Educational challenges in the United Kingdom

School children reading red books

Written by Maria Tapias Serrano

Picture by Thirdman via Pexels

The United Kingdom is one of the countries that welcomes the largest number of international students into its institutions, especially to its renowned universities. However, the system is not without its challenges, dominated by budget cuts in state-funded education, endemic inequalities across society that permeate the education system, and the attainment gap between rich and poor students, which at the time of writing stands at 3.2%. [i][ii]

The structure of the education system varies slightly across the UK, as it is a matter of the government in each country: England, Wales, Scotland, and Northern Ireland. Generally, there are five stages of education: early years or pre-school, primary, secondary, further education and higher education. All children in the age of compulsory education – from 5 to 16 – are entitled to a free place at a state school, which can be more or less elitist. As of January 2023, there were around 9 million pupils in state-funded schools, and over 2 million were eligible for free school meals. Free school meals are used to identify children from disadvantaged backgrounds.[iii]

Over the past decade, the UK has been governed by the Conservative Party, now led by Prime Minister Rishi Sunak. Recently, the country has dealt with the exit of the UK from the European Union – a process known as ‘Brexit’ – and the Covid-19 pandemic. The pandemic left millions of children in lockdown and exacerbated existing inequalities. This exposed the shortcomings of the education system and perpetuated the attainment gap.

Budget cuts

Underfunding is one of the most pressing problems in the British educational system. This places a tremendous amount of strain on state-funded schools. The Institute for Fiscal Studies (IFS) reports that the 2019–2020 school year saw the most significant reduction in per-pupil spending in more than 40 years. This leads to increasing class numbers and student-teacher ratio, a shortage of resources, and even a reduction in teaching hours. There has reportedly been a 258% increase in secondary students in classes with 36 or more students since 2010. The provision of tailored and individualised attention is compromised by class sizes and reductions in support programmes, particularly for children with special educational needs. [iv]

Additionally, teachers are taking a big toll due to the budget cuts, as schools are forced to downsize staff. This results in teachers taking on extra duties and working an average of 55 hours per week. The working conditions and increasing pressure to provide individualised teaching without enough means are making some teachers reconsider their career path, with approximately half of the teachers in maths, sciences and languages quitting after five years. Moreover, they often seem to prefer working in private institutions, with a less diverse student population to attend, which requires less additional workload. [v]

Cuts to the budget also make some schools’ limited access to technology worse. The shift to distant schooling due to the pandemic exposed and exacerbated already-existing technologically-induced educational disparities. Children from higher poverty and economically unstable neighbourhoods have disproportionately inadequate access to technology.  In the modern world, a lack of a laptop or an Internet connection puts one’s access to opportunities at risk. Private schools typically have superior resources to equip their pupils with the most recent technology than state schools, even offering equipment that the students can take home. The government should try to provide state schools with adequate funding that responds to evolving educational needs. [vi]

Picture by Yan Krukau via Pexels

While it is true that since 2020, the effects of COVID-19 have put extra pressure on the government, civil society actors and journalists demand the government to do better. For instance, the NGO 1 Hour Life highlights that of the £15 billion recommended by the education recovery commissioner for England, the government only established a £1.4 billion Covid catch-up budget. [vii] Furthermore, Sonia Sodha reflects in The Guardian that the government’s policies have neglected the child’s best interests both before and after the pandemic. [viii]

Inequality and the attainment gap

Social inequalities have a significant effect on children and young people’s education. The UK is a country where this is particularly prominent, with a noticeable difference in performance in children from poor and wealthier backgrounds. From their early years, children are affected by the disproportion of resources. State schools in more impoverished areas, like some inner-city areas, are more affected by budget cuts as government spending per student continues to decrease. Implementation of support programmes is also inequal in some regions across England. For example, the North-East region saw a smaller implementation of Covid support programmes than schools in the South. Regarding ethnicity, in a country that is well-known for its multicultural urban areas, it’s generally students from Gypsy, Roma and Irish Traveller backgrounds who struggle the most because of higher illiteracy and language barriers among their parents. Some children with an uncertain legal status after Brexit or seeking asylum might also experience additional barriers to accessing education. [ix][x]

A family’s wealth and well-being have a significant impact on students. Almost one in 50 children across the UK miss more than half the time they should be in school because families can’t afford transportation costs, uniforms, school supplies, or school meals. This is more than double from before the pandemic. [xi] Despite the free school meals allowance, around a third of children experiencing poverty are not entitled to it. Some children report not eating anything during school time, hiding at lunchtime to avoid watching their peers eat or being shamed for receiving the allowance. This is because an apparent differentiation between children with free school meals and the rest is made: they are only entitled to a limited selection of items at the canteen. The UK should perhaps take notice of other European countries that provide standardised meals for all students. [xii] Controlling canteen prices is also important so that child health stops being a profitable market to exploit and that children can develop properly.

The UK must work harder to bridge the attainment gap between poor and rich students. In its voluntary national review of the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals, the government promised that no student would be left behind and fair opportunities would be ensured regardless of socioeconomic differences. [xiii] In the long term, social inequalities that the education system fails to redress are life-changing, resulting in higher drop-outs, lower grades, lower than average earnings, increased criminality, and less presence in high-powered positions.

 In the UK, where you study matters. And where you end up studying after compulsory education is highly influenced by where you study your primary and secondary education, which in turn is related to your family’s wealth. For example, in 2020, 8 elite schools, including two state schools, sent more pupils to Oxford and Cambridge than almost 3,000 other UK state schools. Although the number of young people accessing university continues to increase, socioeconomic inequalities continue to be perpetuated again in the higher education system. Students not graduating from universities with a perceived ‘legacy’ and prestige typically miss out on high-powered jobs because of prejudice from employers in the country. [xiv] ‘Legacy’ and ‘prestige’ immediately point to the University of Cambridge and the University of Oxford. They’re not the only ones, however. There are 24 universities, including these, which belong to the Russell Group – perhaps the closest version to a British Ivy League.

British Prime Ministers and cabinet members historically attended specific colleges in these institutions. Before that, they are typically educated in all kinds of non-state, privately funded institutions with prestige. A total of 30 out of 57 Prime Ministers have been educated at Oxford, and 20 have been educated at Eton College, which has a yearly fee of £48,000. The elitism that persists in positions of power and the most influential law or accounting firms is an example of the uneven spread of opportunities to enter the most prestigious positions. It also shows the profound classism that persists in the country, where people born in certain wealth and in certain areas have access to significantly better-funded education. [xv]

Even at a higher education level, England has one of the highest university fees in Europe: around £9,000 a year. Students typically take government loans to subsidise the cost of their studies. On the other hand, Scotland provides free university tuition for undergraduate courses for all Scottish students, aiming to achieve an inclusive education. Tuition fees, however, are not the only costs associated with university studies: with an exploitative renting market and rising living costs, 63% of students struggle to pay for their living expenses, and two in five consider dropping out of their courses. [xvi]

Students playing croquet at Eton College in the 1970s / Picture by Annie Spratt via Pexels

Final remarks

It is worth mentioning that other important issues should be addressed when talking about issues in the British education system. These are topics like discrimination, increasing bullying, and prominent peer-on-peer sexual harassment. These need to be explored more deeply in further articles. This article has focused on endemic inequalities in the education system in the UK to highlight how the profoundly classist system works. At the moment, the UK proves to be a country with endemic inequalities that affect where students study, the quality of their education due to poor funding, and the ongoing struggles due to costs associated with education and the increasing cost of living. It seems to be a system that rewards those students born and graduated into privilege.

Under the Conservative government, it is a country that has been continuously cutting down on public spending on education and public services, which would redress the effects of poverty and reduce the attainment gap. An argument can be made that addressing the digital divide, the inequalities within school populations, and redressing budget cuts is highly expensive. And it is. Nonetheless, education is a fundamental right, crucial for the development of children and the basis for a democratic society. A country that only rewards those who can afford private education and private services is doomed to be ruled by elites and have endemic inequalities. Currently, pressing challenges persist in the UK to bridge the attainment and opportunities gap between children and young people from different socioeconomic backgrounds.


  1. 1 Hour Life. (2022, February 3). 5 Challenges in Education Today in the UK.
  2. Adams, R. (2023, October 17). Bolton graduates miss out on top jobs because of prejudice, says vice-chancellor. The Guardian.
  3. Brown, L. (2023, February 8). National Student Accommodation Survey 2023 – Results. Save The Student.
  4. Department for Education. (2023). Education system in the UK.
  5. Equality and Human Rights Commission. (2022). Submission to the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child: Children’s Rights in Great Britain, 56-75.
  6. Explore education statistics. (2023, September 12). Academic year 2022/23: Key stage 2 attainment. UK Government Department for Education, Explore education statistics.
  7. HM Government. (2019). Voluntary National Review of progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals: United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.
  8. O’Connell, R; Brannen, J. (2023, October 20). A Portuguese lesson on free school meals. The Guardian.
  9. Race Disparity Unit. (2023). Ethnicity facts and figures. UK Government, Race Disparity Unit.
  10. Sodha, S. (2023, October 22). Empty classroom seats reveal ‘long shadow’ of Covid chaos on Britain’s children. The Guardian.
  11. Studee. (2023). 10 most popular countries for international students.
  12. The Week. (2022, October 25). Prime ministers and private schools.

End Notes

[i] Studee. (2023). 10 most popular countries for international students.

[ii] Explore education statistics. (2023, September 12). Academic year 2022/23: Key stage 2 attainment. UK Government Department for Education, Explore education statistics.

[iii] Department for Education. (2023). Education system in the UK.

[iv] Weale, S. (2023, October 18). Cuts could reduce education in England to ‘bare bones’, headteachers say. The Guardian.

[v] 1 Hour Life. (2022, February 3). 5 Challenges in Education Today in the UK.

[vi] 1 Hour Life. (2022, February 3). 5 Challenges in Education Today in the UK.

[vii] 1 Hour Life. (2022, February 3). 5 Challenges in Education Today in the UK.

[viii] Sodha, S. (2023, October 22). Empty classroom seats reveal ‘long shadow’ of Covid chaos on Britain’s children. The Guardian.

[ix] Equality and Human Rights Commission. (2022). Submission to the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child: Children’s Rights in Great Britain, 56-75

[x] Race Disparity Unit. (2023). Ethnicity facts and figures. UK Government, Race Disparity Unit.

[xi] Sodha, S. (2023, October 22). Empty classroom seats reveal ‘long shadow’ of Covid chaos on Britain’s children. The Guardian.

[xii] O’Connell, R; Brannen, J. (2023, October 20). A Portuguese lesson on free school meals. The Guardian.

[xiii] HM Government. (2019). Voluntary National Review of progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals: United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.

[xiv] Adams, R. (2023, October 17). Bolton graduates miss out on top jobs because of prejudice, says vice-chancellor. The Guardian.

[xv] The Week. (2022, October 25). Prime ministers and private schools.

[xvi] Brown, L. (2023, February 8). National Student Accommodation Survey 2023 – Results. Save The Student.

Educational Challenges in the United Kingdom

The United Kingdom is one of the countries that welcomes the largest number of international students into its institutions, especially to its renowned universities. However, the system is not without its challenges, dominated by budget cuts in state-funded education, endemic inequalities across society that permeate the education system, and the attainment gap between rich and poor students, which at the time of writing stands at 3.2%. [[i]][[ii]]

The structure of the education system varies slightly across the UK, as it is a matter of the government in each country: England, Wales, Scotland, and Northern Ireland. Generally, there are five stages of education: early years or pre-school, primary, secondary, further education and higher education. All children in the age of compulsory education – from 5 to 16 – are entitled to a free place at a state school, which can be more or less elitist. As of January 2023, there were around 9 million pupils in state-funded schools, and over 2 million were eligible for free school meals. Free school meals are used to identify children from disadvantaged backgrounds.[[iii]]

Over the past decade, the UK has been governed by the Conservative Party, now led by Prime Minister Rishi Sunak. Recently, the country has dealt with the exit of the UK from the European Union – a process known as ‘Brexit’ – and the Covid-19 pandemic. The pandemic left millions of children in lockdown and exacerbated existing inequalities. This exposed the shortcomings of the education system and perpetuated the attainment gap.

Budget cuts

Underfunding is one of the most pressing problems in the British educational system. This places a tremendous amount of strain on state-funded schools. The Institute for Fiscal Studies (IFS) reports that the 2019–2020 school year saw the most significant reduction in per-pupil spending in more than 40 years. This leads to increasing class numbers and student-teacher ratio, a shortage of resources, and even a reduction in teaching hours. There has reportedly been a 258% increase in secondary students in classes with 36 or more students since 2010. The provision of tailored and individualised attention is compromised by class sizes and reductions in support programmes, particularly for children with special educational needs. [[iv]]

Additionally, teachers are taking a big toll due to the budget cuts, as schools are forced to downsize staff. This results in teachers taking on extra duties and working an average of 55 hours per week. The working conditions and increasing pressure to provide individualised teaching without enough means are making some teachers reconsider their career path, with approximately half of the teachers in maths, sciences and languages quitting after five years. Moreover, they often seem to prefer working in private institutions, with a less diverse student population to attend, which requires less additional workload. [[v]]

Picture by Yan Krukau via Pexels

Cuts to the budget also make some schools’ limited access to technology worse. The shift to distant schooling due to the pandemic exposed and exacerbated already-existing technologically-induced educational disparities. Children from higher poverty and economically unstable neighbourhoods have disproportionately inadequate access to technology.  In the modern world, a lack of a laptop or an Internet connection puts one’s access to opportunities at risk. Private schools typically have superior resources to equip their pupils with the most recent technology than state schools, even offering equipment that the students can take home. The government should try to provide state schools with adequate funding that responds to evolving educational needs.

While it is true that since 2020, the effects of COVID-19 have put extra pressure on the government, civil society actors and journalists demand the government to do better. For instance, the NGO 1 Hour Life highlights that of the £15 billion recommended by the education recovery commissioner for England, the government only established a £1.4 billion Covid catch-up budget. [[vii]] Furthermore, Sonia Sodha reflects in The Guardian that the government’s policies have neglected the child’s best interests both before and after the pandemic. [[viii]]

Inequality and the attainment gap

Social inequalities have a significant effect on children and young people’s education. The UK is a country where this is particularly prominent, with a noticeable difference in performance in children from poor and wealthier backgrounds. From their early years, children are affected by the disproportion of resources. State schools in more impoverished areas, like some inner-city areas, are more affected by budget cuts as government spending per student continues to decrease. Implementation of support programmes is also inequal in some regions across England. For example, the North-East region saw a smaller implementation of Covid support programmes than schools in the South. Regarding ethnicity, in a country that is well-known for its multicultural urban areas, it’s generally students from Gypsy, Roma and Irish Traveller backgrounds who struggle the most because of higher illiteracy and language barriers among their parents. Some children with an uncertain legal status after Brexit or seeking asylum might also experience additional barriers to accessing education. [[ix]][[x]]

A family’s wealth and well-being have a significant impact on students. Almost one in 50 children across the UK miss more than half the time they should be in school because families can’t afford transportation costs, uniforms, school supplies, or school meals. This is more than double from before the pandemic. [[xi]] Despite the free school meals allowance, around a third of children experiencing poverty are not entitled to it. Some children report not eating anything during school time, hiding at lunchtime to avoid watching their peers eat or being shamed for receiving the allowance. This is because an apparent differentiation between children with free school meals and the rest is made: they are only entitled to a limited selection of items at the canteen. The UK should perhaps take notice of other European countries that provide standardised meals for all students. [[xii]] Controlling canteen prices is also important so that child health stops being a profitable market to exploit and that children can develop properly.

The UK must work harder to bridge the attainment gap between poor and rich students. In its voluntary national review of the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals, the government promised that no student would be left behind and fair opportunities would be ensured regardless of socioeconomic differences. [[xiii]] In the long term, social inequalities that the education system fails to redress are life-changing, resulting in higher drop-outs, lower grades, lower than average earnings, increased criminality, and less presence in high-powered positions.

 In the UK, where you study matters. And where you end up studying after compulsory education is highly influenced by where you study your primary and secondary education, which in turn is related to your family’s wealth. For example, in 2020, 8 elite schools, including two state schools, sent more pupils to Oxford and Cambridge than almost 3,000 other UK state schools. Although the number of young people accessing university continues to increase, socioeconomic inequalities continue to be perpetuated again in the higher education system. Students not graduating from universities with a perceived ‘legacy’ and prestige typically miss out on high-powered jobs because of prejudice from employers in the country. [[xiv]] ‘Legacy’ and ‘prestige’ immediately point to the University of Cambridge and the University of Oxford. They’re not the only ones, however. There are 24 universities, including these, which belong to the Russell Group – perhaps the closest version to a British Ivy League.

British Prime Ministers and cabinet members historically attended specific colleges in these institutions. Before that, they are typically educated in all kinds of non-state, privately funded institutions with prestige. A total of 30 out of 57 Prime Ministers have been educated at Oxford, and 20 have been educated at Eton College, which has a yearly fee of £48,000. The elitism that persists in positions of power and the most influential law or accounting firms is an example of the uneven spread of opportunities to enter the most prestigious positions. It also shows the profound classism that persists in the country, where people born in certain wealth and in certain areas have access to significantly better-funded education. [[xv]]

Even at a higher education level, England has one of the highest university fees in Europe: around £9,000 a year. Students typically take government loans to subsidise the cost of their studies. On the other hand, Scotland provides free university tuition for undergraduate courses for all Scottish students, aiming to achieve an inclusive education. Tuition fees, however, are not the only costs associated with university studies: with an exploitative renting market and rising living costs, 63% of students struggle to pay for their living expenses, and two in five consider dropping out of their courses. [[xvi]]

Students playing croquet at Eton College in the 1970s / Picture by Annie Spratt via Pexels

Final remarks

It is worth mentioning that other important issues should be addressed when talking about issues in the British education system. These are topics like discrimination, increasing bullying, and prominent peer-on-peer sexual harassment. These need to be explored more deeply in further articles. This article has focused on endemic inequalities in the education system in the UK to highlight how the profoundly classist system works. At the moment, the UK proves to be a country with endemic inequalities that affect where students study, the quality of their education due to poor funding, and the ongoing struggles due to costs associated with education and the increasing cost of living. It seems to be a system that rewards those students born and graduated into privilege.

Under the Conservative government, it is a country that has been continuously cutting down on public spending on education and public services, which would redress the effects of poverty and reduce the attainment gap. An argument can be made that addressing the digital divide, the inequalities within school populations, and redressing budget cuts is highly expensive. And it is. Nonetheless, education is a fundamental right, crucial for the development of children and the basis for a democratic society. A country that only rewards those who can afford private education and private services is doomed to be ruled by elites and have endemic inequalities. Currently, pressing challenges persist in the UK to bridge the attainment and opportunities gap between children and young people from different socioeconomic backgrounds.


[i] Studee. (2023). 10 most popular countries for international students.

[ii] Explore education statistics. (2023, September 12). Academic year 2022/23: Key stage 2 attainment. UK Government Department for Education, Explore education statistics.

[iii] Department for Education. (2023). Education system in the UK.

[iv] Weale, S. (2023, October 18). Cuts could reduce education in England to ‘bare bones’, headteachers say. The Guardian.

[v] 1 Hour Life. (2022, February 3). 5 Challenges in Education Today in the UK.

[vi] 1 Hour Life. (2022, February 3). 5 Challenges in Education Today in the UK.

[vii] 1 Hour Life. (2022, February 3). 5 Challenges in Education Today in the UK.

[viii] Sodha, S. (2023, October 22). Empty classroom seats reveal ‘long shadow’ of Covid chaos on Britain’s children. The Guardian.

[ix] Equality and Human Rights Commission. (2022). Submission to the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child: Children’s Rights in Great Britain, 56-75

[x] Race Disparity Unit. (2023). Ethnicity facts and figures. UK Government, Race Disparity Unit.

[xi] Sodha, S. (2023, October 22). Empty classroom seats reveal ‘long shadow’ of Covid chaos on Britain’s children. The Guardian.

[xii] O’Connell, R; Brannen, J. (2023, October 20). A Portuguese lesson on free school meals. The Guardian.

[xiii] HM Government. (2019). Voluntary National Review of progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals: United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.

[xiv] Adams, R. (2023, October 17). Bolton graduates miss out on top jobs because of prejudice, says vice-chancellor. The Guardian.

[xv] The Week. (2022, October 25). Prime ministers and private schools.

[xvi] Brown, L. (2023, February 8). National Student Accommodation Survey 2023 – Results. Save The Student.

Educational Challenges in the British Virgin Islands

Flag of the British Virgin Islands

Education in the British Virgin Islands (BVI) has been marred by various challenges that have significantly impacted both students and teachers. These challenges encompass issues related to school infrastructure, teacher shortages, limited resources, inadequate funding, and the need for educational reform. This article delves into the educational challenges faced by the BVI, provides a historical context of education in the territory, and offers in-depth analysis of the impact and potential solutions to these issues.

Background: Development of Education in the British Virgin Islands

The development of education in the BVI can be traced back to the mid-19th century when the first government-supported schools were established. These schools aimed to provide basic education to the local population. Over the years, the BVI has made significant strides in expanding educational opportunities and ensuring access to quality education for all residents. However, the educational system has faced persistent challenges that have hindered its progress.

While the BVI has made efforts to provide accessible and quality education to its residents, the education system still faces significant challenges. The territory’s small size and limited resources pose inherent constraints. Additionally, the geographical dispersion of the islands further complicates the delivery of education services. These factors, coupled with historical underinvestment in education, have resulted in a system struggling to meet the needs of its students and teachers.

Infrastructure Challenges: Deteriorating School Facilities

One of the major challenges faced by schools in the BVI is the deteriorating condition of their facilities. Many schools suffer from inadequate electrical and internet infrastructure, poor ventilation systems leading to mouldy air conditioning units, and insufficient waste disposal accommodations. These infrastructure deficiencies have persisted for a long time and have had a detrimental impact on the learning environment for both teachers and students.

The poor state of school facilities has wide-ranging implications for education in the BVI. Inadequate infrastructure hampers the delivery of quality education and creates an unfavourable learning environment. Uncomfortable classrooms, lack of proper ventilation, and unreliable internet connectivity hinder effective teaching and learning. Moreover, the lack of proper waste disposal facilities not only poses health and environmental hazards but also affects the overall cleanliness and hygiene of the schools, thus impacting the well-being of students and teachers.

group of children pose for photo
Virgin Islands School Children, Roadtown, Tortola. Image via Flickr by @cowboysolo.

Wider Impact: Challenges Beyond a Single School

The challenges faced by the BVI’s education system extend beyond a single school. The Joyce Samuel Primary School, for example, experienced delays in its opening due to incomplete repairs. Teachers from various schools have reported issues such as excessive heat, mould, overflowing trash cans, overgrown grass, equipment shortages, internet problems, and electrical failures. These challenges are particularly concerning considering the hardships that students have already endured due to the aftermath of Hurricane Irma and the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic.

The cumulative impact of these challenges has been detrimental to the quality of education in the BVI. Students and teachers are forced to navigate substandard learning environments, hindering academic progress and overall well-being. The constant disruptions caused by infrastructure deficiencies and other related challenges further exacerbate the difficulties faced by students, impeding their ability to thrive and reach their full potential.

Government Response: Mixed Reactions and Funding Constraints

The government’s response to the educational challenges has been met with mixed reactions. Premier Dr. Natalio Wheatley attributed the problems to communication gaps, stating that he was not fully aware of the extent of the issues. However, the Teachers Union President, Sean Henry, contradicted this claim, asserting that the government has been neglecting these problems for an extended period. The situation is further exacerbated by a lack of sufficient funding, which has been a persistent issue even before Hurricane Irma struck in 2017. The hurricane worsened the existing problems, and the subsequent recovery efforts did not provide adequate funding to address the extensive damages suffered by the educational infrastructure.

The government’s limited financial resources have constrained its ability to adequately address the educational challenges. Prioritizing and allocating sufficient funding for education is crucial for implementing meaningful reforms and addressing infrastructure deficiencies. However, competing priorities and budgetary constraints have made it difficult for the government to allocate the necessary resources to meet the needs of the educational system.

Consequences: Impact on Behaviour and Teacher Shortages

The challenges faced by the BVI’s education system have far-reaching consequences. Inadequate facilities and learning environments contribute to behavioural problems among students, making it difficult for teachers to maintain discipline and create an effective learning environment. Minister Sharie de Castro has publicly acknowledged instances of extreme misconduct in schools, including fights, weapon possession, and drug and alcohol use. Uncomfortable classrooms and subpar facilities not only hamper effective teaching and learning but also contribute to a shortage of teachers in the territory.

The shortage of qualified teachers is a critical issue that further compounds the challenges faced by the BVI’s education system. Low salaries, limited career advancement opportunities, and challenging working conditions have contributed to teachers leaving the profession or seeking employment opportunities elsewhere. The departure of experienced teachers and the difficulty in attracting new teachers have created a significant gap in the education workforce, impacting the quality of education provided to students.

School Girls, Roadtown, Tortola. Image via Flickr by @cowboysolo.

Addressing the Challenges: Prioritizing Education and Funding

To overcome the educational challenges in the BVI, it is crucial for the government to prioritize education and allocate sufficient funding. Investment in school infrastructure is paramount to providing safe and conducive learning environments for students. Adequate funding should be allocated to address the infrastructure deficiencies, such as electrical and internet infrastructure, ventilation systems, waste disposal accommodations, and the provision of necessary resources for teachers.

In addition to infrastructure improvements, the government must focus on addressing teacher shortages. Competitive remuneration packages, professional development opportunities, and improved working conditions can help attract and retain qualified teachers. Furthermore, targeted recruitment strategies, including partnerships with educational institutions, can help bridge the gap in teacher supply.

Collaboration and Long-Term Solutions

The challenges faced by the BVI’s education system require collaboration among government entities, schools, teachers, and other stakeholders. Effective communication channels should be established to ensure that concerns are promptly addressed, and resources are allocated efficiently. Stakeholder engagement and input should be sought to develop and implement comprehensive plans for improving the educational system. Collective action is essential to finding long-term solutions that will provide a better education for the students of the British Virgin Islands.

Long-term solutions should focus on holistic educational reform, including curriculum enhancements, teacher professional development, and the integration of technology in the learning process. The government should actively engage with teachers, parents, and students to identify areas for improvement and develop evidence-based policies and strategies. Regular assessment and monitoring mechanisms should be implemented to track progress and make necessary adjustments.

Conclusion: Prioritizing Education for a Brighter Future

The British Virgin Islands has a unique opportunity to transform its educational landscape and provide quality education to all its students. By prioritizing education, investing in infrastructure, supporting teachers, and fostering a culture of excellence, the BVI can overcome its current challenges and create a brighter future for its students. Education is the key to unlocking the potential of individuals and driving the progress of a nation, and it is crucial that the BVI prioritizes the well-being and development of its future generations.

In conclusion, the educational challenges faced by the BVI are multifaceted and require comprehensive solutions. By addressing infrastructure deficiencies, tackling teacher shortages, and allocating sufficient funding, the BVI can pave the way for a brighter future for its students. It is imperative for all stakeholders, including the government, schools, teachers, and the community, to work together to overcome these challenges and provide a quality education that empowers the territory’s students to thrive and contribute to the growth and development of the British Virgin Islands.


Beacon, B. (2023, September 26). Editorial: As school resumes, students deserve better – the BVI beacon. The BVI Beacon – “The light that comes from wisdom never goes out.”

Beacon, T. B. (2023, May 12). Virgin islands delegation attends Education Forum – the BVI beacon. The BVI Beacon – “The light that comes from wisdom never goes out.”

ESHS sit-in: Officials unhappy over lack of communication. Virgin Islands Platinum News … BVI Daily News You Can Count On. (n.d.).

ESHS teachers protest longstanding issues at school. BVI News. (2023, September 18).

Haynes, K. (2023, June 8). Teacher vacancies are alarmingly high – will this impact new school year?. 284 Media – News from the BVI.

Kampa, D. (2023, September 20). Students head back to class – the BVI beacon. The BVI Beacon – “The light that comes from wisdom never goes out.”

Non-state actors in education. British Virgin Islands | NON-STATE ACTORS IN EDUCATION | Education Profiles. (n.d.).

Remarks by acting chief education officer at educators professional day: Government of the Virgin Islands. Remarks by Acting Chief Education Officer at Educators Professional Day | Government of the Virgin Islands. (n.d.).

Statement from the Ministry of Education in response to industrial action at the elmore stoutt high school: Government of the Virgin Islands. Statement From the Ministry of Education in Response to Industrial Action at The Elmore Stoutt High School | Government of the Virgin Islands. (n.d.).

University of Kent to close its Brussels campus

Written by Camille Boblet—Ledoyen

Photo by Tomica S. on Unsplash

The news of the closure of the University of Kent’s Brussels campus, without prior warning or consultation, for the June 2024 deadline, took not only the students and professors of the institute by surprise but also the entire academic world. This very damaging decision risks relegating the University to a national or even regional rank. More generally, it is one of the many signs of the decline of the United Kingdom from a world power to a middle power.

The Brussels School of International Studies (BSIS) is a graduate school of the University of Kent, located in Brussels, Belgium. It was established in 1998 as a joint venture between the University of Kent and the Institute for European Studies (IES) of the Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB). BSIS offers a range of interdisciplinary master’s degree programmes in international relations, conflict analysis, development, and law, as well as a PhD program. BSIS provides a unique learning experience for students worldwide, focusing on international affairs and European integration. The faculty comprises internationally renowned experts in their fields who engage in cutting-edge research and teach courses that cover a wide range of topics, including global governance, human rights, international security, and conflict resolution.

The importance of the Brussels campus makes the decision to close it all the more regrettable. By deciding to close its campus by June 2024, the University of Kent risks weakening its position and glowing reputation in a lasting way. Students from the Brussels campus will probably not move to Canterbury and will choose not to continue their studies at the University. As the United Kingdom is a non-member of the European Union, leaving Brussels for Canterbury is all the more complex and difficult. The University of Kent’s location in Brussels, a city of European and NATO institutions, was a wise choice, and its closure means that it loses the international dimension that made it so attractive. The university administration says budget costs and inflation are responsible for the decision. Broken Chalk regrets that education and empowerment are the primary victims of austerity policies. The closure of such a strategic campus not only for the University of Kent but for the British educational model is simply beyond the academic realm. The British government should accompany and financially support its universities for its own influence, for its attractiveness, and to finally remain a global power. A country that does not invest in education is a country doomed to decline – and deserve to.

To paraphrase Richard III: “A university! My Kingdom for a University!”

Universal Periodic Review of United Kingdom

In the previous review in 2017, the United Kingdom received 227 recommendations, of which 96 were accepted. 24% of the recommendations focused on reducing inequalities. The biggest issue in the British education system is the class and wealth divide and the selectivity of the system based on socio-economic background.

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Cover image by The Digital Artist on Pixabay.

Submission to the Universal Periodic Review of the United Nations Human Rights Council: United Kingdom

Providing education is one of the most important functions of any government and while many countries’ educational systems face greater troubles than the UK’s, it is by no means without its flaws.

There are five stages that encompass the education system in the UK: early years, primary, secondary, Further Education (FE) and Higher Education (HE). Education is compulsory between the ages of 5 (4 in Northern Ireland) and 16. Further Education is not compulsory and covers non-advanced education held at education colleges and HE institutions. The fifth stage, HE, is further study that takes place in universities and other Higher Education Institutions. This article will discuss some of the main problems the UK is facing including its two-tiered education system, major class divide and lack of resources and money in disadvantaged schools.

By Kate Ryan

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Cover image by Wallpaper Flare.

Report from the Children’s Commissioners of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (UK) to the United Nations Committee on the Rights of the Child

This report published in December 2020 aims to inform the United Nations Committee on the Rights of the Child about the implementation of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child in the UK and identify emerging trends and critical issues about children’s rights. The following article gathers the most significant findings of the Commissioners.


  • Incorporation of the UNCRC into domestic law and failure to ratify the third Optional Protocol

The commissioners report that the UK ratified the UNCRC in 1991 but has not been incorporated into domestic legislation and remains nonjusticiable in UK courts. In addition, the UK did not confirm the Optional Protocol to the UNCRC. In England and Northern Ireland, there is no legal requirement for government ministers to have due regard to the UNCRC, and no unusual movement has been made to introduce the UNCRC into domestic law. However, the commissioners welcome the Scottish initiative to incorporate the UNCRC into Scottish law.

  • Children’s rights and interests not prioritized in decision-making

The commissioners noted the lack of consideration for children’s rights or voices in policy or legislative processes in the UK. Specifically, the quality of the Child Rights Impact Assessments (CRIA) is concerning, often with no analysis of available options, no justification of selected options, no mitigation measures, and their impact on ministerial decisions is nuclear.

  • Inadequate resource allocation and no transparency in budgeting

Across the UK, there is a lack of transparency and clarity in budget processes, allocations, and expenditures concerning children, making it challenging to identify how much funding is allocated to children. The budget is also insufficient. For instance, Before the pandemic, children’s statutory services in England faced a £3 billion18 shortfall.19 Meeting the needs of all children in vulnerable situations would cost approximately £10 billion

  • Insufficient data collection, disaggregation, and análisis

There is a lack of coherent, consistent, transparent, and systematic, disaggregated data collection concerning children across all jurisdictions, making it difficult to monitor and measure children’s needs and assess the fulfillment of their rights.

  • Insufficient protection means children continue to experience discrimination.

In some areas of Scots law, a ‘child’ is defined as someone under 16, which means some child protection and mental health safeguards do not apply to 16- and 17-year-olds in some settings. For instance, in Northern Ireland, the Age Discrimination Bill would apply only to persons over 16. In England, Black Caribbean pupils are three times as likely to be permanently excluded than White British pupils and twice as likely to receive a fixed period exclusion than White British pupils.

  • Inadequate participation of children and young people in decision-making

Children’s right to be heard and involved in decision-making processes across all jurisdictions is denied without comprehensive implementation in law and practice. The voting age for UK general elections remains 18. It should be lowered to 16.

  • Violence against children

Across the UK, isolation, seclusion, and restraint58 are used in education, care, mental health, and detention settings, sometimes as a disciplinary measure for low-level incidents and sometimes resulting in injuries. In England, restraint in education settings and Young Offenders Institutions (YOIs) is permitted to maintain good order and discipline. In Scotland, restraint is sometimes used as an inappropriate response to distressed children’s behavior. Local authority policies and practices are inconsistent, failing to recognize children’s rights. In addition, In England and Northern Ireland, the reasonable punishment defense for assaulting children still exists in law.

Regarding sexual abuse, In England, most children who experience sexual abuse are not identified or supported, and the investigative process, including significant delays in bringing cases to trial, is often traumatic. In Northern Ireland, the average of 986 days for sexual offenses cases involving child victims to reach completion is concerning.

Regarding children enrolled in armed forces, the UK continues to enlist children in the Armed Forces from 16 and actively recruits 16- and 17-year-olds despite the Committee’s recommendations. In Northern Ireland, paramilitary intimidation, shootings, and attacks continue to be perpetrated on children, causing casualties, injuries, and many to become homeless.

  • Family environment and alternative care

In England, total spending on children’s services decreased in real terms by approximately 11% from 2009/10-2017/18, with assistance, including youth services and children’s centers, experiencing a 60% decrease by 2019/20. In addition, A lack of appropriate services, including specialist residential provision, in or near the place of residence, means children from England and Wales are placed in unregulated placements or sent far from home.

  • Disability, essential health, and welfare

Across the UK, disabled children are disproportionately affected by inadequate resourcing, mainly because of austerity measures and Covid-19. Overall, disabled children do not always have the additional support required by law or equal Access to services. In England, Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) services are under increasing pressure. In 2017/18, 81.3% of local authorities overspent their high-needs budget. In Northern Ireland, mental health services and support are fragmented and often unavailable, accessible, or quality to meet their needs.

  • Failure to realize the highest attainable standard of health

In 2018, 35% of all deaths aged 0-19 in the UK were considered avoidable. In England, too many children lack access to treatment. Only one-quarter of children with a diagnosable condition are referred for help, more than one-third of referrals are rejected, and children wait too long for treatment–an average of 53 days. Consequently, children too often reach the point of crisis requiring inpatient care rather than support in the community.

  • Inadequate action to tackle children’s food insecurity

There is no single nationwide government measure for hunger in the UK. Before the pandemic, an estimated 1.9 million children experienced food insecurity across the UK.

  • Child poverty and welfare reform

In the UK, there were 4.2 million children (30%) living in poverty in 2018/19–an increase of 600,000 from 2011/12. Poverty provides constant stress for children, 21% of whom list ‘not having enough money in their top three worries and 5% ‘not having enough food or clothes.’ Opportunities for children in poverty are also fewer: 37% of children who receive free school meals leave education without a Level 2 Qualification, compared to 18% overall.

  • Adequate housing

In Wales, in March 2020, roughly 69% of those in temporary housing were households with children, including in hostels and bed and breakfasts. In England, there is a family homelessness crisis. There were around 127,000 children in temporary accommodation pre-pandemic and approximately 90,000 families “sofa surfing” and likely to be in overcrowded accommodation.

  • Education, leisure, and cultural activities

Unequal Access to education is a concern in the UK. in Northern Ireland, many children, including care-experienced children, disabled children, Traveller children, those from ethnic minorities, disadvantaged backgrounds, and with additional needs, face significant impediments to high-quality education. In Scotland, disabled children, particularly those with autistic spectrum disorders and other disabilities, cannot access education on an equal basis.


  • Education on human rights and the UNCRC

Human and child rights education is not compulsory in schools in England and Scotland. In Northern Ireland, while the UNCRC and children’s rights are reflected with the school curriculum throughout Key Stages 1-4, these are not compulsory.

  • Insufficient measures to protect and support migrant, refugee, and asylum-seeking children

Asylum-seeking and refugee children and families face barriers to appropriate healthcare and education, a lack of child-friendly interview facilities, the vulnerability of exhaustion of appeal rights, deprivation, and the negative consequences of the UK government’s ‘hostile environment policy.

  • Overuse of deprivation of liberty

Across the UK, there are increasing concerns about children being unlawfully deprived of their liberty in institutional settings. In England, children can spend up to nine months in custody without a sentence. In 2019, two-thirds of remanded children did not subsequently receive a prison sentence.

  • Impact of Brexit

The European Union (EU) Withdrawal Agreement Act removes the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights from UK law, weakening legal protections for children. It contains rights with no direct equivalent in UK law, including for a child’s best interests to be a primary consideration in all actions taken by a public or private institution, a freestanding right to non-discrimination, and the right to human dignity.

Pictures are taken from the report.