Universal Periodic Review of Burkina Faso
May 7, 2023
Ruth Lakica
Advocacy and Lobbying, Burkina Faso, English, News, Prepare Reports
44th Session, 4th Cycle, Burkina Faso, by Ruth Lakica, Universal Periodic Review
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Broken Chalk has prepared this report to contribute to the 4th Universal Periodic Review(UPR) of Burkina Faso. Broken Chalk is an Amsterdam-based NGO focused on human rights violations in education.
Challenges within the education system in Burkina Faso
April 28, 2023
Ruth Lakica
Burkina Faso, English, News
access to education, armed forces and groups, Burkina Faso, conflict, Covid-19, Educational Challenges, technology
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Written by Ruth Lakica Introduction Burkina Faso is a landlocked country in west Africa. The country occupies an extensive plateau, and its geography is characterized by a savanna that is
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