or water shortage, is the lack of necessary supplies of fresh and clean water to meet the demand for water, thus affecting the countries economically, politically and also the world’s growth level of population. 


    Jordan, a relatively stable oasis in the midst of Middle Eastern turmoil, is affected by two issues that threatens its continuous stability – water scarcity and the regional conflicts that not only affects the surrounding countries, but also the Jordanians. According to a study, without intervening measures, over 90% of Jordan’s low-income population will be experiencing critical water insecurity by the end of 2030 (Yoon et al., 2021). What is worth mentioning about this issue is that, although infrastructure is adequate, demand exceeds supply due to population growth and Syrian refugees. Water sources in Jordan include 54% groundwater, 37% surface water, and 110 mm of annual rainfall. However, while the underground basins are overly exploited, the surface water supplies are either mismanaged or contaminated by pollution, making them inaccessible for immediate use. 

    This article will look firstly into the factors contributing to this issue, then the effects on the society and the environment, and finally the solutions and current projects. From the mismanagement of surface water resources to desertification and climate change, this article will provide an overview of Jordan’s water scarcity, the measures already taken and solutions for this issue. 

    Main causes for water scarcity 

    The issue of water scarcity in the Jordan Valley is complex and difficult to address due to a variety of factors such as natural processes, political crises, rapid population growth, water pollution, the discrepancy between supply and demand, the migration of Syrian refugees, and the misuse of water resources. The water shortage not only has effects on the environment and people living in the region, but also on the poor populations from rural areas who face daily struggles due to water scarcity, pollution, and resulting health and economic crises. The following paragraphs will present some, but not all causes of the water shortage in the country. 

    Desertification, droughts, and climate change 

    Desertification and droughts are natural phenomena affecting the water shortage not only in the country but also in the region, as well as the impact of climate change leading to decreased groundwater and aquifer replenishment. Also, heavy irrigation practices and the overdrawing of water from aquifers have contributed to the depletion of water sources. 

    While droughts are temporary periods caused by a lack of precipitation, desertification is a long-term process in which fertile land becomes arid and almost impossible to support vegetation, leading to the transformation of the specific area into a desert. They are both caused by the increased temperatures, human activities, such as deforestation, or lack of rainfalls. 

    On the other hand, climate change means rising global temperatures, modifying rainfall patterns, intensifying drought conditions and desertification processes. These conditions increase the risk of wildfires and threaten groundwater resources, which supply a significant portion of the country’s domestic water. 

    Pollution and water contamination 

    Pollution from agricultural runoff and contamination has had a significant impact on the water in Jordan. Multiple rivers and lakes have been contaminated due to the use of insecticides by farmers. In Jordan Valley, the widest region with freshwater resources,iii approximately 70% of freshwater resources are now contaminated by biological pollutants.  

    Mismanagement of water resources  

    Jordan relies on 3 major surface water sources for 37% of its total water supply; these are the Jordan, Zarqa, and Yarmouk rivers. Overdrawing water for heavy irrigation is depleting water resources in the whole MENA region, leading to drier landscapes and decreasing moisture in the ground. Heavy irrigation uses water from various sources, such as rivers, aquifers, and groundwater, preventing the excess water from being used for other purposes due to added pollutants and chemical compounds. Additionally, over-pumping by Israel and Syria are causing Jordan’s access to the Jordan and Yarmouk rivers to diminish, due to lack of regional environmental cooperation.  

    Migration of refugees and increasing demand 

    Current water demand exceeds the water supply, leading to a constant water deficit in Jordan. Population growth, particularly from refugees, exacerbates the issue by reducing available water per capita. There are three main uses for water in Jordan: municipal, industrial, and agricultural.  

    As for Amman, private water tankers in wealthy areas have seen a rise in prices, contributing to the ongoing water shortages in the city. As a result, government rationing of water is common, and wealthier households often use private water trucks to fill multiple tanks on their roofs. On the other hand, the poor households are most affected, as they have limited capacity to store water and cannot afford to buy from private trucks. While people are responsible for obtaining water tanks on their own, damage to these tanks can make them lose precious water. Stories from people show the dramatic image behind this issue, making people beg for water from their neighbours or skip showers or cleaning to save water.iv More effects will be further discussed below. 

    Impact on society and environment 

    Human capital impacts 

    Apart from the insufficient amount of drinking water for the population, the rest of the amount necessary for basic hygiene and sanitation is almost inexistent. Consequences of the lack of water on the long term are the development of adverse health conditions such as lethargy, neurological symptoms, kidney failure, and others. Moreover, the lack of clean water can also affect the population by increasing the mortality rate attributed to numerous wash-related diseases. 

    Water scarcity can also affect children and young students, by lowering the school attendance and performance rates, especially for girls. This is important as children would be able to practice important hygiene behaviour, such as correct disposal of menstrual products and handwashing. 

    Impact on refugees 

    The impact on refugees is even more drastic. As many of them are among the poorest people in Jordan, the impact is even greater. Tayba Abkar, a 32-year-old Sudanese refugee and a mother of four says: “My children have to go to the neighbours’ house on most of the days to use the toilet. My 13-year-old daughter feels very embarrassed when she goes there”.v This is just one of the many stories of families struggling with this environmental issue. 

    Impact on food security 

    Water scarcity not only affects human lives but has also a direct effect on food security. A decrease of water in local lakes and rivers means a decrease in agricultural productivity. Food insecurity mostly affects the poor population, leading to multiple cases of malnutrition, famine or undernourishment. 

    Solutions and mitigations 

    Jordan Water Sector Efficiency Project 

    The Jordan Water Sector Efficiency Project aligns with the government’s strategy and aims to improve water sector efficiency, drought management, and climate resilience, for which the World Bank approved $300 million for the implementation of this The project is still being implemented and is envisaged to cover over 1.6 million people and to save 10 million cubic meters of water, reduce electricity use, and establish a drought management system to benefit households, farmers, and industries in the country. 

    UNICEF collaboration 

    Among the different international organizations involved in this issue, UNICEF supports sustainable water and environmental conservation projects to improve access to water and sanitation for vulnerable children and families. They currently work with the Ministry of Water and Irrigation to enhance water supply and sanitation infrastructure in cities, schools, refugee camps, and communities.vii They are planning to implement alternative water technologies, promote water conservation, and advocate for policies that manage social-ecological systems. Regional advocacy groups like EcoPeace Middle East also contribute to environmental protection and peacebuilding.  

    Dialogues about regional water allocation 

    Another solution would be the improvement of water allocation by establishing multilateral discussions and regional cooperation between countries. The Jordan River Basin lacks a multilateral treaty for water allocation. These discussions could play a significant role in reaching comprehensive agreements and promoting regional sustainable development, including unified management of the Jordan River Basin. 


    • Wu, T. L. (2024, March 4). 4 Countries with Water Scarcity Right Now | Earth.Org. Earth.Org. 
    • Yoon, J., Klassert, C., Selby, P., Lachaut, T., Knox, S., Avisse, N., Harou, J., Tilmant, A., Klauer, B., Mustafa, D., Sigel, K., Talozi, S., Gawel, E., Medellín-Azuara, J., Bataineh, B., Zhang, H., & Gorelick, S. M. (2021, March 29). A coupled human–natural system analysis of freshwater security under climate and population change. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 
    • Water, sanitation and hygiene. (n.d.). UNICEF Jordan. 
    • Beithou, N., Qandil, A., Khalid, M. B., Horvatinec, J., & Ondrasek, G. (2022, July 8). Review of Agricultural-Related Water Security in Water-Scarce Countries: Jordan Case Study. Agronomy.