Child Poverty in Tonga

Written by Panashe Marie Louise Mlambo

The Kingdom of Tonga is divided into four island groups and consists of some 170 islands, with only 36 Islands inhabited in the Polynesian Pacific. The four island groups are Tongatapu in the south, Ha’apai in the centre, Vava’u in the north, and Niuatoputapu and Niuafo’ou in the north. The total population stands at 106,170, around 37 per cent of whom are under the age of 15.

i. The country faces numerous issues, one of them being learning poverty, which refers to the inability of children to read and understand a simple text by age 10. To understand why the country faces a large number of children who are under learning poverty, we must look at the socio-economic issues that affect the country.


In addition to poverty, The Kingdom of Tonga also has environmental issues, primarily climate issues, due to its coastal location. Like many other Pacific Islands, Tonga is vulnerable to natural disasters, cyclones, and unfortunately, it also has a large number of people who live under the poverty line. In March 2015, at the Third UN World Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction, Tonga was labelled the second most at-risk country in the world due to constantly being threatened by different natural disasters. As a result, many education systems suffer in terms of quality and quantity, leading to poverty and insecurities in learning.


Free education and retention issues.

The country has free education for children aged 6 to 14, and education has been compulsory for this age group since 1987; however, after completion of secondary school, many students leave the country to pursue tertiary education in Australia and other countries, which has led to a continuous brain drain and the country’s reliance of remittances.

ii. In addition, the World Bank report, which looked at houses in Tonga, found that to tackle issues in education and the economy, the country needs to find other sources of income.

iii. Despite the strides in making education accessible, the country still faces a large percentage of out-of-school children and non-completion of primary and secondary school. Due to free education only covering up to 14 years and the country’s large number of people living under the poverty line, the dropout rate is higher in upper secondary school. According to UNICEF, in a 2023 study, 2 per cent do not complete primary, 8 per cent do not complete lower secondary school, and 49 per cent do not complete upper secondary.

iv. Gender roles and education

According to the UNICEF education fact sheet,v 62 per cent of the children who do not complete primary education are boys, 57 per cent at the lower secondary level, and 54 per cent at the upper secondary level are boys—further highlighting the glaring issues in gender norms.


V. Around the globe, looking at the data collected by Education Monitoring Around the Globe by Broken Chalk, many countries that have a large number of people living below the poverty line have issues with boys retention; many boys in these countries drop out to provide for their families and also get involved in criminal activities, and Tonga is an example of this phenomenon.


COL undertook a study on boys’ underachievement in Tonga to investigate factors affecting boys’ participation, performance and learning outcomes in school. The researchers engaged over 450 stakeholders through surveys and interviews with parents, teachers, boys, community members and the Ministry for Education and Training staff.

vi. The researchers found that social norms largely affect the perception of boys, and due to poverty, many boys understand criminal activities and drop out due to responsibilities at home, and many people are unaware of these issues.

Learning Poverty and Social Status

According to UNICEF, 48 per cent of children who have Grade 3 as the highest grade attended have the expected reading skills for that grade, while 26 per cent of children have the expected numeracy skills. The data also shows that children in the bottom wealth quintile have lower numeracy skills compared to children from the richest households in the country.

Socioeconomic status (SES) plays a crucial role in shaping a child’s educational outcomes. Children from lower-SES backgrounds often face multiple disadvantages that impede their academic progress. These disadvantages include limited access to educational resources at home, reduced parental involvement due to time constraints or lower educational attainment of parents, and fewer opportunities for early childhood development.

vii. The home literacy environment, in particular, has been identified as a significant factor influencing children’s literacy skills. Children from lower-SES households typically have fewer books at home and engage less frequently in reading activities with their parents, which can hinder the development of foundational literacy skills.

viiiI. In the kingdom of Tonga, there are two main official languages, English and Tongan, with children from English-speaking homes having more literacy. According to UNICEF, 70 per cent of 7 to 14-year-olds who speak English at home have foundational reading skills; this is higher than children who speak Tongan at home.

ix. Environment issues and effects on education

As mentioned above, the country is highly susceptible to environmental disasters, and in the World Bank report, it was noted that to improve education and retention issues in schools, there is a need for social protection initiatives. The country frequently has to rebuild schools, and education is disrupted due to natural disasters; the country also lacks proper infrastructure, despite the location is often being at risk one, to combat the effects of cyclones and floodings on education and households. It is notable that the country, from 2015 to 2021, initiated social programs which assist families in disasters and is now closer to similar countries, although still lacking.

x. It is, therefore, critical that the government make improvements to improve social programs and infrastructure to bridge the gap between poverty and education.



In conclusion, The Kingdom of Tonga must put measures in place to combat learning poverty. The country, from 2015-to 2021, has made strides to combat poverty, but with the new seasons coming disasters on the rise in its region, and the number of children learning poverty increasing, it is dire that the country puts in place digital and other implementations in place to combat learning poverty. One of the reasons for learning about poverty is disruptions in education. By improving the country’s internal issues, the country can have sustainable results in reducing poverty overall.



Reference List 

1. UNICEF. (2017). Situation analysis of children in Tonga.

2. Morgan, C. (2020, April 23). 8 facts about education in Tonga. The Borgen Project.

3. World Bank. (2019). Tonga: Education sector report. World Bank Open Knowledge Repository.

4. UNICEF. (2023). Tonga factsheet 2023. UNICEF Data.

5. Commonwealth of Learning. (2022, March 17). Aligning reform strategies for boys’ educational outcomes in Tonga.

6. World Bank. (2024, October 17). Despite challenges, Tonga making important steps in reducing poverty.

i UNICEF. (2017). Situation analysis of children in Tonga. UNICEF. Retrieved from

ii Morgan, C. (2020, April 23). 8 facts about education in Tonga. The Borgen Project. Retrieved from

iii World Bank. (2019). Tonga: Education sector report. World Bank Open Knowledge Repository. Retrieved from

iv UNICEF. (2023). Tonga factsheet 2023. UNICEF Data. Retrieved from


vi Commonwealth of Learning. (2022, March 17). Aligning reform strategies for boys’ educational outcomes in Tonga. Commonwealth of Learning. Retrieved from




x World Bank. (2024, October 17). Despite challenges, Tonga making important steps in reducing poverty. World Bank. Retrieved from

The Impact of the Humanitarian Crisis in Gaza on Educational Rights

Written by Alessia Bruni

The humanitarian crisis in Gaza continues to disrupt the lives of many residents severely, specifically affecting the educational rights of Palestinian children. The right to education is a fundamental right that all children should enjoy, however, for many children and students living in the Gaza Strip, school has been inaccessible due to the damage to their infrastructure and the threat of violence. The crisis disrupts the children’s ability to gain quality education, creating long-term obstacles.

The Crisis in Gaza

Recent reports calculate that over 625,000 children in Gaza, including 300,00 enrolled in the United Nations Relief and Works Agency, schools have been directly impacted by the ongoing humanitarian crisis. (United Nations Relief Works Agency 2024) These families and their children live in a constant state of fear due to the ongoing threats of violence by military operations, and this causes a lack of access to essential services, with education being the most predominant. Many of the schools that allow access to education have been destroyed or damaged by airstrikes at an alarming rate of 90%, leaving families to be displaced. (Rose and Sayed 2024) Our normalcy of everyday life is easily sustainable, whereas, for Palestinian children, normalcy is impossible to sustain. Having to rebuild the educational system will leave the children losing either 2 years of education in case a ceasefire was to be drawn, and if not, an alarming 5 years of education could be lost. (Rose and Sayed 2024)

Destruction of Infrastructure

The humanitarian crisis in Gaza is not only reflected in the multitude of deaths of children but also extends to the fate of the children who do survive but are left with the aftereffects of the destruction, leaving their opportunities, specifically educational opportunities, in jeopardy. The Education Cluster deployed a satellite-derived damage assessment in the Gaza Strip to assess the damage to infrastructure and educational facilities. The results of the satellite images revealed that hundreds of the buildings were destroyed. To further highlight these atrocities, under International Humanitarian Law, any direct attack against a school is constituted as a violation, specifically regarding children in conflict. (Inger Ashing, Sherif, and Egeland 2024) This highlights the severity of the lives and educational opportunities of Palestinian children.

The extent of the destruction underscores the lasting and devastating impact on educational access for current and future generations. The significant damage to these schools places educational opportunities in a state of crisis; once hostilities cease, children may find themselves without any schools to attend. Furthermore, rebuilding the infrastructure could take years or may even prove impossible. (United Nations 2024) The destruction of school facilities not only postpones formal education but deprives children of a safe learning environment. Schools are vital for fostering social skills and supporting emotional and educational development. (UN Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights 2024) The absence of adequate infrastructure has forced students into temporary shelters, where they face numerous challenges, including overcrowding, interruptions, and limited support and resources. (Hinnawi 2024)

The Psychological Damage on the Children and Educators

It is important to draw attention to the significant psychological impact of the humanitarian crisis on Gaza’s children. It is calculated that over 1.2 million children live in a constant state where their safety is compromised due to threats or violence, this creates effects that are lasting to their well-being. (Hinnawi 2024) The impact of the crisis has left nearly all children in the Gaza Strip to require mental health support due to the atrocities and the lasting trauma due to the multitude of loss of their friends, homes, schools, and family. (Rose and Sayed 2024)

“Education has been under relentless attack in Gaza and the West Bank, with hundreds of thousands of children deprived of their right to education, tens of thousands of teachers having lost their jobs, and hundreds of schools in the Gaza Strip totally or partially destroyed” (Education International 2024) The ongoing conflict continues to disrupt the lives of the children with ongoing trauma, contributing to the ability of the children to engage in educational opportunities meaningfully. Furthermore, many of the educators face the same trauma that the children of Gaza experience while having to work under strenuous conditions to provide education. This creates a disruptive cycle of learning as both the educators and students are subjected to severe psychological trauma due to the ongoing trauma and instability. (Graham-Harrison and Mousa 2023)

The Generational Impact

The long-term implications of the current crisis in Gaza on education are profound, leaving many students without access to schooling now and potentially in the future if conditions do not improve. The loss of education raises the alarming prospect of a “lost generation,” as prolonged school absences deprive children of the essential skills and knowledge needed for meaningful economic and social contributions. (Rose and Sayed 2024) Education offers a vital pathway for children to improve their circumstances and provides individuals from impoverished backgrounds a chance to break free from their limitations and establish stability. The erosion of educational opportunities not only jeprodises the future of these children but also threatens the overall future of Palestinian society. (Ali 2024)

The degradation of educational opportunities in Gaza has far-reaching implications that extend beyond academic knowledge, encompassing the essential values and aspirations that a school environment fosters. Interviews conducted by aid workers have revealed that many children in Gaza are grappling with fundamental questions regarding the concepts of equality and human rights. (United Nations Relief Works Agency 2024) These inquiries arise from the stark contradiction between these ideals and the pervasive violence and trauma they endure. If ongoing loss of hope, intervention, and values persists, it may rise to significant social challenges in the future. (UN Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights 2024)

The Role of International Aid

International organisations and governments must prioritise the right to education in their response to the ongoing crisis, particularly through the provision of humanitarian aid. The United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) has taken significant steps to address this issue by calling for an immediate ceasefire and urging international organisations to increase funding for their “Education in Emergencies” program. This initiative provides non-formal education, mental health support, and temporary learning spaces. (United Nations Relief Works Agency 2024) A commitment to educational recovery is essential to safeguard the future of children in Gaza. This commitment should encompass measures that ensure safe learning environments during emergencies and humanitarian crises. This will help foster hope and stability for Palestinian youth. (Hinnawi 2024)


The humanitarian crisis in Gaza underscores the profound disruptions to both educational opportunities and humanitarian rights, leading to enduring and detrimental effects on physical infrastructure and mental health. Immediate intervention and assistance are essential, as the cycle of trauma and interrupted education is likely to escalate, resulting in long-term repercussions for the Palestinian children and the wider community. Education is a fundamental human right, and by prioritising aid initiatives, the international community has a critical opportunity to alleviate the impacts of the current crisis. Restoring educational access can provide the children of Gaza with a sense of normalcy, hope, and stability, which is crucial for both their present circumstances and future prospects.


Ali, Eman Alhaj. 2024. “In Gaza, education is resistance.” Al Jazeera, August 12, 2024.

Education International. 2024. “War and trauma: Addressing mental health in Palestine.” Education International, July 8, 2024.

Graham-Harrison, Emma, and Aseel Mousa. 2023. “War’s toll on education in Gaza casts shadow over children’s future.” the Guardian, December 18, 2023.

Hinnawi, Mohammed. 2024. “UNRWA Education activities in Gaza.” UNRWA EDUCATION RESPONSE IN GAZA, June 2024.

Inger Ashing, Inger, Yasmine Sherif, and Jan Egeland. 2024. “Education Under Attack in Gaza, With Nearly 90% of School Buildings Damaged or Destroyed.” Save The Children, April 16, 2024.

Rose, Pauline, and Yusuf Sayed. 2024. “Palestinian Education ‘under Attack’, Leaving a Generation Close to Losing Hope, Study Warns.” University of Cambridge. September 25, 2024.

United Nations. 2024. “UN experts deeply concerned over ‘scholasticide’ in Gaza.” UN experts deeply concerned over ‘scholasticide’ in Gaza OHCHR, April 18, 2024.

United Nations Relief Works Agency. 2024. “Education Under Attack.” Education Under Attack UNWRA, September 9, 2024.

UN Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights. 2024. “UN Human Rights Office – OPT: The UN Human Rights Office condemns Israeli Defense Force’s Strike on Al Tabae’en School in Gaza City – occupied Palestinian territory.” ReliefWeb, August 10, 2024.*1gb7d68*_ga*MTczOTcwNTI5NC4xNzE3NTA5ODY5*_ga_E60ZNX2F68*MTcyMzU1MDMzNi4yMi4xLjE3MjM1NTAzMzguNTguMC4w.


Cover Image by Honsy Salah, Gaza, Palestine, 2011, photograph, Pixabay,

The lack of adequate education due to poverty in South Africa



Written by Alessia Bruni

The right to quality education is a fundamental right. However, in South Africa, numerous children encounter substantial obstacles in obtaining adequate education due to impoverished circumstances. Education plays a pivotal role in shaping individuals, affording them access to further opportunities. Regrettably, for many learners in South Africa, this aspiration remains elusive. Despite the efforts made by the South African government to improve the educational system, the economic divide continues to leave a large portion of the people of South Africa with limited educational opportunities and insufficient resources.

The Interrelation between Education and Poverty

The influence of poverty on a child’s education is profound, impacting their ability to access and remain in school and pursue higher education in the future. Approximately 55% of South Africa’s population resides in poverty. (World Bank Group 2023) This statistic highlights the nation’s educational framework, particularly in economically disadvantaged regions where essential elements such as infrastructure, teaching personnel, and educational materials are deficient. This results in significant disparities between wealthier schools and those in rural and township communities. (Mohamed 2020)

The influence of poverty on education can be found both directly and indirectly. Families facing financial hardship often encounter challenges in providing necessities such as uniforms, transportation, and school supplies, which can result in students discontinuing their education or frequently missing school. Moreover, students raised in impoverished environments may lack stable housing and an environment conducive to learning, thus adversely affecting their academic performance. The current challenges make it difficult to secure employment due to the absence of a strong educational foundation leaving the students without essential educational skills such as writing, reading, and social skills. (Hogan 2020)

Deficient Infrastructure and Resources

The need for adequate infrastructure in the education sector is paramount, as its absence can significantly affect the delivery of quality education. In South Africa, the adverse effects of poverty on education show in numerous schools that lack essential amenities such as running water, sanitation, and electricity. This insufficiency has led to students being educated in makeshift classrooms and outdoor settings due to the absence of proper facilities. Furthermore, overcrowded classrooms have hampered teachers’ ability to provide individual attention to students, impacting the overall education quality. (Veriava 2012)

Schools in rural and township areas of South Africa are not only confronted with inadequate infrastructure, but also face a dearth of fundamental educational resources such as books, textbooks, seating, desks, and technological amenities including internet connectivity and computers, which are occasionally non-existent in these rural educational institutions. These deficiencies underscore the profound impact of poverty on the educational landscape, thereby exacerbating the disparity between underprivileged and affluent schools, placing students in rural areas at a distinct disadvantage with limited prospects. (Global 2023)

Financial Barriers Leading to Dropout Rates

Public education in South Africa is offered at no cost. However, a significant number of students attending these schools are required to contribute to their family’s income, often resulting in high dropout rates. Additionally, these public schools that offer education free of charge lack the quality that is given in contrast to private schools, leading to many children lacking adequate and quality reading, writing, and many other skills offered at private schools. (Expatica 2016)

According to Statistics South Africa, approximately 20% of children aged 7-18 not in attendance at school attribute their absence to financial constraints. (Statistics South Africa 2022) Furthermore, individuals from economically disadvantaged backgrounds exhibit a higher likelihood of remaining at home with their families. Additional research indicates that poverty significantly contributes, elucidating variations in dropout rates between genders. The research reveals that male students are more prone to leaving school due to academic underperformance or interpersonal conflicts with peers and educators. Many also depart in pursuit of vocational training with the aspiration of securing employment. Conversely, female students are more inclined to discontinue their education due to caregiving responsibilities and financial adversity. (Desai et al. 2024)

The Significance of Early Childhood Development

Early childhood development plays a critical role in laying the foundation for future learning or studies, with barriers such as poverty in South Africa early childhood development (ECD) is affected. In South Africa access to ECD programs is difficult amongst families living in impoverished circumstances. The sectors most impacted in South Africa include early childhood education, social protection, and healthcare. These gaps negatively affect the youngest children from impoverished backgrounds creating barriers that leave them disadvantaged. An alarming rate of “ 7 in every 10 young children now live below the poverty line” (Biersteker, Lake, and Wiedaad Slemming 2024)

Insufficient financial support, coupled with minimal welfare grants, compounds the challenges and restricts access to vital services necessary for children’s development. ECD centres in impoverished areas where often financial constraints, inadequate staffing, and lack of resources, result in a deficiency of early stimulation and support for children. Consequently, many children commence formal schooling already disadvantaged, grappling to keep pace with the curriculum, thus contributing to elevated dropout rates in later years. (DGMT 2024)

Resolutions and Forward Thinking

It is paramount that the education gap be addressed in South Africa specifically relating to the disparities caused by poverty. Investment strategies should be implemented to contribute to adequate school infrastructure specifically in the rural and township areas. It is essential to provide a safe and conducive learning environment in South Africa to provide a more than adequate educational system to children in impoverished areas in South Africa. (uMkhonto weSizwe Party 2024)

The prioritization of teacher training and development is paramount, and the implementation of incentives is recommended to attract qualified educators to underserved schools. Moreover, it is advisable for the government to explore avenues for expanding early childhood education accessibility during the formative years of schooling. (Maimane 2022) Additionally, addressing financial barriers, such as transportation and undisclosed educational fees, is imperative to ensure equitable access to quality education for all students, irrespective of their socioeconomic background. (uMkhonto weSizwe Party 2024)


The quality of education in South Africa resulting from poverty remains a critical impediment to the nation’s advancement. The limited resources, inadequate infrastructure, and financial constraints continue to contribute to a system that marginalizes children from low-income and impoverished communities. Effective remedies need to be placed to address these challenges and necessitate the need for an adequate system to contribute financially to educational institutions with enhanced support for educators and families. Through a concentrated effort to remove these barriers in educational disparity, we can disrupt the cycle of poverty and secure a more promising future for all children in South Africa.



Biersteker, Linda, Lori Lake, and Wiedaad Slemming. 2024. “South Africa Is Failing Its Youngest Children – Report Flags Critical Gaps in Early Learning, Social Protection and Health Care.” The Conversation. September 11, 2024.

Desai, Rachana, Ansuyah Magan, Robert A.C. Ruiter, Priscilla S Reddy, and Liesbeth A.G. Mercken. 2024. “Understanding Why Youth Drop out of School in South Africa.” SAGE Open 14 (1).

DGMT. 2024. “South African Early Childhood Review 2024 – DGMT.” DGMT – the DG Murray Trust. July 18, 2024.

Expatica. 2016. “Education in South Africa – Expat Guide to South Africa | Expatica.” Expat Guide to South Africa | Expatica. Expat Guide to South Africa | Expatica. 2016.

Global, 4 Earth. 2023. “State of Education Facilities in Africa.” 4 Earth Global. November 7, 2023.

Hogan, Alyssa. 2020. “Links between South African Poverty and Education.” The Borgen Project. December 17, 2020.

Maimane, Mmusi. 2022. “Mmusi Maimane | Ten Steps to Fix SA’s Education System for Future Generations.” News24. January 26, 2022.

Mohamed, Shenilla. 2020. “South Africa: Broken and Unequal Education Perpetuating Poverty and Inequality.” Amnesty International. February 11, 2020.

Statistics South Africa. 2022. “Increase in Number of Out-of-School Children and Youth in SA in 2020 | Statistics South Africa.” Stats SA. June 29, 2022.

uMkhonto weSizwe Party. 2024. “The State of Education in South Africa: Challenges and Prospects – MK Party.” MK Party. July 9, 2024.

Veriava, Faranaaz . 2012. “Rich School, Poor School – the Great Divide Persists.” The Mail & Guardian. September 28, 2012.


World Bank Group. 2023. “Poverty & Equity Brief Africa Eastern & Southern South Africa.” World Bank. April 2023.

Cover Image by Pixabay on 29/07/2020, Kone Kassoum.







Anti-scamming Louise Housing tips

Written by Panashe Mlambo

– Housing shortage in the Netherlands leads to increased competition and rental scams.

Tips to avoid housing and rental scams1:

Ø Beware of deals that seem too good to be true, especially in major cities.

Ø Scrutinize the landlord’s social media for inconsistencies.

Ø Be cautious of reused pictures and descriptions across multiple listings.

Ø Verify the authenticity of house pictures by checking for Dutch elements and doing a reverse image search.

Ø Recognize common patterns in scammer messages, such as providing excessive details upfront and avoiding in-person viewings.

Ø Be wary of landlords who claim to be abroad and cannot show the property in person.

Ø Avoid supplying personal ID until certain of legitimacy.

Ø Verify the property owner through the Kadaster property register.

Ø Always view the apartment before renting or have someone view it on your behalf.

Ø Resist pressure to sign immediately and make payments cautiously.

Ø Avoid payment methods like Western Union and Airbnb.

Ø Watch out for illegal sublets, which may lead to registration issues.

Ø Seek help from organizations like !WOON and local Juridisch Loket if unsure or if scammed.

Ø Take immediate action and report to the police if scammed.

Ø x











Sfide nel sistema educativo del Sudafrica


Per rispettare gli standard nazionali e internazionali in materia di diritti umani, il Sudafrica deve affrontare diversi ostacoli nella sua sfera educativa. Questo articolo presenterà alcune delle sfide educative più diffuse nel Paese.


Uno dei problemi principali del settore educativo oggi è rappresentato dalle strutture a disposizione degli studenti. È di fondamentale importanza che le scuole includano strutture sicure e protette per i bambini e le attrezzature necessarie agli studenti per proseguire la loro istruzione. Secondo Equal Education (EE, 2016), nel 2013 il ministro dell’Istruzione di base, Angie Montshegka, ha accettato una legge che obbliga le scuole di tutto il Paese a disporre almeno di acqua, elettricità, internet, aule sicure con un massimo di 40 studenti in classe, sicurezza e le strutture necessarie per studiare e praticare diversi sport. Sebbene l’obiettivo sia stato fissato per il 2016, oggi molte scuole hanno problemi ben più gravi di una cattiva connessione a Internet. Il Paese sta cercando di raggiungere gli obiettivi prefissati, ma la strada da percorrere è ancora lunga. Numerosi articoli evidenziano i casi di morte di studenti a causa di infrastrutture inadeguate. Inoltre, le carenze igieniche delle scuole sono un problema che influisce sulla salute degli studenti. Un esempio è dato dai servizi igienici e dalle latrine a fossa, dove gli studenti sono a rischio di problemi di salute a causa dell’igiene inadeguata. Questi ostacoli impediscono agli studenti di concentrarsi sull’istruzione e sullo sviluppo.

Disuguaglianza nell’istruzione

Le disuguaglianze sono ampiamente visibili nelle scuole sudafricane. Secondo Amnesty International, i bambini delle prime 200 scuole ottengono punteggi più alti in matematica rispetto ai bambini delle altre 6.600 scuole. Altre statistiche evidenziano che oltre il 75% dei bambini di nove anni non è in grado di leggere in modo significativo. In alcune province, la percentuale raggiunge il 91%. Il sistema educativo si sta ancora riprendendo dall’era dell’Apartheid, con il risultato che i bambini vengono trattati in modo diverso a causa della loro provenienza, della ricchezza o del colore della pelle. The Quality of Primary Education in South Africa, un rapporto dell’UNESCO, afferma che, in teoria, tutti i bambini hanno uguale accesso ai tre livelli di istruzione del Paese. Tuttavia, molti istituti che ospitano studenti provenienti da comunità a basso reddito non sono riusciti a migliorare la qualità dell’istruzione impartita. Il governo deve affrontare il problema della povertà e dell’istruzione.



Istruzione scadente

Inoltre, la qualità dell’istruzione scolastica è un problema prevalente in Sudafrica. Secondo una ricerca condotta da Gustafsson nel 2021, il pensionamento degli insegnanti in Sudafrica raggiungerà il picco massimo entro il 2030, il che comporterà di conseguenza la necessità di nuovi educatori formati e la ristrutturazione di classi e istituti. Attualmente, la metà delle classi ha 30 studenti per classe, ma il restante 50% può superare i 50 bambini in una classe. Per ridurre il numero, si stima che circa 100.000 nuovi insegnanti entrino nel sistema educativo, il che richiede formazione e finanziamenti su larga scala.

Un’altra sfida che il settore educativo sudafricano deve affrontare oggi è la qualità degli insegnanti. Oltre 5.000 degli attuali insegnanti non sono qualificati per la loro professione. Gli insegnanti non sono competitivi sul mercato del lavoro; hanno una scarsa comprensione dei programmi di studio e nessuna competenza pedagogica, il che porta gli studenti a diplomarsi senza le conoscenze necessarie.

Ciclo di analfabetismo

Infine, secondo il rapporto OCSE del 2019, il Sudafrica ha la più alta percentuale di persone di età compresa tra i 20 e i 24 anni nel settore NEET (né occupazione né istruzione). Il Sudafrica ha ottenuto un punteggio di quasi il 50% su questo criterio, il più alto tra tutti i Paesi esaminati dal rapporto dell’OCSE. Il rapporto 2021 del professor Khuluvhe parla della gravità del problema dell’analfabetismo, affermando che, nel 2019, il tasso di adulti analfabeti (di età superiore ai 20 anni) era del 12,1%, ovvero circa 4,4 milioni. Ciò equivale a una parte considerevole della popolazione che non ha raggiunto un livello di istruzione di 7° grado o superiore. L’analfabetismo comporta conseguenze di vasta portata per la popolazione, tra cui una prole non istruita e il mancato contributo alla società, danneggiando così l’economia del Paese. Il Sudafrica deve affrontare questo problema e ridurre il più possibile la percentuale di analfabetismo.



EE. (2006, July 19). School Infrastructure. Eqaleducation.Org.Za. Retrieved February 17, 2022, from

Amnesty International. (2020, February 7). South Africa: Broken and unequal education perpetuating poverty and inequality. Www.Amnesty.Org. Retrieved February 17, 2022, from

Gustafsson, M. (2021, August 26). A teacher retirement wave is about to hit South Africa: what it means for class size. The Conversation. Retrieved February 17, 2022, from

Khuluvhe, M. K. (2021, March 1). Adult illiteracy in South Africa. Www.Dhet.Gov.Za. Retrieved February 17, 2022, from

Editor. (2019, December 27). Opinion: The Challenges Facing The Education System In South Africa. iAfrica. Retrieved February 17, 2022, from

Educational Difficulties for ex-pats in the Netherlands

Educational Difficulties for ex-pats in the Netherlands

Written by Alessia Bruni

The Netherlands stands as a popular destination for expatriates due to the many advantages the country has to offer. However, navigating the Dutch educational system poses a significant challenge for expat families and students who attend the many wonderful universities. These difficulties stem from differences in the education structure and system offered to the students, the language barriers, and the housing difficulties.


Dutch Educational System

The Dutch education system is unique as it heavily emphasizes tracking students into academic or vocational paths that start at an early age. (“Education in the Netherlands | Nuffic,” n.d.) At the university level, students must meet the entry requirements to apply and attend university. However, the Dutch universities offer two types of bachelor degrees. The first entails attending a University of Applied Sciences (HBO), which is more of a professional orientation, and the other is an academic university (WO), which focuses on an academic orientation. Additionally, HBO Bachelor’s programs take 4 years (240 ECTS) while the WO Bachelor’s programs take 3 years (180 ECTS). (“What’s the difference between HBO and WO?,” n.d.)

When applying to universities, there are a few challenges that international students may face, this includes the registration process as the Dutch universities have two types of bachelor’s degrees and for many expats, there is no formal process in educating these individuals in their choice.International students are “three times more likely to drop out in their first year of university than Dutch students: 17 percent of international students drop out in their first year, compared with 6 percent of Dutch students.” (Stylianou 2024) This highlights the many challenges that international students face when attending a Duch University.

Additionally, it is vital for students to be made aware of the BSA (binding study advice) that is provided by the universities in the final semester of the student’s first academic year, which determines whether or not the students can move forward with their desired subjects and courses, all depending on how each student performs which is reflected by the number of credits obtained or their grades. Failure to meet the minimum grade or credit requirements results in students receiving a negative BSA, which hinders their ability to move forward in their studies. Furthermore, the standards set out by the Dutch universities lead to students being disheartened as the level of difficulty to meet the requirements is high. Students, too, are faced with severe levels of stress and, as a result, detrimentally affects their mental health. (Stylianou 2024)

Language Barriers

A significant challenge for many internationals is the language barrier; the transition can be quite difficult even in English-speaking international schools as the students struggle to adapt to Dutch society, with an emphasis on many students struggling to understand the educational expectations. The universities, too, do not provide sufficient support to international students, thus emphasising a major challenge that foreign students face.

Due to the influx of international students, understanding and speaking English may be a challenge for these students, and due to the self-study lifestyle offered by the universities, this creates many challenges as these students may feel isolated or experience high levels of stress due to struggling to keep up with their studies due to lack of understanding and comprehension. (“Challenges Faced by International Students in Netherlands” 2023)

Transitioning into the Dutch Society

International students and expatriates often encounter challenges when adapting to a new educational system. Dutch educational institutions emphasize independence, critical thinking, and academic rigor, which can pose significant difficulties, particularly for students hailing from diverse and distinct educational backgrounds. The adjustment process can be especially difficult for international students, as they may experience feelings of loneliness, homesickness, and isolation. Furthermore, the families of these students may share similar sentiments due to their unfamiliarity with the Dutch education system and its unique practices. (European Commission 2022)

It is essential to recognize that the transition period can present a significant cultural adjustment for students. Relocating to another country poses inherent challenges, as differing customs, traditions, and social norms can contribute to an overwhelming experience. (“Challenges Faced by International Students in Netherlands” 2023)

Housing Crisis

The housing crisis in the Netherlands poses a continued and significant challenge for many of the international students. Starting a new life in a foreign country can already be quite challenging however, in the Netherlands, the struggle remains in finding affordable and suitable accommodation. (Walker 2024) The Netherlands continues to face a shortage of student housing due to the high demand, specifically in cities like Utrecht, Rotterdam, Amsterdam, and the Hague. Many of the students experience waiting lists, high rent, and location issues, which places the students in situations to live in temporary conditions such as shared rooms or locations that are far out from where they will attend university. (“The Student Housing Crisis in the Netherlands: How The Hague University of Applied Sciences is Supporting International Students” 2024)

International students may face challenges related to language proficiency and navigating Dutch rental regulations, as landlords often prioritize local tenants. This issue is particularly significant given the ongoing housing crisis in the Netherlands, which continues to attract an increasing number of international students. This will add to the strain and pressure that students are under academically and their transition process into Dutch society.


International students in the Netherlands face significant educational challenges that stem from the unique educational system, language barriers, societal differences, and housing difficulties. Although the Netherlands offers excellent educational opportunities, these difficulties can negatively impact international students’ well-being and mental health throughout their studies. Offering a better support system and addressing these difficulties is vital for ensuring a better quality of life and a better transitioning period for these students.


Cover Image by Frits de Jong, Den Haag, 2016, photograph, Pixabay,



“Challenges Faced by International Students in Netherlands.” 2023. studyabroad.jeduka, February 24, 2023.

“Education in the Netherlands | Nuffic.” n.d. Nuffic | De organisatie voor internationalisering in het onderwijs. Accessed December 4, 2024.

European Commission. 2022. “Netherlands: Challenges for international students.” European Website on Integration, November 20, 2022.

“The Student Housing Crisis in the Netherlands: How The Hague University of Applied Sciences is Supporting International Students.” 2024. Goin’ – Connecting your students, September 10, 2024.,for%20the%20international%20student%20population.

Stylianou, Kam. 2024. “Why the Netherlands can be a high-risk destination for students | Times Higher Education.” Times Higher Education (THE), April 15, 2024.

Walker,Anne-Maree. 2024. “Netherlands to reduce international student numbers amid ongoing student housing crisis | Global Student Living.” Global Student Living | Professional news, information and insight into student living and lifestyle around the world, February 23, 2024.

“What’s the difference between HBO and WO?” n.d. TU Delft. Accessed December 4, 2024.


[VS1]can you add one of the requirements in registering/ attending the university that makes it challenging for expat students?

Desafios Educacionais no Brasil

Escrito por Daniel Ordoñez

Traduzido por Christiano Oliveira

O Brasil se destaca como o país de maior biodiversidade do planeta Terra e, com um território de mais de 8,51 milhões de km², é o maior país do continente sul-americano. Desde a sua independência como colônia de Portugal, sua extensão territorial e seus sistemas políticos influenciaram diretamente o desenvolvimento da população, principalmente em como o sistema educacional vem sendo estruturado e projetado. As constantes mudanças sociopolíticas e as circunstâncias econômicas têm sido fatores que influenciam diretamente o sistema educacional do país.

Este artigo descreverá os diferentes mecanismos e fatores que influenciaram a educação no Brasil, bem como as diferentes modificações sofridas ao longo das administrações federais, os projetos em andamento e os desafios enfrentados pelo sistema.

O contexto sociocultural e o sistema educacional

Com a chegada dos colonizadores portugueses ao continente sul-americano, o Brasil mudaria para sempre seu destino histórico, tornando-se a colônia mais importante e o futuro do reino português, além de influenciar a política, a estruturação do Estado brasileiro moderno e sua evolução socioeconômica. A Igreja Católica influenciou fortemente a sociedade brasileira devido ao seu passado como colônia portuguesa. Ao contrário de muitas nações europeias, o Brasil não foi afetado pelas mudanças provocadas pelo movimento da Reforma na Europa.

Durante seus primeiros anos de colonização, o Brasil foi o destino de várias missões jesuítas. Esses missionários estabeleceram as primeiras faculdades e centros educacionais no país. No entanto, no século XVIII, durante o florescimento dos movimentos iluministas, as missões jesuítas foram expulsas do país. Esse período também trouxe reformas no sistema político brasileiro, de acordo com Schwartzman (2006). Essas reformas iluministas levaram à criação do sistema nacional de educação primária do Brasil, o que significou o desmantelamento de grande parte da educação católica no país. Finalmente, vale a pena mencionar que, em 1838, o Colégio Pedro II foi fundado como a primeira escola primária do Rio de Janeiro e representou um marco importante na evolução do sistema educacional do país.


Crianças frequentam escola perto de Manaus, Brasil, na região amazônica. Brasil. Foto:


No século XIX, o Brasil era uma sociedade predominantemente rural com um governo altamente centralizado que tentava se adaptar às ideias dos estados-nação europeus. Além disso, a maior parte da população estava em um estado econômico precário, com várias províncias desconectadas e modelos econômicos focados exclusivamente na mineração e na exploração do açúcar (Schwartzman 11, 2006). Uma pequena elite branca de ascendência portuguesa liderava a maior parte do processo decisório, seguida por uma maioria mista de descendentes de escravos, nativos americanos e colonos portugueses.

Durante os séculos XIX e XX, a demografia do país mudou consideravelmente, recebendo um influxo de imigrantes de todos os continentes e países do mesmo hemisfério para substituir a mão de obra escrava que trabalhava nas plantações de café, tabaco e milho e, com a revolução industrial, uma parte considerável da população rural se mudou para as grandes cidades, com a promessa de empregos mais bem remunerados e melhor qualidade de vida. Em meados do século XX, estima-se que 25% da população era alfabetizada, sendo que a educação primária e secundária era responsabilidade do estado local. Imigrantes alemães, japoneses e italianos criaram suas escolas particulares, com forte influência de seus países de origem.

Em 15 de novembro de 1889, o Império foi substituído pelo regime republicano, que promoveu um estado ainda mais moderno, capaz de integrar a comunidade nacional de forma mais coerente, e estabeleceu as primeiras escolas públicas. Durante o processo de industrialização do país, iniciado no final do século XIX, as escolas não tinham um sistema que as unificasse e regulamentasse, o que, de certa forma, promoveu a implementação de políticas de modernização, com foco na criação de “grupos escolares”, utilizando as mais avançadas tecnologias arquitetônicas para a construção de escolas; organizando os alunos de acordo com sua idade e proficiência, seguindo um programa multisseriado e sequencial. Da mesma forma, foram fundadas escolas para a formação de professores profissionais denominadas “escoltas normais”, introduzindo novas técnicas de ensino e treinamento.

Com o governo de Getúlio Vargas, de 1930 a 1945 e de 1951 a 1954, foram criadas as primeiras reformas fundamentais no sistema educacional, promovendo uma metodologia mais centralizada e criando o Ministério da Educação e Cultura. Durante essa época, a oferta de educação elementar ou primária, que deveria ser obrigatória e de acesso universal, se estendia por quatro anos, acomodando crianças entre 7 e 10 anos de idade. O ginásio sucedeu a essa fase inicial, considerada como ensino secundário, que também durava quatro anos. Por fim, havia a fase do “colégio”, com duração de dois a três anos, concebida como precursora do ensino universitário. Uma característica vital que marcaria o futuro da educação no país foi a falta de interesse governamental em treinar alunos e professores em carreiras técnicas e industriais, o que deixou a porta aberta para o setor privado atender a essa demanda. Em 1931, a primeira legislação para promover universidades foi criada com o “Manifesto dos Pioneiros da Educação Nova”, implementando um modelo educacional francês e um italiano para as faculdades de Filosofia, Ciências e Letras.

Após a ditadura militar, que terminou em 1988, a nova constituição estabeleceu o direito à educação para todos os cidadãos do Brasil, permitindo às universidades autonomia em pesquisa e ensino e promovendo a educação pública gratuita do ensino fundamental ao médio. Posteriormente, em 1996, o Congresso aprovou uma nova reforma que daria às instituições educacionais maior liberdade e flexibilidade na criação de cursos e programas.

Desafios do Sistema Educacional

A tentativa de compreender e interpretar porque a educação no Brasil não progrediu tão rapidamente quanto em outros países depende do contexto histórico. Em resumo, o principal motivo é a ausência de fatores na sociedade brasileira que incentivassem seus cidadãos a estabelecer e nutrir suas instituições acadêmicas. Além disso, tanto em escala nacional quanto regional, o governo brasileiro precisava de mais recursos humanos e financeiros e do impulso necessário para integrar sua população em um sistema educacional uniforme de cima para baixo. Quanto ao desenvolvimento do sistema educacional, duas fortes tendências marcaram sua evolução: a primeira foi a proliferação do ensino fundamental e médio, e a segunda foi o estabelecimento de instituições para conferir competências profissionais e certificações oficiais.

Em seu artigo de 2006 intitulado “The Challenges of Education in Brazil” (Os desafios da educação no Brasil), Simon Schwartzman afirma que o país não tinha um sistema educacional adequadamente desenvolvido devido a vários fatores que dificultaram sua evolução. O domínio da formação de professores foi rebaixado a componentes de menor prestígio das instituições de ensino superior e do setor privado. Ele não cultivou programas robustos de pós-graduação e pesquisa como os das ciências sociais mais acadêmicas, como economia, sociologia, ciência política e ciências naturais.

O isolamento da formação de professores e do tradicional “ensino” de ciências sociais resultou em alguns resultados não intencionais. Isso levou a uma nova geração de professores bem organizados e politicamente motivados que, muitas vezes, precisam de mais habilidades de ensino ou conhecimento do assunto. Muitas vezes, eles precisam de esclarecimentos sobre metodologias ou conteúdo de ensino; surpreendentemente, descartam esses aspectos como insignificantes. Eles percebem a sociedade como injusta, com exploração desenfreada e governos demonstrando apatia em relação aos educadores e à educação. Acreditam que uma mudança significativa só pode ocorrer por meio de uma transformação ou revolução social substancial.

De acordo com Schwartzman, outro fator foi a expansão rápida e descontrolada do sistema educacional sem uma orientação clara e a aposentadoria precoce de muitos professores aposentados, com duas consequências claras. Em primeiro lugar, o ônus financeiro do ensino superior público aumentou drasticamente, o que limitou a capacidade do governo de atender à crescente demanda por ensino superior e manter salários superiores à inflação. Em segundo lugar, apenas uma fração dos indivíduos nomeados possuía a formação e as habilidades necessárias para tarefas acadêmicas avançadas. Para melhorar a qualidade da educação, novas leis foram promulgadas, com o objetivo de promover e aumentar os salários com graus educacionais mais altos, resultando em um crescimento inflacionado de programas de especialização e mestrado.

Outro aspecto essencial a ser destacado é a taxa de jovens que abandonam a educação primária no Brasil. Muitos alunos perdem a motivação para concluir seus estudos primários ou secundários devido à baixa qualidade dos professores e das aulas, ou precisam trabalhar para ganhar dinheiro para si ou para suas famílias. Isso se deve à expansão do sistema acadêmico sem a devida estruturação, com cursos irrelevantes para os jovens ou professores que precisam ser mais motivados.


Uma escola na região nordeste do Brasil (Escola Duarte Coelho) Foto de:


Durante o relatório econômico da OCDE para 2020 e 2021, durante a era Covid-19, foram destacados vários aspectos do sistema educacional que faltam ao Brasil, e foram apresentados desafios sobre seu futuro e evolução. De acordo com o relatório, a composição governamental do país e sua burocracia de dois níveis entre estados e municípios significam que nenhum sistema nacional permite o funcionamento harmônico de papéis e responsabilidades nas diretrizes de como administrar escolas e apresentar uma política educacional coerente. Considerando a estrutura educacional descentralizada do Brasil, que coloca em pé de igualdade os órgãos federais, estaduais e municipais, o estabelecimento de um Sistema Nacional de Educação é complexo. Essa questão, juntamente com as inúmeras propostas mencionadas anteriormente, continua sendo um tema de discussão entre os órgãos governamentais, a sociedade civil e o público em geral.

Outro aspecto destacado pelo relatório da OCDE é a crescente disparidade entre os sistemas de ensino público e privado. Enquanto o sistema público cobre mais de 81% da população jovem, o sistema privado atende à demanda por educação terciária, tecnologia e treinamento universitário. No Brasil, mais de 75% dos alunos de graduação estão matriculados em universidades privadas, em contraste com menos de um terço nos países da OCDE. Nas décadas anteriores, houve um aumento no número de matrículas no setor privado e no número de instituições privadas de ensino superior devido à flexibilização das regulamentações desde o final da década de 1990. Os programas de financiamento do governo, como o Fundo de Financiamento Estudantil (FIES) e o Programa “Universidade para Todos” (ProUni), facilitaram o acesso de estudantes carentes a instituições privadas. Entretanto, uma proporção mais significativa de indivíduos menos abastados está matriculada na rede pública de ensino superior em comparação com as instituições privadas (9,7% versus 5,5%). Em geral, o ensino superior é acessado principalmente pelos indivíduos mais favorecidos.

Esses números também são corroborados pelo relatório apresentado pelo Departamento de Comércio dos EUA em 2023, que mostra como as instituições privadas representam a maior parte do sistema educacional, enquanto as instituições públicas se mostram como órgãos pequenos, incapazes de atender à demanda por ensino superior. As instituições públicas de ensino superior são posicionadas como centros de aprendizado e pesquisa de alta qualidade, com procedimentos de admissão extremamente seletivos e capacidades de expansão limitadas. Por outro lado, as instituições de ensino superior privadas criaram um papel distinto, atendendo principalmente às demandas profissionais do mercado de trabalho. Consequentemente, elas formularam programas adaptáveis para atender às exigências da população ativa.

Projetos e políticas recentes

No relatório apresentado pelo UNICEF em 2018, o Brasil apresentou um programa de desenvolvimento do sistema educacional para o ano de 2021. De acordo com as prioridades nacionais e seguindo as diretrizes estabelecidas nos Objetivos de Desenvolvimento Sustentável (ODS) da ONU, o país focou seus projetos de educação em promover e “facilitar a geração e a troca de conhecimento para identificar as crianças mais excluídas e monitorar e medir o progresso das ações no cumprimento de seus direitos” (UNICEF 4, 2018). Usando a “Teoria da Mudança”, o Brasil se concentrou na criação de parcerias entre entidades públicas e privadas, abrangendo a sociedade civil, a mídia e os setores privados, para garantir o acesso à educação de qualidade para todas as crianças do Brasil, independentemente de seus estratos, etnia ou condições sociais.

Essas políticas impulsionadas pelo UNICEF tinham quatro componentes fundamentais. Em primeiro lugar, “Políticas aprimoradas para crianças excluídas”. Em segundo lugar, “Políticas sociais de qualidade para crianças vulneráveis”. Em terceiro lugar, “Prevenção e resposta a formas extremas de violência”. Além disso, como quarto e último componente, “Cidadania e participação engajadas”.

O relatório final do UNICEF mostrou resultados e progressos em várias facetas da educação no Brasil. Em primeiro lugar, foram reunidas mais evidências sobre as causas do aumento da exclusão de crianças por meio do desenvolvimento da estratégia Busca Ativa Escolar (SAS) e dos programas Caminho Escolar de Sucesso (SSP), usando o sistema SAS para monitorar e medir a identificação e a reintegração de crianças fora da escola.

Como segundo desenvolvimento, foram criados programas especializados para as crianças mais excluídas em nível nacional e subnacional; “pela implementação do SAS, por meio de articulação intersetorial, engajamento da população, diálogo com as famílias e envolvimento das escolas e troca de experiências entre os municípios e estados participantes” (UNICEF 5, 2018).

Em terceiro lugar, a retenção de meninas e meninos no sistema de educação primária aumentou significativamente, graças a políticas intersetoriais que enfatizam a diversidade e incorporam a educação contextualizada. Essas políticas estão incorporadas em uma variedade de iniciativas. Por exemplo, foi realizada uma pesquisa sobre a distorção idade-série e foram produzidos guias práticos para apoiar as estratégias educacionais. Além disso, foi realizado um seminário para apresentar a “Metodologia de Indicadores da Educação Infantil”. Essa iniciativa teve como objetivo promover um estilo de gerenciamento democrático que incentiva a participação de crianças, famílias, professores e funcionários. Um esforço notável é a “Iniciativa Portas Abertas para a Inclusão”, um Curso Online Aberto e Massivo (MOOC). Esse curso orienta como melhorar a inclusão de crianças com deficiências nas escolas, significando uma etapa essencial para a educação inclusiva.

O quarto avanço, apresentado pelo UNICEF, é a melhoria na orientação e nas políticas para a promoção de trajetórias escolares satisfatórias, incluindo crianças e adolescentes que foram vítimas de violência e abandonaram a escola ou estão em risco de abandoná-la, bem como vítimas de trabalho infantil e crianças sem registro civil.

Em quinto lugar, o envolvimento dos cidadãos na defesa dos direitos de meninos e meninas cresceu, principalmente por meio de esforços de defesa pública. A eleição geral no segundo semestre de 2018 foi aproveitada como uma oportunidade única para destacar os direitos de crianças e adolescentes. Isso foi feito por meio da campanha de defesa “More than Promises” (Mais do que promessas), criada em torno de seis questões centrais que os jovens enfrentam. A campanha também propôs ações específicas para que as autoridades eleitas abordassem essas questões, demonstrando uma abordagem proativa para a realização dos direitos das crianças.

Por fim, o relatório afirma que o nível de conhecimento e as oportunidades de mobilização e participação de adolescentes em fóruns públicos de tomada de decisão aumentaram significativamente. Esse crescimento tem sido particularmente evidente em ações que visam aprimorar o desenvolvimento e a participação de adolescentes e jovens em vários debates. Os principais tópicos incluem o uso seguro da Internet e questões de gênero. Como resultado desses esforços, mais de 30.000 adolescentes foram autorizados a participar do programa Busca Ativa Escolar em 2019, refletindo um aumento notável no engajamento dos jovens.

Imagem da capa por Matheus Câmara da Silva em



The Brazilian education system | Education in Brazil : An International Perspective | OECD iLibrary. (n.d.). Retrieved May 9, 2023, from

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UNICEF BRAZIL Programmatic Area – Education Thematic Report March – December 2018. (n.d.). Retrieved May 24, 2023, from

Educational Challenges in the Republic of Colombia: Excelente acceso, baja calidad

Una ‘revolución silenciosa’ en educación

Cuando pensamos en Colombia en la actualidad, tal vez lo primero que se nos viene a la mente es el infame capo de la droga Pablo Escobar, promocionado en la exitosa serie de Netflix, Narcos; o tal vez el largo conflicto civil de décadas entre el gobierno colombiano y los grupos guerrilleros de izquierda, el Ejército de Liberación Nacional (ELN) o las Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias de Colombia (Farc-EP), las cuales firmaron un acuerdo de paz con el gobierno a finales de 2016. A pesar de este contexto, Colombia es el segundo país en el que la mayor cantidad de personas han experimentado un período de crecimiento económico que redijo su pobreza en América Latina. Aclamado como el “milagro colombiano”, y más aún como una “revolución silenciosa” de la educación, Colombia lo ha logrado ampliando los resultados del aprendizaje de los estudiantes, subiendo el listón de la igualdad y la equidad de oportunidades en las escuelas, utilizando la recopilación y el análisis de datos para tomar decisiones informadas y crear políticas, y centrando una mayor cantidad de fondos en ver fructificar las reformas educativas.i

(Fuente: Educación en Colombia: aspectos destacados, OCED, 2016)

Estos logros educativos son, principalmente, el resultado de un control más estricto de las consecuencias de la turbulenta historia de conflictos socio-políticos desde 1948, cuando el candidato presidencial del partido Liberal, Jorge Eliécer Gaitán, fue asesinado y el hecho desató un proceso violento que resultó con el desplazamiento interno de millones de colombianos.ii Dicho control le permitió al gobierno colombiano introducir políticas como “De cero a siempre” en 2010, la cual es hoy el marco común que guía el desarrollo y el bienestar de la primera infancia con un enfoque holístico. Por otra parte, el modelo de “Nueva escuela”, introducido en 2014, amplía la educación rural en las regiones de menos recursos en Colombia, al hacerla más accesible y al enfocarse en la formación de maestros para ofrecer un ambiente estimulante y adaptado al contexto. Y, adicionalmente, el “Currículo 40×40”, un programa implementado por el antiguo secretario de educación de Bogotá, Óscar Sánchez, que incrementó el número de horas en los colegios a 40 en la semana, durante 40 semanas al año, para que los niños puedan participar en actividades extracurriculares, como deporte y arte.iii Estas políticas han aumentado el nivel y la calidad de la educación de los niños colombianos, como lo dejan ver algunas cifras recogidas por la OCED. Por una parte, la participación educativa de la primera infancia y de cuidado (ECED) y la educación terciaria han aumentado de un 40% a un 50%, respectivamente; en cuanto a la tasa de matriculación para menores entre los cero y cinco años, esta pasó de 16% a 41% entre el 2007 y 2013, logrando un incremento en la matriculación bruta del 57% al 76% entre 2002 y 2012.iv Este ha sido el caso en particular para las niñas, quienes entre 1900 y el 2000 vieron aumentar el promedio de años de estudio en un 23%, pasando de 3 a 3,7 años; un aumento en la finalización de su educación secundaria de 37% en 1989 a un 94% para 2011, y su representación en el mercado laboral pasó de un 30% al 43% entre 1990 y 2012.v

Un sistema educativo desigual

A pesar de estas acciones positivas, también es cierto que aún queda un largo camino para que Colombia establezca un sistema de educación basado en la igualdad, sin diferencias entre instituciones públicas y privadas, urbanas y rurales, que provea la misma calidad educativa para todos los estudiantes, y logre tanto el aumento de la matriculación neta y como el mantener la asistencia a lo largo de todo el ciclo de educación de los niños y niñas. En 2017, la organización Children Beyond Our Borders, la cual trabaja por la igualdad de oportunidades en la educación, reportó que 37,2% de estudiantes colombianos no siguen en sus estudios más allá de la enseñanza secundaria superior. Esto ha significado una brecha considerable en el número de colombianos que han obtenido un grado de Ph.D., con una proporción de 7 por cada millón de colombianos; 45,4% de estudiantes se retiraron de la universidad desde 2010, además de aproximadamente un 75% de estudiantes que se retiraron por completo de sus estudios hacia los 17 años; un estimado de 37% de estudiantes empezaron su educación más tarde; y un 41% repitieron por lo menos un grado a la edad de 15 añ Con respecto a la educación universitaria, la tasa elevada de abandono se debe principalmente a que el sistema está sobrecargado y fragmentado, pues hace falta un plan de estudios estandarizado que les permita a los estudiantes alcanzar este grado educativo en iguales condiciones, así como los bajos salarios para los profesores, lo que ha provocado una elevada tasa de absentismo. El gobierno colombiano invierte el 4,6% de su PIB en educación, y tan solo 0,5% de este presupuesto se destina a las zonas rurales. Esto podría explicar por qué dos de cada diez estudiantes de zonas rurales no puede acceder a la educación, con lo que se reproduce el vicioso ciclo de pobreza, desempleo y violencia.vii

En 2018, el Programa para la Evaluación Internacional de Alumnos de la OCDE, PISA, observó que más del 70% de estudiantes de enseñanza secundaria superior carecían de conocimientos básicos de lectura, escritura y aritmética, lo que suponía un obstáculo importante para acceder a las universidades que exigen aprobar el examen de acceso estandarizado ICFES. Las pruebas PISA miden los niveles de competencia en inglés, matemáticas, ciencias naturales, ciencias sociales y cívicas en los grados 3, 5, 9 y 11, y los políticos responsables de este sector aún no han logrado resolver el mayor índice de fracaso escolar en escuelas públicas en comparación a las privadas a la hora de presentar los exámenes.viii Unido a esto, a comienzos de la década de 2010 en el país se vivió un período de tensión debido al programa “Ser Pilo Paga”, una iniciativa que redirigía los fondos públicos a instituciones privadas para subsidiar a aproximadamente 32% de los estudiantes con mejores resultados en la prueba estandarizada nacional para sus estudios universitarios. Así, estos estudiantes con los mejores puntajes podían ingresar a universidades acreditadas, en su mayoría privadas, con becas o préstamos financieros. El programa fue suspendido en 2018, cuando un gran número de estudiantes se manifestaron en contra de la desigualdad injusta y le exigieron al presidente del momento, Iván Duque Márquez, aumentar el gasto para las universidades públicas cuyas matrículas seguían siendo una barrera de acceso para muchos.ix

Aún se mantiene el aparente desequilibrio de la demanda, en el sentido de que cada vez más estudiantes colombianos aspiran a una educación superior (con reportes de un crecimiento de 3.600 en 2001 a 6.276 en 2011), mientras a la vez se mantiene un bajo nivel de calidad, representado por lo que se conoce como “universidades de garaje”, instituciones que funcionan a la par con las instituciones de primer nivel que ocupan puestos relativamente altos en las clasificaciones regionales y mundiales.x Esto se ilustra aún más en la esfera de las oportunidades de educación entrante y saliente. Aunque los colombianos son la séptima población más grande que decide estudiar inglés o ingresar a la formación profesional en el extranjero, el país sigue siendo un destino poco atractivo para estudiantes extranjeros, excepto para los estudiantes venezolanos, quienes también enfrentan una barrera significativa.xi

Barreras para los refugiados de Venezuela

La crisis transversal que vive Venezuela desde 2015 ha provocado que millones de personas huyan del colapso social. Para noviembre de 2020, 1,7 millones de venezolanos estaban viviendo en Colombia, de los cuales aproximadamente 460.000 correspondían a menores en edad escolar.xii El gobierno colombiano y la sociedad civil demostraron su mejor lado al garantizar a los refugiados venezolanos acceso a los servicios de salud y escolarizar a casi 200.000 venezolanos en edad escolar, lo cual se facilitó debido a las similitudes culturales y lingüísticas entre ambas poblaciones.xiii No obstante, algunas barreras aún son evidentes en ciudades como Cúcuta, en donde se ha visto un alto número de niños fuera del sistema escolar y desempleo. Se estima que habría 22.350 venezolanos sin estudios de los 93.000 que viven en Cúcuta para 2020, en relación con el total de 361.433 menores colombianos sin estudio a nivel nacional.xiv Los estudiantes venezolanos y colombianos tienen dificultades para obtener habilidades básicas de alfabetización y aritmética, con niveles de 69% y 65%, 61% t 64%, 70% y 68%, y 93%y 94% respectivamente, cayendo por debajo de los niveles de referencia en fluidez lectora oral, capacidad de comprensión de lectura, y problemas sencillos de suma y resta.xv

Otro tema preocupante es el hecho de que los menores venezolanos sin estudios muestran signos más altos de aprendizaje social y emocional (SEL) que sus compañeros escolarizados, con 66% de los venezolanos y 63% de los colombianos respectivamente mostrando empatía en escenarios negativos hipotéticos. El 76% de los menores venezolanos sin estudios y jóvenes con discapacidades son víctimas de bullying escolar.xvi La UNESCO ha reconocido que otras barreras indirectas incluyen el costo del transporte, los uniformes, la alimentación y los útiles escolares, así como el hecho de que maestros provenientes de Venezuela se enfrentan a retos burocráticos para homologar sus credenciales y que estas sean reconocidas por las autoridades colombianas, lo que podría potencialmente reducir la falta de personal educativo y el hacinamiento en los colegios.xvii De acuerdo con el Comité Internacional de Rescate, estas barreras son el resultado de la sobrecarga al sistema educativo colombiano. Aunque esta organización también aplaude el acceso como un primer paso, pero aboga por mayor atención para que se incluyan a los menores sin estudio, combinando herramientas académicas y de aprendizaje social y emocional (SEL), aumentando la formación docente, y adhiriendo a la Ley de Convivencia de 2013, una directiva que busca que se implementen comités de co-existencia para todas las partes interesadas del sistema educativo.xviii

La pandemia de COVID-19

El brote de COVID-19 amplificó los retos socio-económicos y educativos en todo el territorio colombiano, dejando a muchos estudiantes en riesgo de retirarse de sus estudios por completo y entrar en el mercado laboral.xix En un artículo para el New York Times, Gloria Vásquez explica que graduarse, en Colombia, es un gran logro, ya que en el pasado la mayoría de colombianos no tienen las mismas oportunidades para educarse. Así, explica, “la violencia y el crimen son tan comunes aquí como el carro de helados que recorre la manzana cada tarde”, y muchos padres han trabajado en el pasado como recicladores, recorriendo las calles en busca de cualquier objeto de valor para intentar venderlo.xx La pandemia exacerbó los miedos ya existentes de que muchos menores abandonaran sus estudios, especialmente porque el 50% de los hogares colombianos no pueden pagar una conexión a internet, y los menores no cuentan con los medios digitales para seguir sus clases o completar sus tareas, ni mucho menos mantenerse en contacto con los maestros cuando cerraron las escuelas. Esto se tradujo en una carga adicional para padres muchas veces sin educación que debían asegurar la formación de sus hijos.xxi

Debido a las repercusiones económicas de la pandemia, se estima que 100.000 menores desertaron la escuela en 2020.xxii En entrevista para Peoples Dispatch, un maestro popular de secundaria, Harold García, explicaba que en las ciudades los colegios privados estaban mejor equipados para enfrentar el brote de la enfermedad y duplicaron el trabajo de los maestros que se apuraron a completar el currículo a la vez que aprendían cómo utilizar e incorporar métodos digitales de enseñanza.xxiii Además, García expresó su descontento con la administración del presidente Duque Márquez durante la pandemia, quien desvió recursos públicos que se necesitaban en educación hacia seguridad nacional y para asistir a los bancos.xxiv Los 1,5 millones de indígenas que viven en Colombia, por otra parte, acapararon la atención durante este tiempo. El grupo indígena más numeroso, el pueblo Wayúu, que habita predominantemente en la región de La Guajira, se vio gravemente afectado por el cierre del sector turístico, ya que el 90% de ellos trabajaba informalmente en él, y sólo el 10% tenía acceso suficiente a Internet para trabajar o aprender a distancia.xxv Las iniciativas de la Fundación El Origen aumentaron el acceso de los niños indígenas a la educación virtual en términos de lengua, mediante el uso de aplicaciones, y dotando a 260 niños wayuu de tabletas, que a la vez apoyan los pasos para ampliar la lengua de enseñanza a las 64 lenguas que se hablan fuera del español oficial y ayudan a los pueblos indígenas a romper el ciclo de la pobreza.xxvi

Por último, la COVID-19 puso a los niños en un riesgo significativo de ser reclutados por los grupos guerrilleros restantes como niños soldados, haciendo retroceder los esfuerzos logrados a través del plan nacional 2019 y el Caso No. 7 de la Jurisdicción Especial para la Paz, que tiene como objetivo prevenir el reclutamiento y la violencia sexual contra los niños. Así mismo, se reconoce el trabajo positivo que realizan las organizaciones de la sociedad civil como las Misiones Salesianas y Missioni Don Bosco Onlus para garantizar el acceso a la educación.xxvii Es una estrategia conocida de estos grupos dirigirse a niños que viven en regiones rurales y proceden de un entorno socioeconómico pobre, por lo que son más fáciles de coaccionar debido a su falta de acceso a la educación y a la formación profesional, pero a menudo se convierten en escudos humanos, porteadores, espías, niñas novias, esclavas sexuales o se utilizan para actividades laborales en el actual conflicto civil con el gobierno colombiano.xxviii Para hacer frente a este problema persistente, el Proyecto Borgen ha hecho recientemente un llamamiento al gobierno colombiano para que aplique políticas y medidas más estrictas que desincentiven el reclutamiento, así como para que se exija a la comunidad internacional que adopte planes de ayuda exterior más sustanciales que apunten más hacia un progreso holístico y colectivo.xxix


El sistema educativo colombiano ha dado pasos positivos que han dado grandes resultados en el acceso a la educación. Aún así, destaca la calidad asequible y valiosa en los resultados que la educación debe preparar a los estudiantes para alcanzar niveles superiores de educación o entrar en el mercado laboral. A nivel mundial, la educación es un activo importante que demuestra que los beneficios superan los costes de inyectar tiempo y financiación para impulsar el acceso, la calidad, los resultados y el valor que cada niño recibe a través de su educación, sirviendo como momentos cruciales que definen su futuro y el de sus países. De esta manera, Colombia no sólo atendería la otra mitad del Objetivo 4 de los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible en materia de calidad, sino que reforzaría sus avances para reducir la pobreza, establecer mecanismos duraderos de resolución pacífica y justa, dinamizar el crecimiento económico, alcanzar niveles más robustos de salud y bienestar, y cerrar las brechas de desigualdad que aún persisten.

Escrito por Karl Baldacchino

Editado por Olga Ruiz Pilato

Traducido por Ana María Ocampo Cuesta, del original Educational Challenges in the Republic of Colombia: Great Access, Little Quality.

i Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (2016) ‘Education in Colombia: Highlights’, pp. 2-3; see also Trines, S. (2020) ‘Education in Colombia’. World Education News + Reviews. Available online from: [Accessed on 27/03/2022[.

ii Ventura, R. C. (2018) ‘Girls’ Education in Colombia Continues to on the Path of Progress’. The Borgen Project. Available online from: [Accessed 27/03/2022]; see also Gozzo, F. (2022) ‘The Struggle of Child Soldiers in Colombia’. The Borgen Project. Available online from: [Accessed on 27/03/2022].

iii Ibid.; see also ‘Education in Colombia’; see also Solivan, M. (2014) ‘A City’s Push for Access and Quality Education for All: Report on a Recent Visit to Bogota’. Brookings. Available online from: A City’s Push for Access and Quality Education for All: Report on a Recent Visit to Bogotá ( [Accessed on 27/03/2022]; see also ‘Education in Colombia: Highlights’, pp. 6 & 8.

iv ‘Education in Colombia: Highlights’, pp. 4, 6 & 10.

v ‘Girls’ Education in Colombia Continues to on the Path of Progress’.

vi Moutter, C. (2017) ‘Colombia’s Education System’. Children Beyond Our Borders. Available online from: [Accessed on 27/03/2022]; see also ‘Education in Colombia’; see also Education in Colombia: Highlights’, pp. 6-7, 8 & 10.

vii Ibid.; see also ‘Education in Colombia’.

viii ‘Education in Colombia’; ‘Education in Colombia: Highlights’, p. 10

ix Ibid.; see also Alexandra, Z. (2020) ‘In Colombia, the Pandemic is Widening Inequality in Access to Education’. Peoples Dispatch. Available online from: [Accessed 27/03/2022].

x Ibid.

xi Ibid.

xii International Rescue Committee (2020) ‘Colombia’s Education Crisis: Results from a Learning Assessment of Colombian and Venezuelan Children’, p. 2.

xiii Ibid.; see also ‘Education in Colombia’; see also United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (2020) ‘Significant Efforts by Colombia Ensure that Nearly 200,000 Children and Youth Have access to the Education System’. Available online from: [Accessed on 28/03/2022].

xiv Ibid.

xv Ibid., pp. 3 & 4; see also ‘Significant Efforts by Colombia Ensure that Nearly 200,000 Children and Youth Have access to the Education System’.

xvi Ibid., p.5.

xvii ‘Significant Efforts by Colombia Ensure that Nearly 200,000 Children and Youth Have access to the Education System’.

xviii Ibid., pp. 5 & 6.

xix ‘Education in Colombia’; see also Turkewitz, J. (2021) ‘1+1 = 4? Latin American Confronts a Pandemic Education Crisis’. The New York Times. Available online from: [Accessed 28/03/2022]; see also ‘In Colombia, the Pandemic is Widening Inequality in Access to Education’.

xx 1+1 = 4? Latin American Confronts a Pandemic Education Crisis’.

xxi Ibid.; see also ‘In Colombia, the Pandemic is Widening Inequality in Access to Education’.

xxii Pope, L. (2021) ‘Virtual Learning for Colombia’s Indigenous People’. The Borgen Project. Available online from: [Accessed on 28/03/2022].

xxiii ‘In Colombia, the Pandemic is Widening Inequality in Access to Education’.

xxiv Ibid.

xxv ‘Virtual Learning for Colombia’s Indigenous People’.

xxvi Ibid.; see also ‘Education in Colombia’.

xxvii ‘The Struggle of Child Soldiers in Colombia’.

xxviii Ibid.

xxix Ibid.

Press Release: International Day for Education

Children in classroom with food

On the 24th of January, the world celebrates the importance of education for peace and development with the International Day of Education. In light of this celebration, Broken Chalk reiterates the importance of education as a human right, and reaffirms its mission to address human rights violations in the educational field today. 

UNESCO has declared the theme for this year ”Learning for Lasting Peace” and is dedicating this year’s International Day of Education to the crucial role education and teachers play in countering hate speech. Education is a powerful tool that has the potential to influence future societies. If inclusive and of quality, it promotes understanding, tolerance, and peaceful coexistence among individuals and communities.

Today, a staggering 250 million children and youth find themselves out of school, while 763 million adults grapple with illiteracy. Access to education is highly unequal, meaning not every child has the same opportunity for development. Broken Chalk deems this situation unacceptable, recognizing that the right to education is being violated on a massive scale.

Broken Chalk reiterates its commitment towards Goal 4 of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development (SDG4), in ensuring inclusive and equitable quality education. Considering the theme of International Day of Education 2024, “Learning for Lasting Peace”, Broken Chalk recognises that the worryingly high number of international conflicts in the last year has detrimentally affected the ability of people to access equitable and quality education. Broken Chalk calls for all stakeholders to do their utmost to focus on peaceful resolutions and policies in order to allow for greater educational accessibility and peace for students around the world.

On this International Day of Education, it is essential to recognise the importance of teachers for their role in the journey towards inclusive and equitable education. Regrettably, there is a growing shortage of teachers across the world, significantly impacting educational access and quality. Broken Chalk commits to continuing its practice of publishing “Educational Challenges” articles. Broken Chalk hopes that these articles will bring to light the difficulties teachers and other stakeholders face in their respective countries. By ensuring that the narrative around education development is broadened to include the perspectives and challenges of teachers, Broken Chalk believes that there will be more significant progress towards achieving universal education accessibility, quality and equity.

In addition to its ongoing efforts, Broken Chalk will publish several articles in celebration of the International Day of Education. Broken Chalk will continue to raise awareness, encourage dialogue, address human rights violations in education, and drive action to achieve quality education for all. 

Broken Chalk announces it to the public with due respect.


Broken Chalk


Written by Panashe Mlambo
In recent years, several European countries, including Finland, Poland, France, England, the Netherlands, and Sweden, have begun to recognize the impact of unrestricted mobile phone use in schools. These nations are actively addressing concerns over student focus and engagement by introducing varying degrees of regulation or even outright bans on mobile phone use during school hours. Here, we explore how each country is responding to this trend and the motivations driving these policies. This opinion piece is based on the trend analysis collected on the countries mentioned over the past 1 year.
France: Early Adopter of School Phone Bans
France has led the way since 2018 with a nationwide ban on mobile phones in primary and middle schools. This move was intended to reduce distractions and encourage interpersonal connections among students, setting a precedent for other European nations. French authorities argue that the ban has fostered a healthier learning environment and contributed positively to classroom dynamics . In the 2024 academic year the country continued to enforce their ban.
Finland: Legislation for a Focused Learning Environment
In 2024, Finland’s National Agency for Education issued guidelines discouraging disruptive phone use in classrooms and during breaks, aiming to enhance focus and provide a calm atmosphere for learning. Plans to reinforce these recommendations through formal legislation are underway, with a draft expected to be presented to Parliament. This proactive approach reflects a growing national commitment to ensuring that mobile devices do not interfere with educational activities .
Poland: Building Consensus for Classroom Phone Restrictions
In Poland, discussions around the negative effects of mobile phones on students’ concentration and academic performance have gained traction. Although specific legislative actions are still in discussion, there is an emerging agreement among educators and policymakers regarding the need to limit mobile usage in classrooms. This shift mirrors the broader European trend of prioritizing student engagement over digital convenience .
England: School-Level Policies for Reducing Distractions
Unlike France’s national legislation, England’s approach varies by school, with many institutions adopting their own restrictive policies on phone usage. Some schools have opted for complete bans, while others have set limits on when and how devices can be used. These policies reflect a collective recognition of the importance of minimizing distractions and enhancing focus on academic content.
Netherlands: Localized Debates and Institutional Policies
In the Netherlands, the debate over mobile phone use in schools has prompted some municipalities to advocate for stricter controls. Schools are encouraged to implement individualized policies that address mobile-related challenges, showing a national willingness to adapt to the evolving technological landscape in education. This flexible approach allows each institution to tailor regulations to meet its specific needs .
Sweden: Government Support for School-Level Regulations
In Sweden, similar to the approach in England, the government supports initiatives allowing schools to create their own policies on mobile phone use. This approach is aligned with the country’s focus on educational quality and aims to strengthen student focus by minimizing technological interruptions. Swedish policies thus aim to balance autonomy at the school level with an overarching goal of fostering productive learning environments
Conclusion: A Unified Vision for Enhanced Learning Environments
The movement to restrict mobile phone use in schools underscores a unified European commitment to improving students’ educational experiences. Although each country adopts its own approach—ranging from national laws to individual school policies—the common goal remains clear: to minimize distractions, enhance concentration, and foster healthier learning environments. As mobile technology continues to permeate students’ lives, these initiatives represent a collective effort to strike a balance between digital engagement and focused, face-to-face learning.

1.Yle. (2024, August 5). Finnish National Agency for Education recommends schools prohibit disruptive mobile phone use. 2.Xinhua. (2024, August 6). Finland’s education agency recommends restrictions on mobile phone use in schools.
3.Daily Finland. (2024, August 7). School mobile phone ban sparks debate in Finland.
4.Yle. (2024, October 30). Finnish government prepares legislation to limit mobile phone use in schools.
5.Phone Locker. (n.d.). Mobile phone use in Finnish classrooms.
6.European Conservative. (2024). Finland moves against cell phones in schools.

7.Anadolu Agency. (2024). Smartphone bans in schools: Where is it happening and why?
8.CNE News. (2024). School ban on smartphones is winning ground in Europe.
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